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KUCCPS Places 122,831 Students On Government-Sponsored Degree

KUCCPS will place 122,831 students on government-sponsored degree courses out of the 125,463 students who sat for last year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination.

While launching the academic calendar for students on Tuesday Education CS Prof George Magoha said that another 88,724 will join Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs. 2,632 of the 88,724 students who will join the TVET institutions, have already qualified to join university but chose to join TVET institutions instead.

“A substantial number of students who had grade C+ (plus) chose to join Technical and Vocational Education and Training centers. This decision should be encouraged given the negative mindset that people have been having against TVET is now changing,” he said.

In last year’s exams, 689,007 candidates sat for the KCSE examination, and 125,463 attained the grade of C+ and above, which qualifies them for mean grade for university entry.
Among the students who will not join university, 53,726 students will join diploma courses while 29,112 will join Craft Certificate, and 5,886 to Artisan certificate courses.

Prof. George Magoha also added that there are still slots available for government-funded placements in TVET institutions and universities since 145,129 slots were available for TVET institutions and 276,163 slots for universities.

In terms of gender, the Education Ministry boss said there are 70,050 male candidates while there were 52,781 females students placed in universities. For those placed in TVET institutions, 49,029 were female while 39,695 were male.

He implored colleges and universities to contact students placed in those institutions and speed up their admission process so as to continue with online learning amid the novel Coronavirus crisis that necessitated the suspension of learning in schools in favor of learning online from home.

“Colleges and universities have been asked to contact their expected students and given then joining information and fast track their academic journey as most universities have continued with online learning during the Corovirus pandemic period,” he said.

Prof George Magoha also said 331 applicants were those with disabilities. KUCCPS gave these candidates first priority for their preferred courses for which they met the minimum admission requirements.

The candidates can access details of their placement through their respective portals on the KUCCPS website.

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