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Kenya’s 2024 School Co-Curricular Activities Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

The Ministry of Education in Kenya has recently unveiled the much-anticipated calendar for the 2024 Schools’ co-curricular activities. This comprehensive schedule, which spans the entire academic year, outlines a variety of events and activities that will engage students in a range of disciplines, from sports to drama to science and engineering.

Term 1: A Focus on Sports and Arts

2024 Term 1 Secondary School Games

In Term 1, secondary school games will take center stage in the Eastern Region, with Machakos County playing host from April 6-14. These games provide an opportunity for students to showcase their athletic prowess, engage in healthy competition, and foster camaraderie among their peers.

Simultaneously, Rift Valley’s Nakuru County will be a hub of activity as it hosts both secondary and special school sports. This inclusive approach ensures that all students, regardless of their abilities, have the opportunity to participate and excel in sports.

2024 Term 1 Primary School Games

Meanwhile, primary schools in the Central Region, specifically in Nyeri County, will hold their Athletics events from April 6-12. These events are a testament to the Ministry’s commitment to nurturing young talent and promoting physical fitness from an early age.

2024 Drama Festivals

In addition to sports, the arts are also given prominence in the 2024 calendar. As per Kenya’s 2024 School Co-Curricular Activities Calendar, Drama Festivals are scheduled to take place in Embu, with Embu University and Kangaru School serving as the hosts. These festivals are a platform for students to express their creativity, hone their performance skills, and gain confidence.

2024 Science And Engineering Fair (KSEF)

Rounding off the Term 1 activities is the Science and Engineering Fair, set to take place in Nairobi County from April 6-12 at Moi Girls’ School. This event underscores the importance of STEM education and encourages students to explore and innovate in these fields.

Term 2: Continued Engagement in Sports and Special Events

2024 Colleges Games

As we move into Term 2, the focus shifts to Kenya Training Colleges, which will conduct their ball games, goal ball, and Paralympics events at Machakos TTC from June 3-13. These events not only promote physical fitness but also instill a sense of discipline and teamwork among the students.

2024 Term 2 Secondary School Games

Secondary school games will continue in Kisii County from July 29 to August 7, featuring a variety of sports including Football, Volleyball, Rugby 7s, Badminton, and Table Tennis. These games are a testament to the diverse sporting talents of Kenyan students and their competitive spirit.

2024 Term 2 Special School Games

Kisumu will be the venue for Term II special schools games, further emphasizing the Ministry’s commitment to inclusive education and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to participate in co-curricular activities.

2024 Primary School Games

Finally, primary school ball games are set to transpire in Kakamega from July 30 to August 7, marking the culmination of a vibrant and engaging Term 2, and Kenya’s 2024 School Co-Curricular Activities Calendar.

A Word from the Ministry of Education

While the Ministry of Education has not released an official statement regarding the 2024 co-curricular activities calendar, its commitment to holistic education is evident in its comprehensive planning and organization of these events. The Ministry formulates and implements education and training policies, standards, curricula, examinations, and the granting of university charters. It is also responsible for the management of universities, tertiary educational institutions, and other institutions of research and higher learning.

It’s important to note that these dates and locations are subject to change, and it’s always a good idea to check with the relevant authorities for the most accurate information. Despite these potential changes, the 2024 co-curricular calendar reflects the Ministry of Education’s dedication to holistic education, promoting not just academic excellence but also physical fitness, creativity, and overall personal development among Kenyan students.

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