TSC Shares Link to Correct Errors During Job Application
Following the ongoing process of recruitment by TSC, teachers have been excited about the opportunity to be employed on permanent and pensionable terms. This comes after the government set aside Kshs. 6.5 billion to be used by the Ministry of Education for recruiting new teachers and improving infrastructure. Just like with many other sectors the education ministry was also going to be cushioned from the negative effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Students have been stuck at home since March following the closure of schools because of the pandemic and with teachers either retiring or leaving the profession due to natural reasons like death; new slots have been made available plus also any other additions the government will permit to aid in addressing the still worrying teacher-student ratio.
However, the process of applying for a teaching TSC job by trained teachers has not been plain sailing. It has been widely reported by some teachers especially those on the internship programme that they are experiencing difficulties in applying for the newly advertised vacancies.
The problem arose from erroneous feeding on the TSC website whereby those whose birthday reflected the year 1970. This made them ineligible to apply for the advertised posts.
TSC has now recognized this anomaly and they have provided a link that can help solve the anomaly. Teachers with this particular issue have been advised to use this link to get help.
The link provided takes you to the TSC webpage for providing data to ‘facilitate correction of errors for new applicants’ date of birth e.g. those showing 1970’.
On the provided link, you will be able to see the following headers and a drop-down menu or space you can type the required details. The following is the simple procedure you will use.
- Choose the problem that you are reporting by clicking on the drop-down arrow as shown. You can then choose the problem as Date of Birth, TSC Number, Name, or any other problem that you have.

2. Enter your surname, First Name, and your other names.

3. After entering your name, next, you will enter your TSC number, ID number, email address, and you Date of Birth.

4. Next, you will choose the category of your school as either primary or secondary school and then your subject combination.

5. Finally, after confirming your details provided as correct, click the Submit button and you are done.
If you are an unemployed teacher or on the internship programme and are applying for a TSC job, click on these links on this blog to know how to apply and available vacancies.
- HRMIS Procedure on how to apply for the Advertised Teaching Vacancies and Promotions in September 2020.
- Central Region List of New Recruitment Vacancies (new additional teachers).
- List of schools with TSC replacement vacancies for secondary school teachers September 2020.
- September 2020 TSC Vacancies and Replacements for Primary and Secondary school teachers.
- Nyanza Region TSC list of new recruitment vacancies (new additional teachers).
What Other Issues Have Been Reported?
Other issues that the applicants experienced include issues with TSC number and subject combinations when applying online.
TSC head of Corporate Affairs, Beatrice Wababu shared the link for individuals having the aforementioned problems.
“If you come across such challenges, please fill in the details in the link provided here. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue,” she said.
TSC applicants for the advertised jobs are required to choose six(6) schools offering employment vacancies in the subjects of specialization. Three out of the six options are from 100 transition vacancies while the other three are from the replacement slots.
Just like most of the websites that the government provides, the main issue is how slow or inaccessible they become when many people are accessing them. For instance, the NEMIS website loads very slowly and sometimes bring errors when trying to enter the required information. Hopefully, the TSC website will give applicants little problems, and if any, TSC should respond immediately and solve any resulting issues ASAP.
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