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Teacher News Alert: Conmen Targeting Teachers

The latest teacher news alert is that the County Director of Education for Meru County, Mr. Nzioka M. M. is alerting the general teacher fraternity of conmen targeting unsuspecting teachers of money to purported IT training in Rwanda.

Phone Numbers used by the Conmen

According to Mr. Nzioka, the conmen are using the following three phone numbers;

  • 0732662372,
  • 0769932617, and
  • 0708418161.

What do the Fraudsters Ask from Teachers?

“The conmen are asking for Ksh. 15,000 claiming that they will facilitate the teachers to acquire the Passports”, reports the Meru County Director of Education.

Mr. Nzioka further asks the general public to share and inform teachers in their areas so that they may not fall victim to the conmen.

The DCI has been Notified about the Fraudsters

“I have shared the above numbers with the Director of Criminal Investigation DCI, for further investigations” added Mr. Nzioka.

TSC Released Teachers’ Details to the Public

On the 30th of December 2019, the Teachers Service Commission released an Excel list of teachers who had not declared their wealth online by then.

The TSC list released to the public contained the names, TSC number, phone numbers, current stations, and locality.

That list has made teachers be more prone to fraudsters as their personal information is in the public domain.


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