Mr.Gabriel K. Manyara is the Principal for Makueni Kenya Medical Training College, KMTC, located at Wote town in Makueni County.
This page contains the updated details concerning the 2020/2021 intakes, admissions process, courses and programs, fee structure, student population, and working contact details for the Makueni Campus KMTC College.
Makueni Campus KMTC Location
The Makueni Campus Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) is one of the 71 KMTC Colleges in Kenya. As stated, the college is located at Wote town in Makueni County. It is headed by Principal Mr.Gabriel K. Manyara.
This college became operational from 2014.
2020/2021 Makueni Campus KMTC Intake and Admissions Details
In order to join the Makueni Kenya Medical Training College, you have to apply online through the KMTC website:

Upon successful application, the candidate will join the college either in March or September.
How to Apply for KMTC March/September Intake with Applications Fee Details
All applications for either March or September intake are done online through the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) website:
The application process is accompanied by an application fee of Kshs. 2022. Pay the amount using Safaricom MPESA pay bill No. 964150.
Call and Email Contacts for Inquiries on KMTC Admissions and Application
For any query or inquiry relating to the KMTC application process, use the following details:
- 0736993813
- 0736212060
- 0723000429
- 0723004516
Alternatively, walk into Makueni Campus KMTC or any nearest KMTC Campus in Kenya for help with the application process.
Makueni Campus KMTC Student Population
This campus hosts a student population of over 409. However, the number is expected to increase with future intakes.
Makueni Campus KMTC Courses, Programmes, and Duration
Course duration for KMTC Certificate Courses is 2 years with the exception of nursing which takes 2 ½ years. 3 years for the Diploma Courses except Community Health Nursing which lasts 3 ½ years.
KMTC Makueni Campus offers both Certificate and Diploma Courses.
Here are the courses offered at Makueni Campus
Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics
Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN) Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics (upgrading)
More Courses to be offered in the campus in future includes:
Environmental Health Sciences,
Clinical Medicine,
Medical Engineering and
Health Records and Information Technology.
Makueni Campus KMTC Minimum Entry Requirements for Certificate, Diploma, and Higher Diploma Courses
The minimum entry requirement for admissions to pursue a KMTC Certificate Course is a minimum aggregate of C- in KCSE. In addition, specific qualifications in cluster subjects will be looked into.
For Diploma Courses: a minimum mean grade of C plain (or its equivalent) in KCSE is mandatory, in addition, a combination of other subjects such as English, Kiswahili, Biology, Biological Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Physical Sciences, matters a lot.
Higher Diploma Courses require a minimum of a basic Diploma in relevant fields, and at least a minimum of two years working experience.
Makueni Campus KMTC Fees Structure and Payment Details
The KMTC fee structure is categorized into two based on the student admissions criteria, i.e, government-sponsored (Regular)or Self Sponsored students (Private).
Makueni KMTC Campus Fees Structure for Government Sponsored Students (Regular Students)
- Registration Fee 2,000
- Tuition Fee 30,000
- Examination Fee 10,000
- Activity Fee 7,000
- Research and Development Fee 10,000
- Maintenance Levy 9,000
- Library and ICT services 3,000
- Transport Levy 9,000
- Student Identity Card 700
TOTAL Fees for KMTC Regular Students KSHS. 80,700.
Kindly note that the above fee structure does not include the student accommodation fees. Accommodation fees shall be paid after successful admission on campus.
Kenya Medical Training College Makueni KMTC Campus Fees Structure for Self-Sponsored Students (Private Students)
- Registration Fee 2,000
- Tuition Fee 70,000
- Examination Fee 10,000
- Activity Fee 7,000
- Research and Development Fee 10,000
- Maintenance Levy 9,000
- Library and ICT services 3,000
- Transport Levy 9,000
- Student Identity Card 700
TOTAL Fees for KMTC Private Students KSHS. 120,700.
Kindly note that the above fee structure does not include the student accommodation fees. Accommodation fees shall be paid after successful admission on campus.
KMTC – Makueni Campus Principal Details
The campus is managed by Mr.Gabriel K. Manyara who is the Principal. The Principal’s office can be reached through phone number(s): 0706037168 , or email address
Makueni Campus KMTC Phone and Other Contact Details
Use the following official details to contact KMTC Makueni Campus:
- Official Postal Address: The Principal, KMTC Makueni Campus, P. O. BOX 198-90300 Makueni.
- Working Phone Contacts: 0706037168.
- Official Email Address:
Makueni Campus KMTC Clinical Training Stations/Sites
Other than using the Makueni County Teaching and Referral Hospital next to the Campus, students also use Rural Health facilities within and outside Makueni County for their clinical experience. These clinical areas include:
Makueni County Referral Hospital Makindu Sub County Hospital Kibwezi Sub County Hospitals Tawa Sub County Hospitals
Mbooni Sub County Hospital
Sultan Hamud Sub County Hospital
Mbumbuni Sub County Hospital and
Mtito Andei Health Centre.
In order for our students to gain a hands-on experience and specialized placement, the various County Teaching and Referral Hospitals are also used.
Available Facilities at Makueni Campus KMTC
Makueni Campus has the following facilities for use by both staff and students:
Dining hall
Kitchen store
8 classrooms capacity of 50 students.
Skillslab classroom
Computer room.
Makueni Campus KMTC Clubs and Activities
Students on the campus get involved in Sports, Societies, and Clubs, of their choice. There are numerous activities that a student can indulge in.
clubs and societies sports and community service
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