1. MEANING OF TALENTS (pg 1,2,3- pre CRE 6 and quick reading pg 1)
- They are special gift that God has given us.
- Physical talents include athletics, singing, and football e.t.c.
- Mental talents are expressed through knowledge of subjects e.g. mathematics, English e.t.c
- Each person has been given different talents of God
- We should use our talents to serve God and others.
- We should appreciate our God given talents.
1 Samuel 16:14-23
- The spirit of God left Saul and evil spirits tormented him
- Kings servants asked him to look for someone who would soothe the spirits
- David son of Jesse was indentified because he was a talented Harp player
- David was also talented as a good speaker, soldier and a shepherd.
- Whenever King Saul was tormented by evil spirits David played harp and the evil spirits left Saul.
- David served king Saul and was even chosen to be carrying kings Saul’s weapons.
- King David killed goliath
- King David captured Jerusalem city from Jebusites.
- King David made Jerusalem capital city of Israel.
- King David brought the Ark of Covenant to Jerusalem.
- King David married King Saul’s daughter.
- King David defeated most of Israelites enemies.
- King David was promised an everlasting kingdom and King; also called “man after God’s own heart”
- King David desired Uriah’s wife
- King David planned uriah’s death and took his wife
- Prophet Nathan warned him against his sin and building Jerusalem temple.
2. Uses of talents at home, school and free time
a) At home
- Helping our parents with work e.g washing utensils, cooking, digging
- Knitting and sewing
- Operating machine
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- Jesus compared the kingdom of God with the parable of 3 servants
- A master shared his part of property with 3 servants.
- He gave each according to ability. 1st was given _ , the 2nd was given
and the 3rd was given silver coins.
- The servants used the talents in different ways and the first two got profit.
- Third servant did not use his talents to make profit but hid it. How was he punished
- God will reward us if we use our talents to serve Him.
b) At school
- Playing games
- Clubs and societies.
- Studying
- _____________
- _____________
1 Corinthians 12:4-7
- Different kinds of gifts but given by same spirit
- Gifts of Holy Spirit:-
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- There are different ways of serving but the same Lord is served
- There are different abilities but the same Lord gives them.
- Should use our talents in school to glorify God and benefit of others.
c) Free time {leisure time}
- visiting the sick
- visiting the aged
- visiting orphanages
- Participating in voluntary work
1 Peter 4:10-11
- We should use our gifts for the good of others\
- However preaches must preach God’s message
- Whoever serves must serve with God’s strength for His Glory. Nb:
- We should be good managers of our talents
- We should use our talents for the good of others.
- Questions
- God rejected Saul to lead Israelites as their king because?
- When evil spirits tormented king _____________, would sooth the evil spirits by
- In the parable of the three servants, why did the mater punish the 3rd servant?
- State 5 parables Jesus used in His Ministry
- Prophet_____________tore his robe into 12 pieces and gave 10 pieces to _____________ and the rest two were to be given to _____________ {1 kings 11:26-40}
The meaning of abilities
- An ability is the power to use a certain skill or power to do something
- Ability can be learnt in school or from other people
Examples of abilities
Painting, weaving, embroidery, _____________
Exodus 35:31-35
- Bazalel son of Uri and Ohalib son of Ahisamach were given by God various artistic skills.
- God gave Bazalel abilities to
- Weave
- Embroidery
- Curve [craftsman}
- Work with gold, silver
- Carpentry
c) Abilities are God given for well-being of ourselves. And others.
- Improving our abilities at school
- A school consists of members from different families and backgrounds
- We all have different abilities
- We should always pray for God’s wisdom on how to improve abilities.
- We should seek advice on how to improve our abilities.
- We should always practice using abilities to help others in school
- We should work harder and smarter, listen to instructions given and share with others. 1 Corinthians 12:4-10
The gifts of the Holy Spirit include
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
e) Improving our abilities at work By:-
- Assisting fellow workmates
- Asking assistance
- Asking for God’s help
- Being responsible
- Being committed
- Being honest
John 13:12-15
- Jesus demonstrated service by washing his disciples feet
- Jesus set a good example of humility in our services
Exodus 36:1-2
- Moses called Bazalel and Oholiab and all skilled men.
- These men worked together and build the sacred tent each working according to God given ability.
- Therefore, we should be willing to improve our abilities at work.
f) The work of Christians and God
- Christian work in the community is aimed at building the kingdom of God.
- We co-operate with God when we use abilities well
- Christians work includes:
- Preaching the good news
- Helping the needy
- Building schools, hospitals, special homes e.t.c
- Caring for environment
- Improving abilities.
- Pleasing God in their life.
2 Kings 5:2-4
- The little Israelite girl worked for Naaman’s wife.
- She was concerned and wanted Namaan healed
- She informed Namaan’s wife about prophet Elisha who later healed Namaan’s leprosy.
Jeremiah 1:4-8
- God chose Jeremiah to be a prophet in his mother’s womb
- Jeremiah complained he was young and knew nothing.
- God touched Jeremiah lips with his finger and put his message in him.
Nb: both Moses and Jeremiah were reluctant when God sent them but only agreed when God gave them assurance of being with them.
Acts 18:24-28
- Apollos was eloquent speaker
- Worked for God at Ephesus
- Priscilla and Aquila worked for God by explaining to Apollos about Jesus.
- Apollos became a great help to all believers
- Christians should tirelessly work for God.
7. Values acquired in education
As we use our talents and abilities in school we acquire:-
- Teamwork
- Co-operation
- Obedience
- Wisdom and insight
- Patience
- Tolerance
- Diligence
- Respect
- Honesty
- Leadership
- Understanding
- Faithfulness
- Knowledge
2 Timothy1:6
- We should keep alive the gift God has given us.
Proverbs 2:1-4
- We are advised to learn, not forget, listen to wisdom, beg for knowledge, plead for insight and look for wisdom {a hidden treasure}
- Apart from playing harp David was also good in ______________, ______________ and______________
- Moses called______________ , ______________ and ______________to build the sacred tent.
- Who was Moses spokesman in Egypt?
- The Hebrews settled in a place called ______________ in Egypt.
- The name Moses means ______________
- The parents of baby Moses hid him for ______________months.
- During the birth of Moses, who were the two Hebrews midwives who were given order to throw baby boys to river Nile?
- Who explained to Apollo about Jesus?
- Paul wrote______________epistles to gentile churches and ______________epistles to his friends.
- Name 3 judges of Israel
- Bazalel was skilled in______________ , ______________, ______________ and ______________
- Name 4 mountains in the bible and major events that took place in them.
Nb: secular values are necessary in life but Christian values should take first priority in our lives because the lead us to eternity. {Mathew 6:33, “seek first the kingdom of God and the rest shall be given in abundance}
- They are qualities of life that we choose to follow
- They bring peace of mind
- Types of values are secular and Christian values.
- Christian values
- Values taught by Jesus based on teachings of the bible.
- Example: mercy, purity, humility, forgiveness, charity, poverty, reconciliation, peace, righteousness, endurance, e.t.c
2. Secular Values
- Values that deal with wordly desires
- example: land, riches, fame, money, success, popularity, power, prestige, wealth, pride, greed, etc.
Christian values | Secular values |
1. Based on bible teaching | 1. Learnt and acquired from the society |
2. Given first priority in life of a Christian because they lead to eternity. | 2. Make life comfortable for a short while |
3. Based on Christ teaching on the sermon on the mountain | 3. Deals with worldly material things. |
4. Based on Christian beliefs | 4. Based on traditions |
5. Vary according to individuals, families and communities | |
4. Are the same across different faiths | 6. Change with circumstances and influenced by one’s position in the society. |
5. They are eternal. |
Beatitudes/ God’s blessings {Mathew 5:1-11}
Beatitude | Reward |
Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor | |
God will comfort them | |
Happy are the humble/meek | |
God will satisfy them fully | |
Happy are the merciful | |
They will see God | |
Happy are the peace makers | |
The kingdom of God belongs to them | |
Happy are those persecuted for Christ’s sake |
3. Christian values from the sermon on the mountain.
- Poverty
- Mercy
- Charity
- Humility
- Purity
- Discernment
- Judgment forgiveness and reconciliation
- Peace and contentment
- Prayer and fasting
- True riches
- Integrity
1) Poverty {Mathew 5:3}
- Spiritual poverty means seeking and trusting God.
- This is total dependence on God
- When we help the needy we should not make a show of it {mt 6:6-10}
- Spiritual poverty demonstrated through prayer and fasting and allowing Jesus to live in us.
2) Charity
- Charity means love in action
- It is an act of kindness to others
- We show charity by giving.
3)Mercy {Mathew 5:7}
- It is an act of forgiving those who wrong us
- Those who forgive others receive forgiveness from God.
- It is also an act of showing pity to the helpless\we should help without expecting a reward from those we help.
4) Humility {Mathew 5:5}
- It is an act of not showing off but lowering ourselves by considering others more important.
- Demonstrated by
- Acceptance of oneself and others
- Serving and caring for others
- Showing kindness.
5) Purity {Matthew5:8}
- This is an act of good thoughts, intentions and actions
- Pure people live holy lives
- Living a life emulating Jesus Christ.
- Demonstrated by
- Practicing chastity {avoiding sexual sin}
- Being truthful
- Being prayerful
6) Discernment, Judgement and Justice
- Discernment: ability to exercise wisdom in evaluating a given situation
- Judgment: making a decision after analyzing a given issue.
- Justice: form a right opinion and make a fair conclusion. Matthew7:1-5
- Should not be quick in judging others
- God will judge us the same way we judge others.
- Christians should set good examples by correcting their faults.
7) Forgiveness and Reconciliation
- To forgive is to stop feeling angry with somebody who has wronged us
- Reconciliation is the act of ending disagreement and starting a good relationship.
- Forgiveness and reconciliation:-
- Promotes peace and harmony
- Restores broken relationships
- Promotes acceptance and understanding.
8) Peace and Contentment
- Peace is a state of being in harmony with oneself, others and God.
- Contentment is being satisfied with what we have, who we are and where we are.
- Those who live in peace and contentment have:-
- Faith in God
- Happiness when things go wrong
- Confidence in God for provision
- Peace and satisfaction in God.
- Not worried or upset about their needs {Matthew6:25-31}
- Peace with everybody {Romans 12:18, John 14:27} 1 Kings 21:1-16
- King Ahab was not at peace with himself.
- He wanted Naboth’s vineyard.
- Had a lot of land but not contented with it
- Ahab and Jezebel killed Naboth to have his vineyard.
9) Prayer
- It is a dialogue with God the father, son and Holy Spirit.
- Mode of communicating to God
Elements of Prayer
Praise, confession, thanksgiving, petition {own needs} and intercession {other needs}
- Public – praying as a group together.
- Private –praying alone {meditation}
- Prayer can be done anywhere at anytime
- Prayer has no specific posture
- Prayer should be done in humbleness- the parable of the tax collector and Pharisee.
- Prayer should be always/ persistent- parable of widow and the judge and friend at midnight.
10) Fasting {Isaiah 58:3-7, Matthew6:16-18}
- This is accepting to go without food as a self-denial for religious purposes.
- Done in secret/ private- only God should know who sees in the secret and rewards.
- One should continue with normal duties.
- Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights before starting work.
- Christians fast for 40 days before Easter to remember death and resurrection of Jesus. This period is lent
- Christians can fast anytime to strengthen their faith in God
- God wants true fasting that promotes peace. Love, harmony, freedom to all. {Isaiah 58:3-7}
- Prayer and fasting renew our relationship with God.
- Strengthens our faith
- Brings us closer to God
- Helps us to live holy life
11) The Riches
- This is a life that Christ is at the centre
- True riches are Christian values i.e. love, humility, mercy, charity, forgiveness, reconciliation, tolerance
1 timothy 6:6
- True religion makes a person rich i.e. he is contented with what he has. Matthew6:19-21
- We should store our riches in heaven
- Earthly riches are temporary.
12) Integrity
- It is the quality of being honest and truthful
- It involves honesty, faithfulness, trustworthy, loyalty, contentment and forgiving. 1 Corinthians 10:21
- We should trust in God and serve him alone. 2 Corinthians 8:21
- It is our Christian duty to do what is right before God and man.
13) Living Values Acquired In Education
a. | Honesty | Telling the truth in spirit of love |
b. | Respect | Recognizing other people’s rights |
c. | Co-Operation | Working together with others |
d. | Obedience | Being loyal and follow instructions given |
e. | Self Discipline | Ability to make someone do something as required |
f. | Responsibility | Duty to deal with or take care of something |
g. | Sharing | To give some of what one has to someone else. |
h. | Tolerance | Willingness to accept situation that are not appealing |
Revision questions – primary CRE 7 {pg 41-42, 1-15} Quick reading 7{pg 12}
- Eternal means knowing God and Jesus Christ whom God sent {john 17}
- Begins when one believes and accepts Jesus in one’s life.
- It is everlasting- starts here on earth and continues after death
a. Eternal life as a way of holiness {1 Peter 1:13-16, 2 Peter 3:11}
- Holiness is a state of being totally separated from evil
- Holiness is given by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
- Christians are expected to live a holy life. This can be done by
- Practicing self control
- Setting our minds completely focused on Jesus
- Being obedient to God
- Avoiding evil desires.
- Devoted to live according to Christians values.
b. Eternal life as a way of faith {mark 11:22-24}
- Faith is complete trust and reliance on God i.e. strong belief in God.
- It is being sure of what one hopes for even though not seen
- Faith causes great things to happen through prayer.
- Faith involves total dependence on God and always ready to please God.
- Faithfulness to God demands risking one’s life for God’s sake.
c. Eternal life as a way of Joy {Luke 10:20, Philippians 4:4-6}
- Joy is intense happinesss
- Eternal life brings happiness in our life because there is assurance of eternal joy even in times of hardships.
- Jesus told his disciples they should be glad because their names are in the book of life.
{Luke 10:20}
- Always rejoice in God because of eternal life.
- Not to worry about anything because he care for us
- Joy in serving God is everlasting and fulfilling.
d. Way of love {john 3:16, 1 Peter 1:22}
- Love is a strong attraction by affection.
- Love is the greatest commandment that sums up God’s law.
- John 15:13 greatest love one can give is one’s life for others.
- John 3:16: God greatest love shown through gift of Jesus
- Eternal life is way of love through selfless acts.
- Actions of love include helping the needy, praying for others
e. Way of hope {1 Thessalonians 4:13-18}
- Hope: desire or expectation of some fulfillment
- All Christians hope to receive eternal life
- Those who die believing in Jesus hope to inherit God’s kingdom.
- Eternal life is a way of hope for all Christians
- All Christians hope for the second coming of Jesus.
- Eternal life gives us hope for future.
f. Way of justice {2 Samuel 12:1-6, psalms 82:3}
- Justice is practicing what is right and fair towards others
- Justice brings forth – reconciliation, love in the parties involved and caring for others eg oppressed
- Justice brings harmony and understanding
- Eternal life as a way of justice Creates a sense of belonging
- Justice promotes peace, stability, integrity and good judgment. 2 Samuel 12:1-6
David sinned by:-
- Desiring Uriah’s wife
- Committing adultery with Bathsheba
- Killing Uriah.
- Prophet Nathan rebukes David’s sin.
- Nathan used a story of a rich man and a poor man
- David practiced injustice by taking Bathsheba
- God punished David. His son got ill and died.
Psalms 82:3
- We should defend the right of the poor and orphans
- Be fair to the needy and helpless.
- Way of purposeful suffering
- Purposeful suffering is suffering for a reason or cause.
- By accepting suffering we share Jesus sufferings
- Christians accept suffering with hope to receive eternal life.
- Suffering strengthens and proves sour faith and takes us close to God. 1 Peter 4:12-16
- Through suffering we share Christ’s suffering
- Be thankful when we suffer for Christ’s sake.
John 15:18-21
- We suffer because we belong to Christ who also suffered
Acts 8-1-3
- Saul approved stoning of Stephen
- Stephen saw purpose in his suffering and forgave his murderer.
- Why does God, who loves man, allows us to suffer?
2. Living Forever In Love
- Eternal life makes us love God and other people
- Living in love helps us to
- Draw closer to God.
- Obey God’s commandment
- Practice Christian values
- Live holy lives
- Love God with all our hearts, body, strength, soul and mind
- Hope for eternal life.
- Promote peace, concern and sharing.
John 14:1-4
- Jesus assures us that he has a place for us in heaven.
- Jesus is soon coming back for us and go to live forever with him in heaven. Conclusion
- By loving God, Jesus and other people we have eternal life
- Obeying God’s commandments shows love for God.
3. Traditional African Beliefs On Life After Death
- Stage of life includes unborn, living, living dead and ancestors
- Unborn – those yet to be bone
- Those that are alive
- Living dead- those who died recently {during our life time}
- Ancestors- those who died before our life time.
- Africans believe there is life after death in the world of spirits {living dead and ancestors}
- The living dead and ancestor influence the living and the unborn.
- Sacrifices are offered to God and ancestors
- Children are named after dead relatives or people
- Africans make ancestors happy {appeasing them} by:-
- pouring libation
Calling their names
- Sacrificing to them
- Naming children after them
- In some communities the dead are buried with belongings to use in the next world.
- Both Christians and Africans believe in life-after-death
- Africans believe in reincarnation but Christians believe in resurrection
Revision questions
- Primary CRE pg 65-65>1-15
- Quick reading CRE 7 pg 17>1-10
- Spotlight CRE 7 pg 24-26> 1-20
- Meaning of faith and work {James 2:14-18}
- Faith is a string belief or trust on something or someone.
- Being sure of invisible hopes.
- By faith Abraham obeyed God
- We believe in existence of God
- We believe God Created the universe.
- Work is the use of energy
- Work is sacred because it is ordained by God
- Manual work involves physical energy while intellectual involves mental energy.
Col 3:23
- Should work with all our heart to please God and not man.
- We should be committed to work.
James 2:14-18
- Faith must be accompanied by actions
- Faith without actions is dead.
- Can express our faith in action by {refer spotlight CRE 7 pg 36}
Reasons for working {2 thess 3:6-10, acts 18:1-3}
- Work is ordained by God, it is a duty and a right from God.
- Work enables us to get our basic needs
- Conserves the environment
- To improve our living standards
- Give sense of responsibility and fulfillment
- To earn our living.
2 thess 3:6-10
We should follow example of apostles who tirelessly worked.
- We should avoid laziness and lazy people.
- Those who do not work should not eat.
Acts 18:1-3
- Aquila and Paul and Pricilla eared their live as tentmakers
- Christians should work to earn a living instead of being a burden
- Silas and Timothy worked at Thessalonica
- Dorcas of jopa made linen for the poor widows
- Moses worked for his father in-law at Midian
- Jacob worked for 14 years to marry Rachael
- Abel worked as a shepherd and Cain as a farmer.
3. Christians Service To Their Neighbors
- Neighbor is any person in need of help
- All human being are neighbors despites, colour, race, tribe, nationality, gender e.t.c
- Ways of helping neighbors
- Loving them
- Shelter them
- Caring for them
- Praying for them
Luke 10:27
- God commands us to love him above everything else.
- Extend god’s love to our neighbors.
The parable of the Good Samaritan
- A Jew was attacked by robbers on his way from__________ to ________________
- He was bitten to the point of death and left by the roadside.
- A Levite and a priest passed by but did not help him.
- A Samaritan passed by, pitied the man, took care of him although he was a Jew
- Our Christians love should be universal.
4. Christian Service To The Employer {Ephesians 6:6:8}
- An employer is a person or company that pays people to work for them.
- An employee should
- Work without supervision
- Be punctual
- Reliable and trustworthy
- Make good decisions
- Be committed to work
- Be loyal and supportive
- Be co-operative and embrace teamwork
- Employer should
- Offer right wages and salaries
- Offer good working conditions
- Be understanding and respectful
- Be loving and caring.
- Be forgiving and a good listener. Ephesians 6:6-8
- Paul encourages Christians work as though serving God and not man
- God will reward everyone for good work done.
5. Christians Service To The Church {Romans 12:9-21}
- Praying
- Preaching
- Reading bible
- Cleaning church
- Teaching Sunday school
Romans 12:9-21
Christians should :-
- Respect in sincere heart
- Value hard work
- Be patient and pray always
- Do everything that pleases God.
6. Christian Service To The Nation {Titus 3:8}
- Nation : people living in a country under one government
- Nation leaders represents God’s authority in their working stations
- Christians can serve a nation by
- Electing leaders
- Praying for the nation
- Respecting laws
- Nation-building
- Showing respect for authority.
Titus 3:8
- Give our time to doing good deeds useful to everyone.
7. Cause Of Child Labour
- Child labour is involving children to do work meant for adults.
- Causes:-
- Poverty- poor families fail to provide basic needs to children. Therefore, children look for ways of getting basic needs
- Orphan hood- they have no one to care for them
- Divorce
- Drugs/substance abuse- those engaged have to look for money to buy drugs.
- Parent’s disability- they are not physically fit to work and provide basics hence they use their children to do the work.
- Political instability e.g. war- children are recruited as soldiers
- Irresponsible parents
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
8. Child Rights Concerning Labour
- Right to be protected from any form of exploitation
- Right to basic needs
- Right to a satisfactory environment for development.
- Right to exercise their talents and skills through play.
- Right to life and safety
- Right to love and care
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
Ephesians 6:4
- Parents do not treat your children in way to anger them
- Parents should bring up children with Christian discipline and instructions.
Working for God
a. Commitment {Romans 12:11, Luke 9:23-26} Commitment
- Willingness to work and give your best
- Being devoted to work
- Involves:
- Self sacrifice and thinking of others
- Enduring sufferings
- Self-denial
- Perseverance and endurance
- Carrying ones cross and follow Jesus
- Generosity
- Full devotion to a task.
We show responsibility at home by
- Helping our parents
- Taking care of our brothers , sisters and property
- Obeying set rules and instruction
- Spending money given wisely
1 Peter 4:10-11
- We should be good managers of God-given gifts
- We should use talents/ abilities/ gifts for the good of others and ourselves Revision questions
- Spotlight CRE 7 pg 45-49
- Quick reading CRE pg 26
- Primary CRE 7 pg 94-96.
- The early missionary contribution {Matthew28:19-20}
- The missionaries came to Kenya through the coast
- Their main objective was to spread the gospel.
- They could not spread the gospel because Africans did not know how to read and write.
- The first missionary arrived in Kenya at Rabai in 1844. His name was Ludwing Krapf
- Krapf started the first mission station at Rabai in 1844.
- In 1846, he was joined by Johan Rebman
- Both started a mission school at Rabai in 1846.
- Krapf learnt Kiswahili and translated part of St. Luke into Kiswahili.
- Both were sent by church missionary society under ACK
- The missionaries fulfilled Jesus command to preach good news {mt 28:19-20}
- The early missionary schools
- They aimed at training Africans to read and write so that they could read the bible
- Examples
- Aaliance school
- St. Mary Yala
- Mangu high School
- Friend’s School Kamusinga
- Loreto convent
- ___________
- ___________
- ___________
- ___________
- Africans were involved in activities that encouraged them attend learning.
Formal Education | Informal Education |
Taught in schools | Taught anytime and anywhere {daily events} |
Taught by trained teachers | Learnt through daily activities |
Follows a set syllabus | No set syllabus and not assessed formally |
Assessment are done | No textbooks needed |
Use textbooks | |
- State 4 ways the church is involved in formal education
- Write down 3 ways the church is involved in non-formal education today
Special Education {John 9:1-3}
Special Groups Include
- The deaf and mute
- The blind
- Physically handicapped
- Mentally handicapped
These people receive special attention and care. They use special learning equipments. Example
School | Special Group | Sponsor |
Mumia school | The deaf | Catholic |
Nyangoma school kisumu | Physically handicapped | ACK |
Kambui Presbyterian school | The deaf | PCEA |
Thika school | The blind | SALVATION ARMY |
Jacaranda school Nairobi | Mentally handicapped | – |
– | – | – |
– | – | – |
John 9:1-3
- Jesus and disciples saw a blind man
- Disciples asked whether his blindness was caused by his or his parent’s sins
- Jesus told them, that the man was blind so that God’s power might be seen at work.
Youth education programmes {ecc 12:1-5}
- Youth are young people between 18-35 years
- The church youth programmes are important for :
- Evangelism
- Training leadership
- Information of good Christian characters.
- These programmes include:-
- Youth fellowship
- camp and treats
- talent shows
- bible studies
- drama and music competitions
- mission work
- _________________
- _________________
- _________________
- _________________
Ecclesiastes 12: 1-5
- Youth are reminded to remember God while still energetic
Some youth training centres are
- Rural training centre –Limuru Agricultural Youth Centre, Mogotio Village Polytechnic
- Industrial Training Centre – Maua Methodist Youth Polytechnic, African Inland Church Naivasha Polytechnic
- Farming {genesis 1:28-31}
- Church has initiated projects to satisfy physical needs under N.C.CK. Examples:-
- Initiating irrigation schemes in dry areas
- Poultry farming
- Training agricultural officers
- Training farmers on new methods. Genesis 1:28-31
- God blessed man and woman and put them in charge of CREation
- Have many children and live all over the earth.
- Bring the earth under control
- Guard and cultivate land
- Church obeys God command during Creation when it is involved in farming.
b. International Involvement {2 Corinthians 8:1-4}
- Providing emergency relief during disasters and political crisis.
- Involvement in community development projects.
- Evangelism internationally/ global teaching
- Building homes for needy {orphans and aged}
- Offering scholarship
- Training people on missionary work, farming, teaching e.t.c.
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
2 Corinthians 8:1-4
- Paul praises the church of Macedonia
- Macedonia church was tested by troubles but went through.
- The poor were generous
- We should therefore support the church in its involvement internationally.
Some international Christian organization
- The world vision
- The catholic relief services
- The world church council
- Christian Aid
c. Christian Training Centres {2 Thessalonians 3:6-10}
- Church is involved in building of training centres
- They are meant to teach people to be self-reliant
- Provides basic facilities and training
- The government provides required staff.
d. Rural Training Centre
- Aim at:- improving talents and abilities
- Have a source of income
- Develop skills
- Become self-reliant They include:-
- Village polytechnics – carpentry, tailoring, agricultural, tannery/leather work, adult literacy.
- Industrial training centres
- Found in urban centres
- Offers: masonary, plumbing, seCREtarial, hairdressing, carpentry, welding, ICT, mechanics, electricity, wiring, painting, art and design.
Revision question
- Spotlight CRE 7 pg 55
- Primary CRE 7 pg 117-118
- Quick reading 7 pg 32
The Church and Health Care
Training Medical Personnel’s {Luke 9:1-2, Mark 16: 15-18}
- The church provides medical help and train medical personnel.
- Medical work is a vocation and requires total commitment
- Church activities includes:
- Building hospitals and dispensaries
- Organizing seminars and workshops
- Free mobile services.
- Educating on nutrition
- Offering education on health matters.
Luke 9:1-2, mark 16:15-18}
- Jesus gave disciples power and authority to:-
- Cure diseases
- Drive out demons\preach the kingdom of God
- Heal the sick
- Baptize the believers in the name of Jesus
- Perform miracles and exercise Holy Spirit.
b. Flying Doctors Service
- Doctors use air transport to give health services in remote areas.
- The service started by Michael woods in Kenya in 1950s
- It was initiated in Kenya by the Christians churches of Kenya {CCK}
- It is part of AMREF {African Medical and Research Foundation}
- This service was first started in Australia
- Activities
- Organizing free medical camps
- Vaccination and treatment
- First Aid and evacuation e.g accident victims.
- Training health workers
c. Community Health Programmes {Luke 9:6}
- They are sponsored by Christians, non-Christians and government.
- Mainly these programs educate the community on:-
- health matters
- Diseases prevention through vaccination
- Hygiene on handling food
- Proper waste disposal
- Family planning programmes
- HIV/AIDS related matters.
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
Luke 9:6
- Disciples of Jesus preached good news and healed the sick
- Christians should support the church by participating in community health.
The church in training the clergy { Matthew4:18-22}
- Clergy:- these are people trained and ordained to serve the church
They include- bishops, priests, pastors, pope
- Courses learnt
- Theology
- Divinity
- Pastoral studies/ church doctrines
- Philosophy
- Guidance and counseling
- Leadership and communication
- Administration. Matthew4:18-22
- Jesus called the 1st 4 disciples to be fishers of men
- Jesus trained them to be preachers 2 Timothy 2:12
- Paul trained timothy and advised him to train others.
- Courses learnt
- Laity : Christians given various responsibilities in the church.
- It includes- Sunday school teachers, choir masters, ushers, catechists e.t.c
- Laity duties:-
- Conducting Sunday school\
- Training choirs
- Assisting clergy
- Making announcements
- Teaching catechism
- _______________
- _______________
- _______________
Acts 6:1-6
- Apostles choose helpers {deacons} to help distribute food to the windows and orphans
- Their leader was Stephen who was stoned because of His faith in Jesus.
- Seven deacons were Stephen, Philip,__________ , __________ , __________,
The Church and Social Welfare {Acts 2:43-47, 4:32}
- Care for the aged {mt 25:41-45}
- Church helps the aged by:
- Taking them in special homes for the aged.{give examples of such homes}
- Giving them food, clothes and medical care
- Building homes for them
- Protecting properties
- ____________________
- ____________________
- ____________________
- Our judgment will be based on our service to the less fortunate.
- Any service given to the needy is service to God.
Care for the Orphans {James 1:27}
- An orphan is a child whose both parents are dead.
- Challenges
- Lack of basic needs
- Lack of care
- Lack of love
- Child labour
- Discrimination
The church supports orphans by:-
- Giving them basic needs
- Building special homes {orphanages} e.g
- Nyumbani childrens home
- Daggoretti “”
- Mama ngina
- SOS eldoret, Nairobi and Mombasa
- Mama fatuma children’s home Nairobi
- Giving them education
- Helping them improve talents
- ____________
- ____________
- ____________
Relief Services {1 Corinthians 16:1-3}
- Relief is the assistance given to people affected by war, draught, famine, floods etc
- Relief can be inform of food, shelter, clothing, money, medicine e.t.c
- Relief provided by the church include
- Building shelters
- distributing food, clothing, medicine
- paying school fees for the affected
- clean water
- {pupils to add four more point}
- Church organizations that offer relief services
- Catholic relief service {CRS}
- Christian Aid
- Jesus Relief Service.
- Red Cross.
- Christians offer prayers, comfort, guidance and counseling to the affected.
- Paul advised Corinthians to offer help to the needy in Judea.
Care For Refugees {Matthew25:25-26,5:16}
- A refugee is a person who is forced to leave motherland country because of war, persecution, political problem e.t.c
- Refugee’s main help comes from church organizations, non-governmental organizations {NGOs} and government.
- Church activities to the refugees are:-
- Provision of basic needs.
- Provision of loans and grants for self-employment.
- Giving spiritual encouragement.
- Offering educational scholarships
- Offering training and career guidance.
- ________________
- ____________________
- ________________
- Church organizations involved with refugees
- NCCK- National Council of Churches Of Kenya
- KEC- Kenya Episcopal Conference {Catholics}
- AACC- All Africa Conference of Churches
- WCC- World Council of Churches.
- UNHCR- United Nations High Commission for Refugees.
- Matthew25:25-26: Jesus taught that we should support the needy financially, materially and spiritually. When we support the needy we glorify God.
- Matthew5:16: our good deeds must shine among people that God will be praised.
Christians Working Together
- Church is a community of believer.
- Christian community shows unity and strength when they work together.
- The cooperation of different church denominations for a common purpose is called ecumenism.
- Christians work together in:-
- Preaching the word of God
- Praying for others
- Community health and youth programs.
- Training the clergy and laity.
- Building schools, hospitals, homes and orphanages.
- Promoting peace and harmony in a country.
- Caring for the needy.
- Educating people on health, drugs , family e.t.c Revision questions
- Quick reading CRE 7 pg 39
- Primary CRE 7 pg 145-146
- Spotlight CRE 7 pg 64-68
- – what emotions
- Ways of coping with emotions
- Accepting ourselves and others
- Friendship
- Wanting the best for others
- Tolerance and patience in friendship
- Necessity of loyalty, openness and trust in friendship
- Sharing activities with others
- Contribution of parents in making a happy home.
- Contribution of children in making a happy home.
- The effects of good and bad relationships in a family
- Christ our example. Reference books
- Primary CRE klb
- Quick reading CRE
- Spotlight CRE
- Face to face CRE
- Good news bible
What emotions are
- Emotions are strong feelings we experience in our lives. Emotions can either be
- Negative- sadness
- Positive- happiness.
- Positive desirable emotions include
- Joy
- Happiness
- Love
- Excitement
Negative undesirable emotions include
- Fighting
- Quarreling
- Enmity
- Abusing others
- Depression
- Suicide
- Destruction of properties. 3. 1 Samuel 17:28-30
- David eldest son was
- ____________was angry with David because he saw him in the battle field
- Jesus __________________when he was in sorrow. He arrived and found his friend,__________________, dead and buried.
- Lazarus sisters were ____________and__________________
- Lazarus family lived in ______________________________
- Jesse’s sons were {I chronicles 2:13} ________________________
- Jesse’s family lived in __________________
- Eliab scolded David calling him__________________
Ways of Coping with Emotions
- Our emotions changes depending on the circumstances we find ourselves in
- When we are angry we should control our anger by forgiving those who makes us angry.
- Positive ways of coping with emotions:
- Praying
- Seeking guidance and counseling.
- Exercising patience and tolerance.
- Forgiveness’s
- Sharing the problem with a trusted friend.
- Ephesians 4:26-32
- If you become angry do not let your anger lead you into sin and do not stay angry all day.
- Do not give the devil a chance
- Get rid of all bitterness, passion and anger.
- The story of King Ahab and Naboth teaches Christians not to be {greedy, lazy, worried}
- The two disciples who walked with Jesus on the day of resurrection were walking to
- __________________ pleaded with God not to destroy Sodom and Gommorah
- The first place believers were called Christians was in?
- Name four gospel books
- Ten commandments
- Order of events during the day of Pentecost
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
B. Accepting Ourselves And Others
- We are all created in image and likeness of God.
- We all have strengths and weaknesses
- We all are equal before God despite our weak areas.
- We should avoid self-hatred.
- John 7:24
- Stop judging by________________________ standards and________________________
- Love is________________________ and ________________________
- Love is not ____________or ____________ or ____________
- Love does not
- Keep ____________. It is not ____________ but happy ____________
- David’s best friend was?
- Who among the twelve disciples of Jesus was also called Judas son of James?
- The work of Zachariah the father of John was that of
- When Jesus fed the five thousand people, he got the two fish and five loaves from?
- A parable of Jesus that teaches Christians that they should bring sinners to Christ is?
- Disciple
- Beatitudes
- Life among the early church.
a. Mutual Respect
- A friend is a person you know well and like. A friend is also a person you trust and can share many things with.
- We show respect to our friends by
- Listening to their ides
- Sharing our problem
- Being honest and loyal
- Show sympathy.
- Mutual respect is when friends show respect to each other.
- Galatians 5:13-15
- Our freedom should not be an excuse to
- Love should
- Love your____________ as you
- Love should help us not to behave ____________ ,
- Harm and ____________ others.
- Which Jewish feast were Jesus and his disciples celebrating when they had the last supper?
- The story of annunciation of birth of Jesus is written on the books of?
- Which one of the was done by prophet Elisha
- Healing a blind man
- Casting demons from a woman
- Calling fire from heaven
- Multiplication of bread
- The first man to plant a vineyard in the world was likely to be
- Who Among the following judges of Israel was the first one in Israel?
- Seven deacons
- Isaiah’s prophecy about Jesus
- Order of Creation
Wanting the best for others
- True friendship lasts when we want the best for the other person
- We can show that we want the best for our friends by
- Helping
- Comforting
- Visiting
- True friendship involves love
- A loving friend is patient, kind, faithful and ready to forgive.
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is | Love is not |
- What kind of education was carried out in Traditional African Society? {Formal, non-formal, modern adult}
- Three of the following happened in the last night in Egypt. Which one did not
- Ate roasted meat
- Smeared the blood on the door posts
- Took bitter herbs
- Jesus pointed out his betrayal.
- ______was the disciple who was a tax collector before he was called by Jesus
- “Bring the full amount of your tithes to the temple so that there will be plenty of food there” which said these words?
- Which two disciples were sent by Jesus to make ready the Lord’s supper?
- Disciple
- Abraham’s promises by God.
- Ten Commandments.
Tolerance and Patience in Friendship
- Tolerant means the ability to bear or put with a situation or something or somebody.
- Patience – ability to endure trying situations 3. Genesis 29 :15-29
- Jacob’s uncle is ______
- Laban promised to give Jacob his daughter ______
- Jacob had to work ______years to get Rachael
- After disappointment with Leah, Laban promised to give Rachel to Jacob after______
- Jacob was patient and tolerant with______
- In the book of Acts which Christians value is seen in Dorcas and Cornelius?
- From apostle Creed which statement does not show that Jesus was truly the son of God?
- Was conceived by the Holy spirit
- Born of the Virgin Mary
- Rose from the dead on the third day
- Suffered under Pontius Pilate
- The resurrection of Jesus teaches Christians to be ____________
- The festival celebrated by Christians to mark Jesus ‘victory over death is ____________
- The meaning of the name Messiah is____________
- Beatitude
- Apostle Creed
- Lord’s prayer.
Necessity of Loyalty, Openness and Trust In Friendship
- – Loyalty is being faithful in supporting somebody
- Openness is being honest and not hiding information or feeling from somebody
- Trust is the belief that somebody is sincere and will not harm or betray one. 2. 1 Samuel 20:1-23, 19:2
- ____________warned David that his father____________wanted to kill him. He asked David to hide
- He made his father swore that he would not kill David. He was ____________ to David
- David was open to ____________ by telling him how the king wanted to kill him.
- The two friends trusted each other by telling the truth
- David promised to remain loyal to his friend’s house forever.
- Which one of the following ways did Jonathan show his loyalty to his best friend David?
- Telling David that king Saul wanted to murder him
- Helping David to escape from his father
- Promising to always help David
- Allowing David to take his royal coat.
- Who is not properly matched to mother>
- John –Mary
- Isaac- Rebecca
- Joseph- leah
- Samuel- Hannah
- ____________ prayed for and blessed seven lepers
- ____________was angry when he saw David in the battle field.
- Who among the following s not Jesses’ son?
- Jonathan
- Eliab
- Abidanadab
- Shammah
- David’s son
- King David’s achievement
- Books of the bible
Sharing Activities With Others
- At home we share activities to make work easier and save time
- At school we share activities for:
- Enjoyment
- To understand one another
- To understand ourselves
- Activities shared include
- Sports and games
- Singing and playing musical instruments
- Acting together
- Trips and excursions
- Discussion of personal happiness and sorrow
- Encouraging one another.
- The activities can also be destructive or constructive
- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
- Fear God and obey his commands
- God will judge everything we do whether bad or good even if done in secret. 6. Acts 2:46-47
- Early church believers fellowshipped together
- Shared meals
- Shared property
- Praised God together.
- The early church
- Ten commandments
- Fruits of the holy spirit.
- Children look up to their parents for love, care and support.
- Parents contribute to the happiness and good relationship by:-
- Being role models to their children
- Teaching children good manners
- Disciplining children
- Support children to achieve their dreams
- Avoid favoritism in the family
- Provide security and protection
- Provide family basic needs
- Provide spiritual leadership
3. 1 Samuel 2:18-19
- The boy Samuel served God under priest
- Each year his mother made him a _____ to show her love for him.
- Hannah accompanied her husband_____to_____to offer he sacrifice.
- Elijah proved to all Israel that God was the only true God on Mount _____
- Name three gifts the wise men gave baby Jesus
- The mother-in-law of Ruth and ophrah was _____
- The following people had their names changed. Give their other name
- Abraham _____
- Jacob _____
- Simon _____
- Sons of Jacob
- Zacheas
The Contribution of Children to A Happy Home
- Children’s role in making a happy home include
- Being kind
- Helpful to one another
- Share home activities
- Obey and respect their parents
- Work hard at school
- Being good listeners to instruction and advice given.
- Taking care of family and personal property. 2.
Luke 2:51-52
- When Jesus was____ years old he went with parent to Jerusalem to celebrate________ and they went back home in____
- Jesus grew up in________and ________gaining favour with ________and ________
- Colossians 3:20
Children, it is your christain duty to________or that is what pleases God.
- ________________ was given skills and ability to work on silver and gold
- Blessed and the poor in spirit ________
- Why was King Saul rejected by God
- He got possessed by the evil spirit
- He wanted to kill David
- He obeyed God
- He married many wives
- Jonathan, David’s friend was the son of ________________________
- ________________was the disciples that Jesus loved most.
- Early church
- Apostle Creed
- Fruit of the holy spirit
- Benefit of good relationship in a family include
- Respect among members
- Love among ’
- Enhanced communication and openness
- Harmony and unity in the family
- Promoting concern for each other
- Stability and security.
Effect of bad relationship in a family
- Unfaithfulness
- Impatience and lack of understanding
- Lack of respect, obedience and love
- Oppression, frustration, hopelessness and depression
- Selfishness
- Increase in pride
- Lack of peace and harmony
Luke 15:11-24
- The prodigal {lost son} took all his
- He wasted it and went back home and his father forgave him
- The parable teaches that when we repent God is ready to forgive us because he loves us.
Ephesians 4:26
- In our anger we should not sin
- We should not let the sun go down while still angry
John 11:1-27
- Lazarus sisters were _____ and __________
- They lived in __________
- __________acknowledged Jesus as the messiah, the son of God
- __________went to meet Jesus but_____ stayed in the same house.
- The disciple of Jesus also known as Twin is
- Who among the disciples of Jesus did not see the risen Christ?
Christianity was first introduced in Kenya in the mid 18th century by missionaries who were sent by
- Brothers choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the spirit and wisdom”, who among the following are the seven deacons?
- Philip, Mathias, Nicolas, And Timon
- Paul, Stephen, Procoru, And Nicana
- Timon, Nicolus, Nicanor And Cleopas
- Nicolas, Parmenas, Timon And Philip
Jesus healed a blind man who always sat by the roadside in Jericho. The blind man was called?
- Seven deacons
- Beatitudes
- Lord’s prayer
- Jesus showed what love is through his many acts of mercy and kindness.
- His greatest act of love was his death on the cross.
- 3. Mark 15:1-5
- Jesus was taken before ______ and accused of claiming to be ________
- Jesus was the son of God and He did not boast about it.
4. Memorize 1 john 4:7-8
“Dear friends, lets us love one another because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God”
- Song- Jesus loves me/ Jesus love is very wonderful
- Disciples of Jesus
- Order of Creation
- King David achievement.
- Who was thrown in the den of lions for kneeling and praying to God?
- True riches should be stored in?
- Who was an apostle of the gentiles?
- Blessed are the poor in spirit
- “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” were said by?
Unit evaluation exercise
- CRE klb pg 1717-172 1-15
- Spotlight pg 86-88
- Revision exercise 7a/7b
- The meaning and purpose of authority {Luke 22:24-27}
- Authority is the power to set rules and guide other people to achieve set goals.
- The duties of citizens are called responsibility
- Authority is found in all sectors at
Level | leaders | Authority |
Home | Parents | Guiding and counselingDiscipline childrenTraining children to be morally uprightSettling disputes at home |
School | Head teacherDeputy teacherTeachers | Ensuring school rules are followedInstilling disciplineSupervising school activitiesImpart knowledge |
Church | BishopPastorsPriests | Preaching the word of GodGuiding and counseling membersMaking rules for the churchLeading people in forgiveness and reconciliation |
Government | PresidentMpsGovernorsDcs | Ensure that there is law and orderMaintain security in the countryDeveloping the countryImplementing government policies |
- Luke 22:24-27 Jesus taught the disciples that the purpose of authority is service.
- Christians should obey and respect people in authority because authority is from God.
- Jesus used authority to serve others.
- Authority comes from __________
- God wants us to__________respect people in authority
- Jesus taught that to be a leader you have to __________
- State two ways in which teachers can use their authority in school
- __________became the leader of disciples after accession of Jesus Christ.
2. Respect for people in authority {Romans 13:1-7, Titus 3;11}
- Authority exists to serve the community
- Leaders are people of authority
- There is peace and harmony when we respect people in authority.
- We respect people in authority by:
- Obeying the rules of the country
- Paying taxes
- Encouraging and supporting them
- Implementing policies laid down
- Carrying out duties assigned to us
- Correcting them with love when they make wrong decisions.
- Praying for them.
- Guiding and counseling those who oppose our leaders.
- Romans 13:1-7 Paul tells us that we should obey authority not for fear of punishment but as our Christian duty. When we obey we please God as leaders are God’s servants.
- Titus 3:1 we should submit to rulers and authorities, obey them and be ready to do good in every way {memory verse}
- State three ways of which we can show respect for people in authority
- We show authority to school authorities by ______and _____
- We should______to rulers and authorities, them and be ready to good in all ways.
- St. Paul worked as a ______
- The collection of books written by Paul is called? {name them}
3. Building a better society through love, peace and unity {Colossians 3:12-15, Romans 13:1-7}
Activity relating to national anthem
- Love, peace and unity brings prosperity and harmony in a nation
- Love, peace and unity fostered our country’s development in
- Building learning institutions through Harambee
- Raising money to pay hospital bills and school fees.
- Love, peace and unity can develop if we:-
- Share with others
- Respect others
- Obey rules
- Understanding others
- Avoid quarrels
- Factors to undermine love, peace and unity
- Selfish and un co-operative behavior
- Social evils e.g. bribery, injustice, tribalism
- Quarrels, fights, war
- Suspicion of each other
- Disobeying the laws of the country.
- Colossians 3:12-15 a good society should have the following qualities- kindness, humility, gentleness, love, peace, patience and compassion.
- Love, peace and unity are words found in our _______
- God asks us to tolerate and _______ one another if a quarrel arise among us.
- Which of the following promote peace, love and unity?
- Revenge and kindness
- Pride and hard work
- Hard work and revenge
- Forgiveness and tolerance.
- The greatest fruit of the holy spirit is _______
- The greatest commandment is based on______________
4. Care Of Personal And Public Property {Exodus 20:13,15,17}
- Property are things we own
- Personal property- are things that belongs to an individual
- Public property- are things that belong to the community or state. They are shared by all the people; they are either built or bought by tax payers’ money.
- Example in each category
Personal property | Public property |
Clothes | Roads |
Houses | Schools |
Cars | Hospital |
Bicycles | Government vehicles |
School bags | Railways , public toilets |
- Ways of misuse of these property include:-
- Stealing, destroying or mishandling public property
- Deforestation
- Dumping garbage anywhere resulting to disease.
- Vandalism of telephone booths, wires, streetlights
- Killing
- Ways of caring for these properties include
- Washing and keeping personal property clean
- Proper disposal of refuse
- Cleaning the environment and planting trees
- Proper use of public amenities e.g. toilets.
- Exodus 20:13, 15, 17 life belong to God and should be protected hence should not commit murder.
- We should respect other people’s property by not desiring.
- Property is divided into two categories namely ______________ and _______
- Name 3 things the we should not desire according to exodus 20:17
- When we take care of the property
- God is not involved
- We glorify God
- We suffer for it
- It becomes ours.
- Which one of the following shoes that we take care of public property?
- Water shortages
- Garbage along the roads
- Dirty toilets
- Neat classrooms with clean walls.
- Name two public properties
5. Activities Of The Harambee Youth Week {Ephesians 4:2, 15-16
- Harambee means working together to accomplish a certain goal.
- Takes place once a year as it is set aside by the government of Kenya.
- The youth are involved in
- Visiting the sick
- Helping the needy
- Caring for and cleaning the environment
- Participating in youth exchange programs
- CREating awareness of the youth rights and responsibilities.
- Ephesians 4:2, 15-16 we should work together as the body works.
- Christians are expected to have virtues like:
- Humility
- Gentleness
- Patience
- Tolerance and love.
- What is Harambee youth week
- List at least three activities youth can participate in during the Harambee Youth Week.
- The greatest value required in the breaking of bread is?
- Who among the following was told by God to preserve the gift that God had given him?
- Timothy
- Titus
- Silas
- Apollos
6. Christian Obligation towards Strangers {Matthew25:35, 38,40}
- Strangers are the people we do not know or have never met before.
- We meet strangers in public places
- We should treat strangers by :-
- Greeting them and finding out whether they need assistance.
- Providing them with food, water, shelter and clothing.
- Directing them to places they want to get to.
- Being hospitable to them.
- It is our Christian duty to help the strangers because
- We obey Jesus’ teachings
- We show the readiness to help those in need
- It promotes love, peace and unity.
- It is a way of serving God.
- It is loving others as we love ourselves.
- Jesus taught that we should help strangers by feeding them, giving them a drink, clothing and welcoming them in our homes.
- As Christians we should not discriminate but treat all as God’s children.
- It is our Christian duty to help the strangers because
- Who is a stranger?
- The deacons chosen to distribute food, who among them was a gentile?
- __________ was referred as “the apostle of the gentiles”
- According to Christian teachings, the MAIN purpose for marriage is to?
- Who among the following sons of Jacob was an ancestor of Jesus?
- Reuben
- Simeon
- Judah
- Benjamin
7. Helping In Literacy Work {Proverbs 4:13}
- Illiteracy means inability to read and write
- Literacy is the ability to read and write.
- Christians help to fight illiteracy through
- Donating reading and writing materials
- Discouraging school drop-outs.
- Educating parents on the importance of education
- Volunteering to teach illiterate people
- Building more schools through Harambee.
- Providing textbooks and other equipments
- Training teachers.
- Proverbs 4:13- we should remember all that we have learnt
- We should value our education and use it well.
- The ability to read and write is called?
- Paul was brought up under strict instructions of a man known as?
- Appolos
- Timothy
- Gamaliel
- Eliazar
- The current minister of education is?
- Jesus taught using?
- __________is the only prophetic book in the New Testament and ____________________ is the only historical book in the New Testament.
8. Our Role In Community Work {Philippians 2:1-5}
- Community work is work or activities done by the residents of a place to uplift their social and economic welfare.
- The activities include:
- Building schools and hospitals
- Conservation of soil and water resources
- Sensitizing the community on development projects.
- Contributing money towards school fees for the needy and hospital bills, building gabions and planting cover crops to prevent soil erosion.
Advantages of working together
- Helps us to live in peace, love and unity
- Enables us to give service to each other
- Helps us to do a lot of work within a short time.
- Brings faster development in our community.
- Helps christens express their unity in Christ.
- Philippians 2:1-5: Christians show love, care and concern towards those in need when they take part in the community work.
- List three advantages of working together
- The best way a Christian can use leisure to serve God is by?
- Participating in community work
- Taking part in community celebrations
- Participating in games
- Entertaining friend at home.
- The book of Acts was written by?
- __________was raised by Peter from the dead.
- Which one of the following Christian values do Christians learn from the story of Tabitha making clothes for the poor?
- Kindness
- Humility
- Honesty
- Purity
9. Celebrating National Days And Christian Festivals {Leviticus 23:39-44}
- National days are days when Nations in the world remember important events.
- Christian festivals are celebrated to remember important Christian events.
- Example of these days are:-
National Days | Christian Festivals |
– Labour Day | – Good Friday |
– Madaraka Day | – Easter Sunday/Monday |
– Mashujaa Day | – Pentecost Day |
– Jamuhuri Day | – Christmas Day |
- National days are celebrated by:-
- Singing the National Anthem
- Performing dances and entertainments.
- Listening to patriotic songs.
- Listening to Presidential speech.
- Visiting places of interest e.g. recreational facilities.
- Christian festivals are celebrated by :-
- Going to church to worship.
- Sharing with the needy.
- Praying and singing together
- Exchanging gifts.
- Visiting the needy.
- Leviticus 23:39-44: God commanded the Israelites to celebrate the festivals of shelters or booths or tabernacle. The people were to offer food, offerings and sacrifices.
- Name three national days in Kenya.
- Name three Christian festivals
- The feast described in Leviticus 23:39-44 is the?
- Passover feast
- Harvest feast
- Purification feast
- Feast of weeks
- The Christian festival which is celebrated to mark Christ’s victory over death is?
- ____________________was a Jew from Alexandria who was an eloquent speaker and had a good knowledge of the scripture.
Topical summary questions
Primary CRE- let us remember 192-194
Our Fears
– Overcoming Fear By Relaying On God
- Careers In Adult Life
- The Purpose Of God For Every Child
- Jesus as a Refugee in Egypt.
1. | |
– | Fear is the feeling that something bad might happen. |
– | Fear include An attack |
Punishment | |
Murder- death | |
Sickness | |
Accidents | |
– | Imagined fears include:- Darkness ‘ghost |
Failure | |
New environment. | |
– | We overcome fear by |
1. Praying to God. | |
2. Sharing with others | |
3. Seeking advice from friends and responsible adults. | |
– | John 16:16-21: |
a. Jesus explains he will die, be buried and resurrect. | |
b. His disappearance will bring temporary pain but eventually joy. |
- Jesus went to the temple when he was ______ years old.
- Samuel was called by God ______times.
- Which is the main value required by boys and girls in African traditional society?
- Who were the parents of Samuel?
- Which is the greatest commandment according to Jesus Christ?
- Song by the Angels to the shepherd.
- Life among the early church.
- Ten Commandments.
Overcoming Our Fear by Relaying On God
- We can overcome our fears if we fully trust God in everything.
- In prayer, let our worry be known to God.
- Psalms 34:4: David says, “I prayed to the Lord and he answered me; he free me from
- Isaiah 41:10: God is our protector and savior. We should not fear anything.
- Jesus Christ chose His first four disciples who were?
- When Jesus began his ministry he was ___________ years old.
- Which king of Israel did not worship other gods and was called a man after God’s own heart?
- A Jewish servant girl helped her master ___________ to get healed from leprosy.
- Who among the following never lived in Egypt?
- Jesus
- Abraham
- Solomon
- Jacob
- Jesus grew up in?
- Ten commandments
- God’s promises to Abraham
- Sons of Jacob.
- The kind of work or occupation people choose to be when they grow up is a career.
- A career is also an occupation one chooses to be their life’s work in future.
- A career gives an opportunity to make use of the talents God has given us.
- Ephesians 1:15-18: in prayer we should ask God to give us the Holy Spirit that will
- Make us wise
- Help us know.
- Understand God’s plan for our future.
- ______ was the last Judge of Israel.
- __________________ broke the commandment “do not kill”
- A Jewish servant girl advised Namaan to see prophet__________________ to be healed____________ , a disciple did not believe Jesus had risen.
- “ the spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor”. Jesus read this scripture from the book of ________
- Jesus appeared to ________on their walk to Emmaus.
- Song – spirit of the Lord.
- Order of Creation
- Disciples.
- We are all God’s children and He has a particular purpose for each one of us.
- God’s purpose for each child include
- Bring prosperity and hope.
- Doing everything without complaining
- Be innocent and pure
- Be holy and perfect even though living with sinful and corrupt people.
- Avoid being shy and proud.
- Allow the spirit to fill us with love, power and self-control.
- Jeremiah 29:11{memorize} “I alone know the plans I have for you. Plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring the future you hope for”.
- Which King wanted to kill baby JESUS?
- Why did the Israelites go to live in Egypt?
- Because Joseph had bought a piece of land there.
- Because they were looking for jobs.
- Because John fought the angel and they had to run away from God.
- Because there was famine in the land.
- While in the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus read from the book of?
- Prophet _____ prophesied that a virgin would give birth to a son.
- Why did angel Gabriel tell Mary to name her son “Jesus”?
- Because he would be the savior of the world
- Because he would rule forever.
- Because he would be the prince.
- Because God wanted him to be born.
- Song- Angels to the shepherd
- Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
- Jacob’s sons.
- Jesse’s sons.
- A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave his/her country because of:
- War or fighting
- Religious reasons
- Social reasons
- Political reasons.
- Challenges faced by refugees
- Lack of food, shelter and clothing
- Lack of medical facilities.
- Lack of security.
- Matthew2:13-14 : King Herod learnt of the birth of Jesus through Magi {wise men who came from East}
- King Herod planned to kill the baby boys as prophesied by Jeremiah.
- Joseph, Mary and Jesus fled to Egypt as refugees.
- The parents had hope in God’s protection, deliverance and faithfulness.
- Jesus was a refugee in
- Which prophet foretold about Jesus being a refugee in Egypt?
- Matthew2:15 Jesus and his parents fled to Egypt to fulfill the prophecy of God that, “ I called my son______________of Egypt.
- Which prophet prophesied the birth place of Jesus?
- “I alone know the plans I have for you; plans to give you a future and hope”, were words said by prophet?
- Hope is to have faith that something will happen.
- Jesus went in the synagogue of Nazareth and was given a scroll as it was written by prophet Isaiah.
- Jesus spoke of his hope for human kind which was:-
- To bring good news to the poor.
- To proclaim liberty to the captives.
- To give sight to the blind.
- To set the oppressed free.
- To announce that the time had come when the Lord will save His people.
- Jesus enlightened Nicodemus and gave sight to Bartimeus.
- He set free the Gerasene demoniac.
- Jesus healed the lepers and kept company of the tax collectors.
- Angel Gabriel announced that Jesus was to save Jews.
- The angel told the shepherds that he had good news for them.
- Name three people who received information about the birth of Jesus from the angel
- Jesus was born in _______________________ and brought up in _______________________
- Who were the two seCREt disciples of Jesus?
- Who were the first people to know about the birth of Jesus?
- Who brought gifts to baby Jesus?
- God had planned for Jesus Christ to be born
- Angel Gabriel told Mary to name the child ‘Jesus’ meaning savior.
- Jesus was born to save people from sins.
- Jesus was born to proclaim the love of God for all people.
- Purpose of God sending Jesus was to reconcile human beings who had fallen to sin through Adam.
- Jesus said “it is finished” meaning his mission to forgive sins through shedding blood was over.
- During the last supper, Jesus told his disciples that his body and blood would take away sins from mankind.
- God showed love for us by sending Jesus Christ.
- The annunciation of Jesus is recorded in the book of?
- Angel _______________ announced the birth of the messiah.
- At that time when Jesus was born, emperor_____________________had called for census.
- _______________ and______ asked for permission to bury the body of Jesus.
- Jesus celebrated the Passover in the house of?
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