KEWOTA: Formation, Purpose, Leadership, and How Women Teachers Can Join
A number of female TSC teachers are infuriating on the recent deductions from their payslips by KEWOTA. Many are still wondering what this ‘KEWOTA’ is and what it does.
In this article we tell you all the information about KEWOTA. What it is, how it was formed, their leaders, what it does, and how to join.
What is KEWOTA?
Kewota stands for Kenya Women Teachers Association. Kewota is not a union. Rather it is a welfare society for Kenyan women teachers.
Kewota was initiated, formed and registered way back in 2007.
It was formed with the sole purpose of giving the female teachers and their families financial, social, and economic opportunities to improve their living standards.
Functions of Kewota Women’s Welfare
1. Empower Women Financially to achieve personal financial freedom.
2. Sponsor and Mentor women teachers to reach great height in life.
3. Champion for, Facilitate and coordinate Development projects for members.
4. Lobby, Notify, and Sponsor female teachers in Investment opportunities.
5. Advocate for better Career and workplace conditions.
6. Trains, mentors and sponsors female teachers so that together they can stop gender-based violence and FGM, and to empower the girl child in communities.
Who are the KEWOTA Office Bearers?
Kewota’s leaders are:

- Benta Opande – CEO
- Dorothy Muthoni – National Chairperson
- Jacinta Ndegwa – National treasurer
- Hon. Catherine Wambilyanga – Asst. Nat. Treasurer
KEWOTA Membership
Membership into the welfare is strictly for female teachers. They should be employed by the TSC, private schools, ECDE institutions, SNE and in the general cation sector, including colleges and training institutes.
The welfare society claims it has tens of thousands of female teachers under its organization umbrella.
How To Join KEWOTA Welfare Organization
As long as you are a female teacher, whether employed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC ) or not, you can join KEWOTA welfare.
How TSC Employed Teachers Can Join KEWOTA: Step-by-Step Procedure.
1: Visit your online TSC payslip website:
2. Login with your TSC details to fully access the TSC website Payslip portal.
3: Under 3rd Parties, click on ‘Click Here to Send your Payslips’.
4: Click on: “Click here to Send Your payslips”.
5: Once the menu Box Opens, Click on the drop-down “Select Category” and select “SWA”the last in the list.
6: On Select The Company: Click On Kenya Women Teachers Association(KEWOTA).
7: *Once You are Sure* CLICK The Send Payslip and it is done.
8: You will see a pop-up message in GREEN: You have successfully sent your latest payslip to Kenya Women Teachers Association.
9: Log out of the TSC portal, you are done.
How Non-TSC Employed Teachers Can Join KEWOTA
1. Visit the following website link:
2. Enter your email address and phone number on the form shown on the page.
3. KEWOTA will email you back with the membership application form.
4. Fill the KEWOTA application form.
5. Contact Kewota after filling the form. They will then direct you to their offices or pick up the form from you.
KEWOTA Contacts
The following are the contact details we managed to access:
Phone: +254786486681
Email address:
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