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2020 CBC Training Dates and Payment Rates

The Competency-Based Curriculum CBC Training for teachers and related stakeholders for 2020 is on course and ready to start with payment rates and other reimbursements clearly stated.

2020 CBC Training Dates

The CBC training is slated to start tomorrow on the 2nd of January 2020 and will run until the 5th of January 2020.

CBC Training Allowances and Remuneration

The Teachers Service Commission TSC set the rates at which the CBC trainees and trainers will be paid during the exercise. The rates cover the remuneration, meals, travel allowances for teachers, Headteachers, and the Curriculum Support Officers CSO, who will be attending the training. 


Teachers and HeadTeachers: CBC Zonal Training Payment Rates

  1. Each teacher will be reimbursed a traveling allowance of Kshs.300 for each day.
  2. On meals, Common lunch shall be provided at Kshs.400 per day per participant and facilitators for the 5 days.
  3.  For stationary Kshs.100 has been provided per participant.
  4. Kshs.1000 per day for the accommodation.

Regional Directors of Education RDEs, County Directors CDEs, Deputy Directors Payment Rates

The officials from the County i.e the Regional Directors of Education RDEs, County Directors of Education CDEs, and their Deputy Directors will be remunerated as follows as per the prevailing job groups;

  1. Meals: The above officials, 2 drivers, and the County Accountants will be given a lunch allowance of up to a maximum of Ksh. 1,500 per day. 
  2. The fuel of Kshs.5, 000 shall be given per vehicle for a maximum of 2 vehicles per county, and 3 vehicles for counties hosting the Regional Director.
  3. Kshs.3,000 as a daily subsistence allowance to cater for accommodation.

Curriculum Support Officers and CBC Champions Payment Rates

The Curriculum Support Officers CSO and the Competency-Based Curriculum Champions will be remunerated as follows:

  1. Kshs.1000 as facilitation allowance per day. 
  2. Traveling expenses reimbursement to and from, as per prevailing fares up to a maximum of Kshs.1000 (For CSO) and 800 (for the Champions).
  3. Kshs. 3,000 daily subsistence allowance to cater for accommodation for 4 days.

In addition to the above, the training institution to provide venue and meals (2 teas and lunch) at Kshs.400 per day for 3 days and stationery at Kshs.100 per participant.

How the Payments to CBC Training Participants will be made

 There shall be not cash withdrawals and payments to the CBC training participants at the venue, rather all payments shall be processed through banks.

Alternatively, the funds may be disbursed through bulk M-Pesa services offered by the bank.

The County Account shall prepare payment schedules in the format prescribed by their respective banks.

The County Director shall approve all payment schedules before dispatch to the bank

A copy of the schedule acknowledged by the bank shall be retained by the Accountant.




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