Parents Vent Their Frustration after Being Excluded From the CBC Taskforce
The parents’ organization has made their frustrations known regarding their frustration after being excluded from a panel that was formed to undertake an evaluation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) system of education.
According to the new Chairperson of the Parents Association Silas Obuhatsa, the government made a mistake by not including them in the panel consisting of 49 members.
He said that parents play an important role in educating pupils at home and in the operation of a school, and should not be excluded in the evaluation of the CBC. According to him, this makes no sense at all.
“Parents are an important part of running a school so when you form a task force excluding them, it does not make sense. We looked at the task force and we saw lecturers who do not know anything about primary school affairs,” said Obuhatsa on Sunday.
He revealed that the task force comprises professors who have little knowledge about elementary school matters.
“The CBC is not something to joke about because it lays the foundation of a child and if you do it the wrong way, the students will have no skills as they transit to junior and senior secondary schools. We want in the near future, students who are fully equipped and competent,” he added.
On his part, the Secretary-General said that the new curriculum has become a burden for parents. He added that not involving them in the task force will affect the ability of the learners to acquire these skills.
“As parents in the villages from the grassroots, have faced lots of challenges regarding our children because once you will find a child returning home when the parent is absent and yet they need help with work from school like sewing. They end up being helped by the house help,” said Eskimos Kirumbi.
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