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KNEC Examiners Strike at Machakos Girls High School

The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2019 Examination results release dates could change after some of Kenya National Examinations Council’s examiners downed their tools today Monday 2nd December 2019 at Machakos Girls high school.

The Business Paper 2 national examiners had reported at the Machakos girls high school for the marking exercise over the weekend.

Examiners Cite Low Pay, harassment and Poor Working Conditions

However, just a few hours after arriving at the marking venue, the examiners went on a go-slow citing low pay and poor working conditions.

The KNEC’s Chief Executive Officer Dr. Mercy Karogo Mercy Karogo, (Ex Research Director at KICD), tried to avert the crisis and take charge of the situation but was unsuccessful.

KNEC CEO Dr. Karogo Booed Off-Stage

Dr. Karogo’s attempt to address the furious examiners was met by heckling and booing.

The CEO in cooperation with other junior KNEC staff holed up in a tense meeting with senior examiners to try and solve the crisis.

Sadly, Monday’s meeting bore no fruits.

Examiners Ordered to Vacate Premises by 6 a.m

It is reported that the examiners have been ordered to vacate the premises by 6 a.m.

This order is expected to cause more drama.

While speaking to Teacher.co.ke, one of the examiners reported that they are put and that they would not vacate the premises.

When asked about the reasons for their strike, the examiner said, “We are being harassed, the diet is poor, and above all, the pay is too low”.

KCSE 2019 Exams Release Dates Could be Affected by Examiners’ Strike

The stand-off will greatly affect Prof George Magoha’s promised timelines of releasing the KCSE 2019 exam results before Christmas.

  1. Zachary says

    Dictatorial tendencies in handling matter education and militarism in TSC will bring down this ministry.Some level of sobriety is needed.Pretence has taken center stage in handling teacher matters.The shortage of teachers in schools is artificial as there are tens of thousands of unemployed trained teachers out there yet our children go without teachers.Does the this country need more MCAs or even Ward admins or administrative sec in the ministries or even soldiers than teachers.

  2. Feisal says

    Let’s KNEC pay well to examiners in order to release early as possible the minister said

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