Education News Kisii University Workers Stage Demos, Threaten to Boycott Work Kisii University workers, on Wednesday, engaged the police in running battles after they staged demonstrations…
Education News Islamic University In Uganda Cuts Staff Salaries By 90% Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) has announced general salary cuts of up to 90% for its staff members after they…
Education News TSC Teachers to Get Pay Rise, Promotion in July 2020 TSC Teachers will get a pay rise and job group promotions coming this July 2020 after Parliament gave a green light…
Teaching Tips 10 Countries With The Highest Teacher Salary In The World For the survival of any country’s economy, the teaching profession is a vital element whereby the teachers’…
Education Jobs “Triple Our Salaries”, Kenyan Teachers Now Demand After years of relentless back and forth struggle between the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the…
Education Jobs KNUT Teachers to Get No Pay Rise and Lose All Pay Benefits, Says TSC The Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT members will not get pay rise, this is according to the Teachers Service…