2020 TSC Teacher Interns are Eligible to Apply for Current Replacement Vacancies, Says TSC
The Teachers Service Commission TSC has clarified that the currently employed teachers under the 2020 TSC teacher Internship programme are eligible to apply for the current advertised teacher replacement vacancies for primary schools and Secondary schools.
TSC said this while responding to Kauma Tony on twitter after asking the commission whether the teachers on internship were are allowed to apply for the current 2020 TSC jobs replacing teachers who had exited service through natural attrition.

A total of 2,120 replacement posts/Vacancies were advertised by the commission, 1591 posts for Primary Schools and 529 posts for Secondary Schools.
Requirements for the 2020 TSC Replacement Vacancies for Primary and Secondary Teachers for September-December 2019
TSC has stipulated the following requirements for teachers interested in applying for the above vacancies:
- Be Kenya citizens.
- Must have original Professional and Academic Certificates.
- Must be registered as a teacher as per Section 23 of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012.
- Applicants for vacancies in Primary schools must be holders of P1 Certificate and will be selected from the County merit lists compiled during the August 2019 recruitment of additional teachers’ exercise.
- Successful candidates will be deployed to serve in stations in any part of the country and not necessarily in the County where they were recruited.
Academic Qualifications for 2020 TSC Replacement Vacancies for Primary and Secondary Teachers for Sept-Dec 2019
- Applicants for vacancies in Post Primary institutions must be holders of a minimum of Diploma in Education Certificate.
How to Apply to the above TSC January 2020 Replacement Vacancies
- Interested candidates should apply to the Secretary, Board of Management of the School/Institution where the vacancy has been advertised and submit a copy to the TSC County Director.
TSC 2020 Teacher Replacement Application Deadline
- All interested candidates should submit their applications to the respective County Directors and Boards of Management as above not later than Wednesday 5th February, 2020.
The Teachers Service Commission will only deal with TSC County Selection Panels and Boards of Management in this exercise. Individual application to the Commission will NOT be considered.
Successful applicants must not fill employment forms in more than one station as this will lead to disqualification.
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You Comment but don’t corrupt the delocalized teachers back to their former counties and to their former stations after one year