TSC Latest News On How to Access TSC Services amid the Pandemic
Teachers Service Commission, TSC, in its latest news updates, has issued guidelines on the specific services available to the public, where, and how they can be accessed.
Through their online media communication platforms, TSC wrote, “The Commission has put in place the following measures in place to serve you while ensuring your safety from COVID-19 pandemic”.
“As we play our part in the fight to contain the spread of Covid-19 pandemic, the Commission has put the following measures to serve you while ensuring your safety”, noted TSC.
Various TSC Service Types and Channel of Communication/Service Delivery
In the latest TSC news updates, the commission advised individuals with general inquiries to send emails to info@tsc.go.ke.
The general inquiries specified includes issues related to; TSC Promotions, TSC Allowances, Change of TSC Pay point, Teachers’ Union Validation, Updating next of kin records, issues on salary, Coding, TSC teacher transfers, TSC Deployment, TSC appointment letters, TSC reinstatement, study leave, Correction of KRA Pin, and Tax exemption.
TSC Confirmation of Appointment
Teachers or individuals with issues related to TSC confirmation of appointments, will be served at the County/Sub County TSC offices.
The commission clearly stated that the persons will be required to visit their respective TSC County or TSC Sub-County offices where they are stationed.
How to Submit Pension Documents to the Teachers Service Commission TSC
In order to submit your TSC pension documents to the commission, simply do as follows:
- Clearly scan the pension documents, and send them through the TSC email: info@tsc.go.ke
- Send the documents through the Teachers Service Commission mail address: Private Bag – 00100, Nairobi.
How to Follow Up on Progress of TSC Pension Claims
Teachers can simply follow up on the progress of their TSC pension claims online through the TSC online website: www.tsc.go.ke and click on the ‘Pension Status’ link.
From the website, you can view the pension files delivered to the treasury, (click here), or, also access Pensions Dependents, Widow and Widowers Declaration Forms, (click here)

TSC Teacher Sacco Clearance Services and Third-Party Issues
A TSC employee who needs services relating to clearance from the Sacco, need not to physically visit the commission’s offices. The commission needs an email sent from the Sacco and will work on the matter.
Pertaining to the TSC third part issues, simply email the commission through info@tsc.go.ke with the details.
How to Sign TSC Loan Forms
TSC teachers applying for loans from banks, Sacco, e.t.c, and needs the loan forms signed by the Teachers Service Commission, should visit the respective TSC County Office or the TSC Sub-County Office where they are stationed.
TSC Number Teacher Registration and Follow Up on Registration
Registration of Teachers to obtain TSC number is done purely online. Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to apply for TSC Registration Online. For requirements before teacher registration, read this article: TSC Registration of Teachers, Requirements, and Deregistration Process.
TSC Online Payslips and Registration of Online Payslips
The teachers’ service commission has directed that services related to the online payslips be handled online.
To access the service about the TSC online payslip, visit the TSC website T-pay https://payslip.tsc.go.ke.

For new registration of TSC online payslips, visit the respective Teachers Service Commission, TSC, County Office where you are stationed.
How to Inquire on TSC Hearing of Disciplinary Cases
In order to get the latest TSC details concerning the disciplinary Cases such as the hearing, or verdict, send your inquiry to the TSC’s official email address info@tsc.go.ke.
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