Education News This is the Reason Headteachers in Job Grade C2 Face Demotion Primary school heads of institutions who were promoted without following Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) for…
Education News 1,000 TSC Promotion Vacancies for Diploma Teachers 2021, Application Procedure Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has today the 26th of January 2021 advertised for 1000 teacher promotion…
Education News 15,246 TSC Teacher Promotion Vacancies, Requirements, and Application Procedure On Monday the 21st of December 2020, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, advertised a total of 15,246 appointment…
Education News TSC Advertises 91 Deputy Principal I T Scale 13 Vacancies in 2020 The Teachers Service Commission TSC has advertised 91 Open Vacancies for Deputy Principals 1. The vacancies are…
TSC Jobs Re-advertised TSC Vacancies for Administrators Open to All Teachers It is now confirmed that the vacancies readvertised by the Teachers Service Commission TSC for Principals,…
Education News TSC Re-advertisement for Vacancies for Principals, Headteachers, and Deputy… The Teachers Service Commission TSC has re-advertised for Vacancies for Principals, Headteachers, and Deputy…