- Creation is making something out of nothing
- God completed creation work in 6 days
- On 6thday he created human beings.
1. The Creation Of Man
- God took soil and molded man from it.
- God breathed his breath into Adams nostrils
- The trinity took part in creating man. “let us create human beings to resemble us” Genesis 1:26-28
- Eve was formed from Adam’s ribs. Created to be a companion to Adam.
- Both were special because they were created in the image and likeness of God.
- God created them male and female; by this he ordained/blessed marriage. Man is special because:-
Made in the image and likeness of God.
- Can communicate to God on behalf of other creations.
- He was given authority over God’s creation
- Molded or formed unlike the rest of God’s creation
- He was given the responsibility to care for God’s creation.
- He was to share God’s life by obeying his commands e.g.
- Have many children
- Do not eat…
Authority given to man
- Control the rest of God’s creation
- Use and conserve environment responsibly.
- Use God’s creation for food.
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
Fall of man {Genesis 3}
- God commanded man to eat fruits from all trees except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil at the middle of the Garden of Eden.
- God told them that they will die if they ate a fruit from it.
- They disobeyed and ate.
- Cause of sin of disobedience Serpent>eve> Adam
Consequences of sin of disobedience
- Adam__________________________
- Eve __________________________
- Snake __________________________
- Both Adam and eve were chased from the garden of Eden.
- Sin separates God and man.
- Qn: what did god do to prevent man from going back to Eden? [refer primary.
- C.R.E 6 PAGE 1-8
A. Traditional African creation stories
- Every community has a traditional story of creation.
- Creation stories tell people’s origin.
- In all creation stories, God is the ultimate creator.
- Different communities have different names of God depending on God’s nature and character. Qn : name five communities and the name of their God.
a. Agikuyu creation story
- God called Ngai {one who distributes}
- God’s dwelling place is Mt. Kirinyaga {Mt. Kenya}
- First man called ‘gikuyu’ and first woman ‘mumbi’
- God blessed them with nine daughters{origin of kikuyu 9 clans}
- Gikuyu prayed to God who provided sons to marry the daughters.
- God placed Gikuyu and Mumbi at Mukurwe-wa-nyagathanga.
b. The Bukusu creation story{luhya community}
- God called Were Khakaba {giver of all things}
- Were created the universe alone in two days.
- He started by creating his dwelling place- Mt. Elgon.
- His two assistants were Mukhobe and Muramwa.
- First man called mwambu and wife Sela. He placed them at Mt. Elgon {Mt. Masaba}
c. The Nandi creation story
- God called Asis
- First man and woman from a swollen knee. Knee belonged to a creature which looked like man.
Qn: can you recall creation stories from any African Community?
Similararities between African Creation Stories and Biblical Creation Stories.
- God is the creator of the universe.
- God created everything in an orderly way.
- Man is God’s special creature.
- God at first created male and female.
- The first man and woman became first parents.
- ____________________
- ____________________
- ____________________
How We Respond to God’s Creation
God’s creation shows God’s power, greatness and love towards man
- Caring for God’s creation
- Caring for the environment.
- Respect God’s creation
- Value and give equal importance to all God’s creation.
- Preserve God’s creation
- ____________________
- ____________________
- ____________________
Topical questions
- Quick reading std 6 pg 4-5, 1-10
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 4-6
- Primary CRE 6 pg 8-9
New Life in Traditional African Society
- New life means change/transformation a person goes through in life.
- New life involves stages in life i.e rites of passage
- Rites of passage include:-
- Birth
- Initiation
- Marriage
- Death.
- Birth
- Marks the beginning of new life after delivery
- Naming done by the women of the clan.
- Naming depends on one’s community.
- Newborn welcomed with gifts and ceremonies.
- Mother underwent ritual cleansing after delivery.
- Initiation
- Passage from childhood to adulthood.
- Ceremonies include circumcision, removal of teeth, tattooing e.t.c
- Bloodshed joins the initiates with the ancestors.
- Bathing in the river signifies casting/riding off childhood.
- Initiates kept in isolation period {seclusion} to be taught responsible adult behavior.
- Gateway to marriage.
- Marriage
- Mainly for having children {seals marriage}
- Polygamous nature.
- Choosing of marriage partners done by community.
- Divorce rare because wife belongs to the community.
- Married couple takes up new family responsibilities.
- Death
- Joins the dead to the ancestral world.
- One starts a new life in the spiritual world.
- The deceased family starts a new life without the deceased.
Nb:- new life can be experienced when people move to new areas. Genesis 12:1-9 Abraham moved from to .
New Life in Christianity {2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:17 -32}
- Starts when Christians believe and accept Jesus in their lives.
- Christians are followers of Jesus Christ.
- Baptism is a symbol of new life in Christ.
- Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit who helps them live a holy life by avoiding evil deeds.
- The Holy Spirit helps Christians practice Christian values.
- We share new life in Christ by:-
- Reading the bible
- Singing in choir
How We Give Our Lives to God
- When we dedicate our lives to God, the Holy Spirit controls our lives
- We give our lives to God by:
- Praying and reading the bible
- Praising and worshiping God.
- Giving offerings.
- Participating in community projects
Genesis 12:1-9
The Call of Abraham
- Called while at _____and commanded to move to ______
- Abraham agreed because he had a great faith in
- God promised Abraham:-
- Many descendants
- Great nation
- Blessings
- Protection
- Land
- Son
- Great name. Malachi 3:8-12
- Tithe – a tenth of one’s income [money or possession]
- God wants us to give part of our income as a way of giving our lives.
God Sharing With Us a New Life {Titus 3:4-8}
By :-
- By giving us Jesus to sane man from sins
- Giving us Holy Spirit who is our helper.
- Showing mercy, kindness, love and grace.
- Promising and giving eternal life.
Christian Sharing With Others {Acts 2:44-47, 4:34-35, 6:1-6}
– The early Christians lived a common life by:-
- Preached together
- Prayed together
- __________________
- __________________
- __________________
- __________________
Christians share new life by:-
- Helping others
- Doing good to others
- Sharing word of God.
How Ancestors Served the Clan {Genesis 1:26-29}
- Clan- group of people with the same/common ancestor
- Ancestors served God by?-
- Performing special duties i.e. healing, making rain, priestly duties, protection, solving disputes e.t.c.
- Protecting the community- warriors
- Offering sacrifices- priests
- Teaching virtues and values
- Keeping custom and cultures.
- Settling disputes.
- Caring for members of the community
- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________
How Ancestors Shared Their Possession {Matthew 25:33-40}
- Life was communal- each member was catered for according to needs.
- The gap between the rich and the poor was minimized.
- A person’s wealth was measured in term of:-
- Number of children
- Number of animals
- Size of land
- Number of wives
- Cultivated land belonged to the aged.
- Shared work
- Welcomed strangers. Mathew 25:33-40
- We will be judged according to how we share our possession especially with the needy.
- We should show concern for the needy.
How Christians Share Talent/Skills with Others
- God given talents include
- Singing
- Teaching
- __________________
- __________________
- __________________
- __________________
- Talents are special gifts given by God.
- Skills are learnt and perfected.
- Christians should use different talents and skills to do the work of God.
How Christians Share Their New Life with Jesus {Mathew 25:33-40}
- Christians share their new life with Jesus by helping the needy e.g.:-
- Visiting prisoners
- Feeding the hungry
- Clothing the naked.
- Caring for the sick and the aged.
- Welcoming strangers.
- When Christians help the needy Jesus assure them of great reward i.e will join Him and rejoice forever in heaven.
Revision questions
- Primary CRE 6 pg 26-27, 1-11
- Quick reading CRE pg 11-12, 1-10
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 12-15
- Importance Of Sharing A Meal {Luke 19:1-10}
- People share meals on many occasions’ e.g. parties, ____________________________________ and __________________
Sharing of meals is important because:-
- Brings people together.
- Promotes sense of belonging and harmony.
- Promotes unity in the family
- It is a sign of love, generosity, friendship and care.
Luke 19:1-10
- Jesus shared a meal with a tax collector called _______________
- Zacheaus lived in the town of ___________________
- He climbed on a __________________tree in order to __________________because he was __________________
- People grumbled why Jesus shared a meal with
- Zachaeus agreed to change his life after sharing a meal with Jesus.
- We should share with others irrespective of their reputation.
b. The Meaning Of Passover
- The last meal then Israelites celebrated in Egypt before they left.
- It is called Passover because the angel of death passed over Israelites homes and spared them.
- Slaughtered a one year old lamb
- Roast its meat whole
- Broke none of its bone.
- Ate all meat
- Ate it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
- Ate while standing.
- Eaten only by circumcised me.
- Marked the begging of new life for Israelites
- Was taught from one generation to another and celebrated annually.
- Why did the Israelites celebrate Passover feast each year?
- What did they eat during the feast?
– We should depend on God’s power and protection during challenging situations.
What Jesus said and did during the last supper
What Jesus did | What he said |
1. Took a cup of wine and gave thanks | 1. Take this and share among yourselves |
2. | 2. |
3. | 3. |
4. | 4. |
5. | 5. |
Question: which was the most disturbing statement Jesus said during the Last Supper?
Symbols Jesus used
- Unleavened bread- Jesus’ body {Holy Communion}
- Wine – Jesus’ blood.
Why We Remember Death and Resurrection Of Jesus
{Luke 24:1-9, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26}
- It gives Christians hope for eternal life.
- It reminds us of God’s love.
- It strengthens our faith.
- It assures forgiveness of sins.
- His death is final and most perfect sacrifice for our sins.
- It confirms God’s promises are true.
Luke 24:1-9
- On which day did the women visit the tomb of Jesus?
- Who were these women:
- Why did they visit the tomb of Jesus?
- Which 3 strange things did they encounter with in the tomb?
- Resurrection of Jesus gives Christians
How the Communion is Shared
- Christians celebrate the Holy Communion to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.
- The shared bread represents the body of Jesus and the wine the blood of Jesus..
- Christians show unity when celebrating Holy Communion.
- Christians proclaim death and resurrection of Jesus until He comes again.
Acts 2:42-27
Early believer lived in unity by:-
- Fellowshipping together.
- Praying together.
- Sharing meals.
- Sharing possession with each other.
- Sharing Holy Communion.
John 6:1-14
- Jesus demonstrated pity and kindness.
- Jesus asked_______ where to get food from. But _______discovered a ________ with______and __________.
- Jesus blessed it, _____________ and fed the multitude and __________baskets remained.
Getting Ready For the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
2 peter 3:10-15
- Christians should get ready for the second coming of Jesus for there will be no warning.
- We should prepare ourselves by:-
- Living pure and holy lives.
- Repenting and asking God for forgiveness
- Living prayerful lives.
- Obeying God’s commandments.
- Believing and accepting Jesus in our lives.
- _________________
- _________________
- _________________
2 peter 3:10-15
- Jesus will come unexpectedly.
- Jesus will come as a thief
- Qn: state the events of that day ____________________________________________________________________
Meaning Of Repentance and Forgiveness {Luke 15:11-32}
- Repentance- act of feeling sorry of wrong doings.
- Forgiveness – willingness to pardon those who wrong us.
- God always forgives us:-
- When we are truly sorry of our wrongs.
- When we forgive those who wrong us.
- Repentance and forgiveness strengthens our relationship with God.
- Jesus taught repentance and forgiveness using the parable of the prodigal son
- Sinners- lost son
- God- loving father.
Celebrating Breaking of Bread {1 Corinthians 11:23-32}
- Breaking of bread is also called :-
- Lord’s supper
- Lord’s table
- The holy communion
- The Eucharist
- The holy mass.
- Christians by celebrating the holy communion obey Jesus command “do this in remembrance of me”
- Christians remember death and resurrection of Jesus.
- Before breaking bread one should repent sins.
Values Required During the Breaking of Bread
- Humility
- Love
- Happiness
- Sharing
- Thankfulness
- Caring
- Patience
- Tolerance
By celebrating the Holy Communion Christians demonstrate unity, togetherness, love, humility, joy, appreciation and giving.
Revision questions
- Primary CRE 6 pg 43-44
- Quick reading CRE pg 16-17
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 21-24
People with special needs
- The blind {visually impaired}
- The lame or crippled {physically impaired}
- The deaf {hearing impaired}
- The mentally handicapped.
- The behaviorally and emotionally disturbed.
- Those with communication disorders{mute or dumb}
- The orphans
- The poor
- The street children
- People living with HIV/AIDS
- The refugees.
- The sick
- Visually impaired {blind}
- Challenge – cannot see or read.
- Require assistance when walking.
- Use Braille to read.
- Causes – old age, accidents, sickness, born blind
John 9:1-12
- Jesus encounter with a man born blind.
- Disciples asked the cause of his blindness.
- Jesus said- sins never caused blindness. Born that way for God’s power to be seen at work.
- Jesus healed him by:-
- Spitting on the ground.
- Made mud
- Rubbed it on his eyes.
- Sent him to wash his face at the pool of Siloam.
- As Christian we should help the blind enjoy life like normal people.
2. The Physically Impaired
- Challenge – cannot walk without help
- Discrimination at work places.
- Difficulties at work
- Causes:- accidents, sickness, born that way.
Acts 3:1-10
- Peter and john met a lame man at the Beautiful Gate of Jerusalem temple.
- The crippled man asked them for money {silver or gold}
- Peter told him that they did not have money but we will give you what we have.
- He told him to walk in the name of Jesus and he got healed.
Mark 2:1-12
- Jesus healed a paralyzed man lowered from the roof.
- He was healed because of the faith of those who brought him.
- Jesus forgave him his sins and told him to rise up take his mat and go home.
- Jesus healed him to show that he had power to forgive sins.
- Christians help the lame to enjoy life.
3. The Hearing Impaired {The Deaf}
- Challenge- cannot hear.
- Difficulties in communication
- Causes: accidents, loud sounds, being born, mishandling ears.
Mark 7:31-35, 37
- Jesus healed a deaf man by placing his fingers in the ears.
- Jesus said “Ephphatha”- meaning open-up.
- Christians should be concerned with people who are deaf.
4. Mentally Handicapped
- Challenge- mental sickness
- Causes: evil spirits {witchcraft}, sickness{brain damage
Matthew 8:28-34
- Jesus met with a man possessed by demons.
- The man lived among the tombs.
- The demons begged Jesus not to destroy them.
- Jesus ordered them to leave the man {mob] and entered a herd of pigs.
- The owner of the pigs forced Jesus to leave their territory.
- Jesus probed he has power over evil spirits.
- Christians should help the mentally sick by:-
- Providing daily needs
- Taking them to special schools
- ___________________
5. Behaviorally And Emotionally Disturbed.
- These are people who act abnormally e.g.:-
- Isolate themselves, cry with reason, ever absent minded, staring at nothing for a long time e.t.c.
- Causes: stress, loss of a loved one, overworking, fear e.t.c
- This condition can be overcome by:
- Trusting in God and pray over all experiences.
- Seek assistance from experts.
- Participate in sports and games.
6. The Dumb {Mute}
- Challenge- can’t speak/talk, can’t express themselves verbally
- Use gestures/signs
- Many people can’t understand sign language.
Mathew 9:22-33
- Jesus healed a man who could not talk for he had a demon.
- He ordered the demon to leave the man and he spoke
7. The Orphans
- Orphans are children whose parents are dead.
- Challenge: lack of parental love and guidance
- If young they lack food, clothing, and shelter e.t.c.
Deuteronomy 26:12
- Moses gave instruction on use of a tenth of their produce Should be given to Levites, the foreigners, fatherless and windows.
James 1;27
- True religion is taking care of orphans and widows.
8. The Poor
- These people lack enough basic needs
Psalms 41:1
- King David stresses that those concerned with the poor are blessed and God will deliver them in times of trouble.
People living with HIV/AIDS
- These people are infected with HIV/AIDS
- HIV/AIDS is transmitted mainly through sex.
- Christians should care for them and help them lead a normal life.
10. Street Children
- These are children who are homeless and live in towns streets.
- Problems they face – lack of food, shelter, clothes, medical care e.t.c, sexual harassment.
- Causes: parental negligence, poverty, harassment at home e.t.c.
- Christians should be concerned with the street children by providing basic needs, taking them to rehabilitation centers
11. Refugees {Mathew 2:13-15, 19-23}
- These are people who have freed their countries because of war, insecurity
- Challenges : lack of shelter, food, clothing, peace e.t.c
- Christians should help refugees by:-
- Providing basic needs.
- Helping them join refugees organizations e.g. UNHCR.
How Christians support people with special needs.
- Building special schools for them Example:
- Thika school for blind sponsored by
- Mumias school for deaf and dumb- catholic church
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- Providing necessary equipments for challenged people.
- Building houses for orphans, refugees
- Training people on how to be self reliant
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
Why Christians should care for people with special needs {James 2:14-17}
- It is our Christian duty to do so {James 2:14-17}
- It is our responsibility to continue with the work of Jesus
- By doing so, it is a demonstration of faith with actions
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- Primary CRE 6 pg 70-71
- Quick reading CRE 6 pg 23
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 37-38
- Meaning Of A Responsible Life
- Understanding who we are in terms of
- Our abilities and interest.
- Our acceptable and unacceptable characters.
- Our feelings and how we relate with others.
- Our behaviors and seeking our goals.
2. Acquiring Self- Awareness/Self-Worth {Reference Primary CRE Pg 72-73}
- This is when we:-
- Accept that we are God’s perfect creation
- Feel good about ourselves.
- Realize that we are important in God’s sight.
- Are unique and created for a purpose.
- Memory verse: Isaiah 43:4
- List two ways that shows the man is a special creature.
- State a reason why God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
3. Identifying Interests and Abilities
- Interest is things we enjoy doing.
- Abilities are things one is able to do well and has interest in them e.g. swimming, dancing___________________________________________ e.t.c.
- Some abilities are natural {born with} but we acquire other abilities as we grow up.
Exodus 35:30
- God gave Bazalel and _________ the ability and knowledge to design and make ________ to make a tabernacle.
Mathew 25:14-30 [parable of 3 servants]
- The master had _________ servants
- He gave each servant according to ones’ ability.
- One he gave _________, to another he gave _________and to another he gave_________.
- The master was happy with the first two BUT condemned the third servant.
1 Peter 4:10-11
- Saint Peter teaches that the gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used to serve God. Question:
- State seven gifts of the holy spirit {spiritual gifts}
- Why was the master unhappy with the third servant in the parable of the 3 servants?
- According to exodus 35:30-35, Bazalel son of___________ was given skill and abilities of all kinds of crafts, ___________ , _________, __________ , and ____________.
4. Character Traits Needed For Acceptance By Others
- Character are behavioral patterns
- Characters are grouped into good and bad.
- Good characters are called virtues {acceptable}
- Example: love, kindness, loyalty humility …..
- Bad characters are called vices {not acceptable}. Example: hatred, disrespect, pride….
- Explain how one acquires good characters
- If you are dishonest, how would you acquire the virtue of honest?
- Read Isaiah 43:4 “ I will give up __________ , then memorize it.
- State 5 acceptable behaviors in a school.
5. Accepting Feelings Of Self-Worth
We express our feelings of self-worth by:-
- Being confident
- Telling the truth
- Being honest
- Accepting change
- Sharing feelings
- Being ready to face challenges
- Appreciating ourselves and others.
Isaiah 43:4
- God reminds and assures us that he loves us and we are precious to him.
6. Acquiring Socially Responsible Behavior {SRB}
- These are good acts that make us acceptable to others.
- They are learnt from parents, school and at church
- Examples:
- Taking care of property {home, school, church}
- Living peacefully with others
- Using resources responsibly
- Helping the needy.
- Being kind
- Caring and preserving environment.
- Being courteous while interacting with others.
- Practicing virtues
- We please God when we behave responsibly
- 1 Peter 2:1-5
- We are advised to get rid of lying, ____________,_______, ______and_____
Ephesians 4:25-32
- We are advised to get rid of all bitterness,_____________, _________ , _____________, _____________ . Instead be kind,_____________ and_____________
John 15-11-15
- Jesus commands us to love each other just as he loves us.
Galatians 5:23-26
- We learn to be gentle and have self control
Colossians 3:20
- It is the duty of children to obey parents for this pleases God
Romans 13:1-5
- We should obey those in authority because authority comes from God.
Mathew 5:14-16
- We are the light of the world.
- We should let our good deeds by light to others hence praise God.
- In 1 Peter 2:1-5, we are advised to get rid of all – and
- We should obey and state authority because?
- List down 4 unacceptable character triats.
- Ohaliab was chosen by God and given the ability to
7. Developing Goal Seeking Behavior
- A goal {purpose, aspiration} is the aim or target we set for us.
- Goal can be classified as:
- Short term- completing primary school
- Long term – completing high school,-university-getting a career
- Ways to achieve our goals include:-
- Being creative
- Avoid harmful activities in our lives.
- Sharing ideas with others.
- Being persistent and never loose hope.
- Accepting criticism positively.
- Always praying and depending on God for guidance.
Mathew 25:14-30 {parable of 3 servants}
- We are reminded to be active in using our abilities to release our goals by avoiding laziness.
8. Developing Life Skills
- Life skills are abilities that help a person to develop positive behavior towards solving everyday problems.
- Life skills help us to develop assertiveness, make decisions, critical thinking, creative thinking and responding skills.
a. Assertiveness
- Assertiveness is being able to express our opinion strongly and confidently.
- It means saying no when you mean NO and YES when you mean yes.
- It involves:
- Standing up for your rights
- Refusing gifts and lifts from strangers.
- Refusing to accompany friends to unknown places
- Insist on working hard to achieve goals.
- Refusing to be influenced by other people negatively.
- Being assertive does not mean we become more aggressive and disrespectful to other people.
Genesis 39:1-12
- Joseph was assertive because he _________ to go to bed with _______ wife.
- Joseph was assertive because he knew what was right and wrong. [Related story: primary CRE pg 87-88]
Nb: Christians can be assertive by being open and honest and refusing to commit sin.
- Decision making
- Ability to make correct choices or judgments about something
- Involves making wise choices which helps us achieve our goals.
- Helps us to resolve conflicts and dilemma.
- Provides the opportunity to choose the best option.
- What important decisions have you made today? {Reference to primary CRE 6 pg 91}
John 11:1-44
- Lazarus and his two sisters [Mary and Martha} lived in Bethany.
- Lazarus got sick.
- Mary and______ decided to send for Jesus.
- Jesus delayed for two more days but later made a decision to visit Lazarus’ family.
- Disciples, though they feared, made a decision to go with Jesus.
- Jesus decided to bring Lazarus to life: power to give life.
- Lesson:-
- Christians should make correct decisions in life particular to follow Jesus.
- We should make decisions that are in line with God’s commandments.
- We should aim at glorifying God with our decisions. {Related story: Primary CRE 6 pg 90}
- Critical thinking {Luke 11:37-44}
- This is being able to make fair and careful judgments about good and bad qualities of people or something.
- Involves exploring possibilities of doing a task in more than one way.
- Helps us to express our judgments after analyzing a situation.
- Helps us to respect views of other people in achieving our goals.
Luke 11:37-44
- Jesus was invited to a Pharisee’s house for a meal.
- Jesus did not wash his hands.
- Jesus criticized Pharisees for their hypocrisy by:
- Washing the outside of their cups and plates while inside ws full of violence and evil.
- Giving tenth of their harvest but neglected justice and love of God.
- They loved the reserved seats in the synagogues and be greeted with respect.
- Developing creative thinking
- This is being able to develop new ideas and methods especially when tackling a problem.
- Involves imagining, improvising and coming up with new things.
- Helps us to respect the views of other people.
Luke 20-19-26
- Teachers of law wanted to trap and arrest Jesus.
- The spies asked Jesus whether it was right to pay taxes.
- Jesus was creative, he did not answer yes or no
- Jesus asked for a _ coin and asked them whose face appeared on the coin.
- Jesus concluded by saying “pay to _________ what belongs to ________ and to God what _______ to God”. {Related story: primary CRE 6 pg 96-97}
- How to listen and respond
- To listen is to concentrate on hearing something by paying attention.
- To respond is to act in response to something.
- Involves our attentiveness, patience and acting obediently.
John 3:1-21
- Jesus and Nicodemus had a discussion.
- They listened and responded to each other.
- Nicodemus wondered how he could be born again.
- Jesus responded to him by explaining to him how to be born again.
- Jesus was a good listener; he listened and responded to Nicodemus.
Nb: we should listen and respond to the word of God. {Related story: primary CRE 6 pg 98-100}
- Gifts Of The Holy Spirit {Spiritual Gifts} 1 Corinthians 12:4-11}
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Wisdom
- Healing
- Working miracles
- Preaching
- Discerning spirits.
- Speaking in tongues
- Interpreting tongues.
2. Fruits of the Holy Spirit {Galatians 5:22-23}
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control.
{Related story: Primary CRE pg 103-104}
3. The Story Of Gideon {Judges 6:11-16, 7:1-3, 7:16-22}
Life history
- His home village was called Ophrah
- An angel appeared to him when threshing wheat.
- His tribe was Manasseh {weakest tribe}
- His father was called Joash.
- God was angry with the Israelites for their sins. He let the Amalekites and Midianites attack them.
- God heard the Israelites cry and sent Gideon to save them.
- Gideon {meaning great worrier} complained at first because:-
- His tribe was the weakest
- He was the least in his family.
- God promise to be with Gideon to fight Medianites.
- God helped Gideon to defeat Medianites with 300 soldiers.
- From Gideon story we learn to follow God’s instructions to succeed.
- Gideon’s soldiers were to blow the __________, break __________and shout, “ a sword
- How did God fight for Israelites?
- How did Gideon test his soldiers to know the courageous and true soldiers?
- Why did Gideon at first complain when he received God’s message from the angel? {Related story: Primary CRE pg 105-6}
4. Response Of Paul to The Holy Spirit [Acts 16:6-10, 18:9-11, 20:22-24]
- Paul means small
- At first called Saul.
- Born in Tarsus and was tent maker.
- He was a Pharisee and opposed Christianity.
- He witnessed the stoning of Stephen
- On his way to Damascus, to arrest Christians, he met Jesus in form of a dazzling light.
- Jesus asked “Paul why do you persecute me?”.
- After conversion he became blind, his men led him to Judas home in Damascus.
- Ananias was sent to Paul to baptize, lay hands on him and help him regain sight.
- The Holy Spirit led Paul to preach to the gentiles.
- He wrote 10 letters [epistles] to different gentile churches
- Pauline epistles: romans, __________, __________ , __________ ,__________ , __________, __________ , __________ , __________and__________ .
- Before Paul converted to become a Christian he was a?
- Name 5 epistles in the bible that were not written by Paul.
- Who is a gentile?
- State 3 things Ananias did to Paul at Damascus {Related story: Primary CRE pg 106-107}
5. How The Holy Spirit Led The Writers Of The Bible
- The bible is the Christian holy book.
- Bible is divided into:
- New Testament – 27 books
- Old Testament – 39 books.
- New testament {27 books}
- Gospel {4} Mathew, __________ , __________ and __________ .
- Historical {1}- Acts of the apostles {written by Luke}
- Pauline epistles {10} Romans,__________ , __________, __________ , __________, __________ , __________ , __________, __________ and __________
- Other epistles {8} Hebrews, ……..
- Prophetic books {1{Revelation written by John.
- Old Testament {39 books}
- Books of law/ Moses/Torah –Genesis [pupils to list the others}
- Historical books {12} Judges, { pupils list the others}
- Poetic books {5} Job, {pupils list the others}
- Prophetic books {17} Isaiah, {pupils list the others}
- The main purpose of the bible is to:-
- Teach the truthas about God and man.
- Rebuke errors
- Correct faults.
- Give instructions for right living.
- The main purpose of the bible is to:-
6. Using The Bible As Our Guide
Philip the Ethiopian Eunuch [Acts 8:26-40}
- Philip {means lover of horses} was a famous gentile evangelist
- Holy Spirit led him to meet an Ethiopian eunuch on his way to Jerusalem.
- Philip guided him to understand prophesy of messiah according to Isaiah.
- Philip baptized Ethiopian eunuch after he believed. Nb: We should read and understand the bible to:-
- Gain wisdom
- Learn God’s commandments.
- Learn how to live a good life.
- Experience joy in our lives
- Know the truth.
7. Charismatic Renewal of the Church In Kenya. {John 1:2. Acts 5:32, Luke 11:13}
- Charismatic means God’s grace.
- Charismatic renewal- renewing/ bringing back the experience of the presence of the Grace of God through the Holy Spirit.
- The outpouring of the Holy Spirit leads to extensive use of gifts of the Holy Spirit in serving God.
- Renewal began in Kenya in 1970s in both catholic and protestant churches.
- Charismatic renewal is characterized by:-
- Increased desire to serve and worship God.
- The reception of the gifts of the holy spirit by Christians.
- More fruits of the Holy Spirit seen among Christians.
- What is charismatic renewal?
- In which year was charismatic renewal experienced in Kenya?
- Name 5 spiritual gifts.
- The Ethiopian Eunuch was baptized by
- ______preached the good news to Samaria.
- The early believers received power of Holy Spirit from Apostle through _______?
8. The Holy Spirit In The Life Of A Christian
- Works of the holy spirit in the life of a Christian are:-
- Giving us gifts and helping us to use them to produce fruits.
- Helps us to lead holy lives
- Gives us courage to preach good news.
- Helps in our prayers.
- Inspiring us to help others
- __________
- ___________
- ___________
John 16:15
Jesus says all that God has is His and Holy Spirit will take what he gave him and give it to us.
1 Peter 2:1-5
- We are advised to rid ourselves of all evil, lying, _ , or
Acts 13:1-4
- Barnabas and ________ were chosen and sent by the holy spirit to preach. They took _______to help them.
9. Unity In The Church {Ephesians 4:3-6}
i. Unity amongst Christians is expressed through:
- One body of Christ.
- One faith in God.
- One faith in Jesus.
- One faith in the Holy Spirit.
ii. Christians remain united today through:-
- The apostle creed- faith
- Working towards a common CRE syllabus.
- Attending interdenominational services/prayers.
- Conducting charity works of mercy.
- Fostering unity through organizations e.g. NCCK
- The father of Gideon was called?
- During the time of Gideon, the Israelites were attacked by?
- Who is referred to as Gentile Apostles?
- Paul and Silas were not allowed by the Holy Spirit to preach good news to ?
- How many soldiers did Gideon chose to fight the Medianites?
- Who accompanied Barnabas and Silas in their preaching work/
- When Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch, he was reading from the book of __?
- Gideon was from the tribe of?
- State 4 believes found in the apostle creed.
- By healing a paralytic man, Jesus shows that he has power to?
Difference in class
- God created male and female.
- God created us different in:-
- Sex
- Size
- Age
- Weight
- Talents/abilities
- Physical appearances
- Academic performance
- Denominations
Psalms 139:13-18
- God the sole creator of all of us.
- God created us in unique way
- We are fearfully and wonderfully created by God.
B. How different we are in our local community
- Ethnicity/tribe – Romans 12:4-10
- Races – Galatians 3:28, john 4:7-9
c. Wealth – Luke 16:19-31, 18:24-25
- Poverty – roman 15:26-29
- Religion – 1 Corinthians 10;32-33
C. Accepting the needy people in the society
The needy
- Orphans
- Widows
- The sick
- The hungry
- The refugees
- The disabled
- The IDP
- The aged.
We accept the needy by:
- Sharing food, clothing, shelter e.t.c with them
- Visiting the sick and the prisoners.
- Caring for orphans and widows, displaced, aged e.t.c
- Building schools
- Paying school fees for the needy.
Luke 10:27-37
- Love your neighbor [the needy} as you love yourself.
- Jesus demonstrated love for neighbor by:
- Healed lepers though they were rejected and considered unclean.
- Gave the parable of the good Samaritan who helped a Jew.
- Died for all sinners.
D. We are all equally important before God.
- We have differences amongst us but we are all equal before God.
- God made us in his own likeness and image.
- God gave us power over all creations
- God wants us to live like brother and sisters {James 2:1-4}
- We should pray to God for ourselves and others.
- The rich and poor should be treated in the same way.
E. The role of the church in uniting people
The church unites people by:
- Sharing the holy communion
- Conducting marriage/ wedding ceremonies.
- Conducting interdenominational prayers.
- Conducting church choirs competitions
- Universal bible study.
- Common religious instructional materials in schools.
- Enhancing working together as Christians {Ecumenism} .
Psalms 133:1-3
- Teaches Christians to live together in unity and God will bless us
James 4:11-12
- We should respect other people and their religion
- List four differences among pupils in class
- Name for ethnic communities in Kenya
- What lesson do we learn from the story of Lazarus and the rich man?
- What is the difference between a tribe and a race?
- What happened to the man who was travelling to Jericho from Jerusalem in the parable of the Good Samaritan?
- Name 3 activities that can unite people in a church
- Psalms 139:14 says we are _
- Jesus healed 10 lepers, only one thanked him. The healed leper who thanked Jesus was a?
- The man who was attacked by robbers in the parable of good Samaritan was travelling from to —————————- .
- State the greatest commandments according to Jesus.
- What is work?
- Work is the use of physical or mental power in order to do or make something.
- Work is ordained by God.
- God worked for 6 days and rested on the seventh day.
- God put man in charge of all creations.
- God put man in the Garden of Eden and told him to care for it.
- Paul encourages us to work hard. He says those who do not work should not eat. {2 Thessalonians 3:6-12}
2. Why do people work today
- To provide for families
- To earn a living.
- To relies our set goals.
- To acquire property.
- To fulfill the will of God.
- To help those in need
- To realize development in the society.
3. Why people worked in traditional African society
- To feed their families.
- To become famous.
- To be seen hardworking.
- To set a good example to children.
- To be wealthy.
- To earn respect.
- Laziness was discouraged.
4. Reasons why god wants us to work
- Work is ordained by God.
- To continue with his work of creation.
- To emulate Jesus who also worked hard to save man.
- To make our environment better.
- To improve our living conditions
- To spread news about His Kingdom.
- To serve others through our abilities. {Romans 12:6-8}
- To be self- reliant
- ___________
- _____________
- ____________
5. Division of work at home
- Every member in the family has a role to play.
- Family members share work according to ability, age, type of work and status.
- Shared work becomes lighter and takes less time.
- Sharing work promotes unity, love and joy in the family.
- Sharing work encourages members to avoid laziness
Colossians 3:23
- We should work with all our hearts as if we are serving God.
Thessalonians 3:10:12
- Paul encourages us to work hard and avoid laziness.
- Those who do not work should not eat.
6. Forms of child labor { 2 kings 5:2}
- A child is any person under the age of 18 years.
- Child-labour- using children to do adults’ work.
- Child labour includes:-
- Operating heavy machines
- Working as house helps.
- Working at farms and on construction sites.
- Hawking
- Carrying heavy loads
- _______________
- ________________
- _______________
Why are children engaged in child labour?
- Poverty
- Death of parents
- Neglect by guardians and parents
- Drug abuse
- _______________
- ________________
- ______________
Effects of child labour
- Children do not enjoy life- spend most time working.
- Children fail to go to school.
- Affects the health of children.
- Some are paid very little or no pay at all.
- Children are exposed to harassment and sexual abuse.
- Children engage in irresponsible behaviors
- Children develop fear because of mistreatment.
- Children are exposed to dangers that can even cause death.
7. Working in the community
- Community work:-
- Building roads
- Clearing rubbish
- Building dams.
- Digging bore-holes.
Effects of community work {2 Thessalonians 3:6-13}
- Enhances unity in the community
- Reduces poverty
- Improves quality of life in the community.
- Encourages people to work hard.
Nb: apostle Paul worked as a tent maker to earn his living.
8. Working for the nation {Romans 13:6-8}
Different jobs in Kenya
- Doctors
- Technician
- Policeman
- Farming
- Nurses
- Lawyers
- Everyone should work well in order to help our nation.
- If people are lazy, poverty will strike our nation hence thieves increase.
- Bible encourages us to work hard to support the government by paying taxes.
- Paying taxes enables the nation to develop.
Dignity of manual work {2 Thessalonians 3:7-8, Acts 18:1-4, Genesis 4:2}
- Manual work- the work done using our hands.
- Examples: livestock keeping, digging, clearing, ,___________________ , _______ , _______
- Manual work makes our lives better and helps us to have enough basic needs.
- Manual work keeps our environment safe.
- Examples of manual work in the bible:-
- Apostle Paul was a tent maker
- Cain was a farmer.
- Abel was a herdsman
- Joseph was a carpenter
- ______________
- ______________
- ______________
- ______________
10. Attitudes towards work{Luke 18:9-14}
- Should appreciate it because it helps us earn a living.
- View work with dignity since through it we are able to provide basic needs.
- Work is a service to God and the community.
- All work is meant to help man live a comfortable life.
- _________
- ________
- ________
11. What it means to work for God.
- We use our talents and abilities to serve God through others.
- All work is a way of partnering with God e.g. doctors, teaching e.t.c.
- Preachers, pastors, priests and evangelists serve God directly.
- Voluntary work requires no pay but is a way of serving God through the needy.
- We are encouraged to receive servants of God; Jesus sent his disciples and commanded them not to carry money, food, clothes. Jesus expected people to provide for them.
- What is work?
- Why did God put man in the Garden of Eden?
- State 3 reasons why people worked in traditional communities
- Apostle Paul worked as a?
- Give two example of child labour
- Why is it important for Christians to work together?
- The slave girl who foretold the future and was healed by Paul was from?
- Whoever does not work should not ___________Cain worked as a ?
- Elisha worked as a ___________ before God called him to be a prophet.
A. Our hope after primary school
- Hope is a strong desire or expectation that something will happen or true.
- People have hopes about different things at different times.
- Hope gives meaning to life.
- Examples of things one can hope for:-
- Getting a good job
- Getting married.
- Getting children
- Joining university.
- Start a business and travel across the world.
- Hopes that are realized in the future are called distant hopes. Biblical approach {Romans 8:23-25,28}
- Paul tells us that the whole of God’s creation expects His salvation. We should patiently hope for good things in life.
- ______should accompany hope in order to have salvation.
- A person without hope is called?
- The book of Romans was written by?
- List FOUR things one can hope for in life.
- Which are the two main types of hopes?
B. Our hopes for future adult life
- An adult is a grown up person who in most cases is independent.
- An adult has to be over 18 years of age according to Kenyan Law. Rights and privileges of an adult in Kenya
- Acquire a national identification card[ID}
- Seek employment.
- Getting married.
- Running business
- Joining church ministry
Biblical Approach
Psalms 138:7-8
- God keeps his promises and his love is everlasting.
Jeremiah 29:10-14
- God knows the pans he has for us.
1 Corinthians 13:9-13
- God wants us to proper in all ways.
- Spiritual growth enables us to understand the plans of God.
- Having good feelings about good things that will happen to us is called?
- Who will receive eternal life?
- The greatest hope that a committed Christian should have is?
- Who is an adult according to the Kenyan law?
- Write the authors of the following books
- Psalms__________
- Jeremiah ___________
- Corinthians _________
- Name the prophet who prophesied about the new covenant.
C. How we overcome disappointments {1 Corinthians 13:9-13}
- Disappointment- a feeling of sadness because something has not happened as you hoped for.
- Disappointment happens as a result of broken hopes
Ways of overcoming disappointments
- Setting achievable goals
- Being focused on strengths
- Developing a positive attitude towards everything we do.
- Being prayerful.
- Trusting in God in all our undertakings.
- Being hardworking.
- Accept situation we cannot change.
Results of disappointments
- Feeling unhappy
- Feeling discouraged
- Feeling frustrated.
- Lack of sleep.
- Loss of appetite.
- Disappointment is the
- The leper who said ‘thank you’ was a
- List three things we can do to avoid disappointment
- List two results of disappointment to a human being
D. What the church hopes for
- Church – it refers to a congregation of believers/worshippers.
- A person who believes and follows Jesus Christ is called a Christian.
- Christians hope for:-
- The second coming of Jesus
- Peace and unity in the world.
- Salvation of yet non-believers by Christ.
- Good deeds.
- Eternal life with Christ.
- New life in Christ is characterized by
- A holy life
- Preaching
- Teaching the good news.
- Singing.
- Christians can achieve their hopes through:-
- Praying to God
- Reading the bible
- Going to church and worshipping.
- Confession that Jesus is our savior.
- Name two beliefs for Christians
- Disciples of Jesus were first referred to as ‘Christians’ in a town called?
- Jesus ascended to heaven from the town of?
- Name the helper that Jesus promised His disciples.
- Name four things that the church hopes for.
E. The Wisemen hope for the king
- Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea
- Prophet Micah prophesied that the messiah would be born in Bethlehem
- Wisemen studied a unique star.
- The star first led them to Herod’s palace- the then king of Judea.
- Jesus was the hope of the whole world, so God protected him from being killed by King Herod.
- The wisemen brought the following to the baby Jesus:-
- Gold
- Frankincence
- Myrrh
- Jesus was brought up {grew} in Nazareth.
- Name three gifts that the Wisemen brought to baby Jesus.
- The name Jesus means?
- Which King was the ancestor of Jesus?
- _________ is known to be the city of David.
- The Wisemen came from the?
- Prophet____________foretold the birth of Jesus.
- Prophet____________ prophesied about the killing of babies by Herod soldiers.
F. A sure hope for human kind {Mathew 1:18-22, Romans 5:12, John 17:25-26}
- Mary was a virgin Jewish lady and had an engagement with Joseph- a descendant of David.
- Mary conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The message was taken to Mary by Angel Gabriel.
- Prophet Isaiah refers to the baby as Emmanuel- meaning God with us
- The gentiles were to put their hopes in him.
- When Jesus was presented to the temple, a man called Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit and spoke good about the baby Jesus.
- Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
- Give four titles used by prophet Isaiah to describe Emmanuel
- Who wanted to kill baby Jesus?
- The wisemen were guided by a?
- Jesus was a revelation and salvation for the__________who were not Israelites .
- Name 3 occasions Jesus encountered with the gentiles.
G. Our ambitions in life {Micah 6:6-8}
- An ambition is a determination to be successful in a certain area.
- Some of the ambitions include
- Being a doctor
- Being a pilot
- Being a teacher
- Prophet Micah teaches that we should worship God in a just way. Just- being fair in the way we treat others
- God expects us to be:-
- Just
- Loving and caring to everybody
- Humble
- Prayerful.
- What did Simeon, a man full of the Holy Spirit, foretell about what Jesus would do to the gentiles?
- Name three purposes God has for your life
H. Jesus Christ hope of eternal life
- Eternal life- life with a beginning but has no end.
- Eternal life is also called everlasting life
- Eternal life starts on earth when one repents his/her sins and gets baptized.
The origin of death
- Adam and eve disobeyed God.
- The sin of disobedience separated people from God and God pronounced death as one of the punishment on man.
Christians view of death
- Death does not mark the end of life of a Christian believer.
- John 3:16 says God sent His son Jesus Christ so that however believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
- Eternal life is also called?
- When does eternal Life begin?
- Initiation in Christianity is equivalent to in African Traditional Religion
- The tree that man ate from is known as the tree of?
- Apart from death, state other punishments God gave to
- Snake
- Eve
- Adam
How eternal life is received
- Death came by means of a man called Adam and resurrection will come through Jesus Christ.
- When the body is buried it is immortal or perishable but when raised it is immortal or imperishable.
- Jesus died and was buried.
- He rose from the dead after 3 days with a spiritual body.
- On the last day, the living will receive the spiritual bodies that will join Jesus in the clouds.
- State 3 women who were first to see the resurrected Jesus
- Jesus resurrected on _______________
- _______________offered a tomb to bury the body of Jesus.
- Name the seven deacons
I. Life after death {John 14:1-30}
- In the ATR{ African traditional religion} people believe in life after death, so does Christians.
- In ATR children are named after the dead as a show of honor
- The dead are involved in rituals such as circumcision
- Christians bury the dead and wait for the day of resurrection
- We should not be afraid of death but respect God and love so as to inherit the kingdom of God.
- State the common belief among the ATS and Christians. Both believe in_______________
- What is the significance of bloodshed during circumcision?
- Naming children is very important in ATS. Name four ways of naming the children in ATS
- “Go wash your face in the pool of Siloam”. Siloam means? _______________ {Luke 9:1-12}
- Give the meaning of the following names:
- Emmanuel
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Jesus
- Rabbi
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