This is the detailed official 2019 KCSE Christian Religious Education (313) examinations report from the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).
The year 2019 KCSE Christian Religious Education syllabus was examined in two papers.
- Paper 1 (313/1) examined the Old Testament and traditional African religious heritage.
- Paper 2 (313/2) tested aspects of the syllabus in the New Testament and Contemporary Christian Living. Each of the papers had a total of six essay structured type questions and candidates were expected to answer five questions.
The table below shows candidates’ performance in the KCSE Christian Religious Education examination for the last four years.
Table 10: Candidates Overall Performance in CRE for the Last Four Years
Year |
Paper |
Candidature |
Maximum Score |
Mean Score |
Standard Deviation |
2016 |
1 2 Overall |
441,355 |
100 100 200 |
47.55 46.35 93.88 |
18.98 20.17 37.72. |
2017 |
1 2 Overall |
473,936 |
100 100 200 |
40.13 36.01 76.13 |
14.91 13.48 26.60 |
2018 |
1 2 Overall |
515,707 |
100 100 200 |
43.77 31.89 75.64 |
17.76 12.53 28.71 |
2019 |
1 2 Overall |
545,856 |
100 100 200 |
51.00 35.00 87.14 |
17.79 15.08 31.38 |
The following observations can be made from the table above:
- The candidature has increased from 515,707 in 2018 to 545,856 in 2019.
- There is a slight improvement in the performance of the candidates as attested by the mean of 31—38 In 2019 as compared to 28.71 in 2018.
- The standard deviation of the papers combined also improved from 28.71 in 2018 to 31.38 in 2019.
This report will critically examine the areas that were poorly performed. It goes ahead to give the expected responses from candidates and further provides advice to teachers with a view of improving future performance in CRE Examination.
The Chief Examiners’ reports in both papers will be our major source of reference when dealing with the general performance of the candidates in the subject.
CRE Questions which were performed poorly are analyzed and briefly discussed below. The discussion is based on comments from the CRE chief examiners reports and analysis of the candidates’ responses from the sampled CRE answer scripts.
CRE Paper 1 (313/1) 2019 KCSE KNEC Report
According to the Chief Examiner’s report the paper tested the syllabus adequately.
There were no questions that were considered too easy. The paper was appropriate because it was able to discriminate clearly between the well taught and the poorly taught students.
The Chief Examiner reported that the general performance was satisfactory. The candidates whose performances were below average, lacked adequate preparation and ability to tackle high order cognitive skills questions. According to the chief examiner the candidates attempted the questions in a balanced way. We will examine some questions which proved to be difficult. This includes question I(a), 2(b), S(a) and 6(c)
This report will discuss questions which gave challenges to candidates.
Question 1 (a)
Explain how the learning of Christian Religious Education in secondary schools promotes the goal of national development. (6 marks)
Candidates were expected to explain how the learning of Christian Religious Education in secondary schools promotes the goal of
national development.
Candidates brought out mostly the spiritual aspect of learning Christian Religious Education rather than socio-economic aspects.
Expected Responses
How the learning of Christian religious education in secondary schools promotes the goal of national development
- Christian Religious Education encourages the learner to have a positive attitude towards work/ hard work is encouraged/laziness is discouraged
Learning Christian Religious Education helps the learner to acquire virtues/moral values which promotes economic development
Christian Religious Education discourages vices which hinder national development
Learners are equipped with knowledge/skills which lead to career development/employment
- Learners are taught their duties/responsibilities as human beings/the need to develop the environment ‘nation
- Learners are taught the need to use their talents for the development of self/others/nation
- Christian religious education stresses the importance of
peace/love/unity which contributes to a favourable working environment - Learners are taught to appreciate their culture/the cultures of others for national cohesion.
(6 x I 6 marks)
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should guide the leaner on the benefits of learning Christian Religious Education and how it promotes different goals of education.
Ouestion 2 (b)
Identify eight lessons Christians learn from the incident when the Israelites worshipped a golden calf while at Mount Sinai. (8 Marks)
Candidates were expected to identify eight lessons Christians learn from the incident when the Israelites worshipped a golden calf while at Mount Sinai.
Candidates brought out the lessons learnt about God.
Expected Responses
Lessons Christians learn from the incident when the Israelites worshipped the golden calf while at Mount Sinai
- Christians learn that they should worship God alone.
- Christians should lead righteous lives.
- Christians should not represent God in any kind of image/avoid any form of idolatry. Christians should intercede for others-
- Christians should be firm in decision making/not to be swayed/misled easily/avoid peer
- Christians should have faith/trust God.
- Christians should repent their sins/ask for forgiveness/ forgive others.
- Christians should respect those in authority/appointed by God.
- Christians should be patient.
- Christians should obey God’s instructions/teachings.
- Christians should exercise self-control/avoid anger.
- Christians should condemn evil.
(8 x 1 = 8 marks)
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should bring out the differences on lessons learnt from a given context and lessons learnt about God.
Question 5(a)
Outline the content of prophet Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylon. (6 marks)
Candidates were to outline the content of Prophet Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylon.
Most of the learners mixed up the contents of Jeremiah’s letter with his teachings.
Expected Responses
The content of Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylon
- Prophet Jeremiah encouraged the exiles to build houses/settle down
- He told them to plant gardens/eat their produce
- He told them to marry, have children so as to increase in number
- Prophet Jeremiah advised them to live in peace in Babylon/pray for the welfare of others He warned them not to listen to false prophets who lied to them/gave false hope
- He told them that God would restore them to the land after seventy years.
- He encouraged them to trust in God/God would answer their prayers
- He told them that God had good plans for them/ for prosperity
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should clearly distinguish the different teachings of prophet Jeremiah.
Question 6(c)
State seven factors that undermine the role of medicine men in Kenya today. (7 marks)
Candidates were required to state the factors that undermine the role of medicine men in Kenya today
Learners brought out the roles of
medicine men instead of the factors affecting them.
Expected Responses
Factors that undermine the role Of medicine men in Kenya today
- Introduction of western medicine/hospitals/new inventions/science and technology
- Emergence of new religions which do not support medicine men
- There is destruction or forests/herbs/deforestation
- Lack of proper education by herbalists/professionalism ‘lack of proper dosage
- Herbal medicine is cumbersome to look for
- low hygiene standards associated with herbal medicine
- Certain chronic diseases cannot be treated by some herbs
- Emergence of conmen/quacks who give wrong medicine
- Urbanization/migration from rural to urban centre
- Lack of awareness/education on herbal medicine by the public
- Strict government policies /rules/regulation that control both herbal and modern medicine
- Modern / formal education.
CRE Paper 2 (313/2)
2019 KCSE KNEC Report
According to the Chief Examiner’s report, the paper tested the syllabus adequately. There were no questions that were considered either too easy or too difficult or out of the syllabus. The performance this year is below average. The questions that gave challenges to candidates include 2(b), 4(a), 4(b), and 5(a)
Question 2(b)
b) Describe the parable of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:29-37). (8 marks).
Candidates were to describe the parable of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:29-37)_
Many candidates confused this incident with the story of Samaritan woman
Expected Responses
The parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37)
- A lawyer asked Jesus who a neighbour is.
- Jesus responded by telling him the parable of the good Samaritan.
He said a man was on his way to Jericho from Jerusalem when he fell among robbers.
They stripped him/beat him/departed leaving him half dead.
A priest who was going down that road saw him but passed on the other side.
A Levite came, saw him but also passed on the other side.
But a Samaritan, as he journeyed came to where he was.
He had compassion/bound up his wounds after pouring oil/wine on them.
He set him on his beast/took him to an inn to rest.
He paid the inn keeper/promised to come back and pay whatever else would be used in caring for the injured man.
Jesus then asked who among the three proved to be a neighbour to the man who fell among the robbers.
The lawyer replied that it was the one who had shown mercy.
Jesus told him to go and do likewise.
(8 x 1 ) =8 marks
Advice to Teachers
Teachers to use the Bible always when teaching the biblical stories.
Question 4(a)
State the teaching of Saint Paul on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church. (7 marks)
Candidates were to state the teaching of
Saint Paul on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church.
Candidates listed the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how it is manifested in church today.
Expected Responses
Saint Paul’s teaching on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used for the common good of all.
- They should be used to edify/strengthen/encourage/comfort members.
They should be used to bring unity/not to discriminate/divide members.
There is need to respect/appreciate all the gifts.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used in love.
The gift of speaking in tongues should be minimized in public worship.
There is need to have interpretation of tongues for them to be meaningful/helpful.
The gifts should be used in an orderly manner/should not be used to bring confusion in the church.
Prophecies should be carefully evaluated/their ways.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers to guide the learners to master the content.
Question 4(b)
Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride. (5 marks)
Candidates were to explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride.
Many candidates confused the image of the bride with other expressions on the unity of believers.
Expected Responses
Unity of believers as expressed in the image of the bride
- Christians are the bride
- Jesus is the bridegroom.
- Christians/church is to be committed to Christ as the bride is committed to the bridegroom.
- The church is loved by Christ just as the bridegroom loves his bride.
- The Church must remain pure/ holy through love/faith in Jesus as the bride keeps her purity for her husband.
- committed Christians will be taken to a new home/heaven just as the bride is taken home by her husband.
- The union between Christ and the church will be everlasting just as the union between the
bride and the bridegroom is permanent.
(5 x l) —5 marks
Advice to Teachers
Teach the learners to distinguish the different types of the images used to express the concept of the unity of believers%
Question 5(a)
Outline six roles of a professional code in a work place. (6 marks)
Candidates were to outline the roles of a professional code in a work place.
Many candidates did not have a clue on what professional code are hence having difficulties in answering the question
Expected Responses
The role of a professional code in a work place
- It contains the rules relating to employment/promotion/ payment/termination of services/ matters pertaining to the profession.
- It gives guidance on how professionals should relate to one another/those they serve.
- It safeguards professionals against being compromised in their jobs/enables them to maintain their jobs/personal integrity.
- It determines the expected levels of performance of a particular job.
- It serves as a measure of competence/determines entry requirements/qualification needed.
- It acts as a measure of quality of service.
- It serves as a protection to individual professional.
- It enables professionals to earn public trust.
(6 x 1 ) = 6 marks
Advice to Teachers

The candidature of CRE has increased compared to previous years although the overall performance of the subject is still below average.
The following need to be re- emphasized and adhered to in order to realize the improvement of performance in the subject:
The Bible as the main reference book has to be used during the teaching and learning of CRE especially when handling Saint Luke Gospel-
Students have to study CRE with contextual questions in mind to avoid lack of content and hence discourage memorization/ rote learning.
Teachers need to emphasize to candidates to use the recommended text books during teaching, learning and revision of
There should be continuous in – servicing of CRE teachers for them to be trained on content delivery and examinations techniques.
CRE is focusing on high level cognitive skills and therefore they need to expose learners to these skills when teaching the subject.
Teachers to focus on specific objectives that arc found in the syllabus.
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