TSC Disowns Circular About Stopping Salary of Over 3,500 Teachers and Staff

TSC Disowns Circular About Stopping Salary of Over 3,500 Teachers and Staff

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has disowned the circular posted earlier concerning the stoppage of April salaries of over 3,500 teachers and commission staff due to wealth declaration non-compliance.

TSC sent short text messages (SMS) to the affected teachers telling them to ignore the information circulating on the internet.

“Please ignore posts circulating on social media purporting that TSC will stop salary for employees who did not comply with the requirements of Declaration of Income Assets and Liabilities. The Commission will communicate to the affected employees individually when normalcy resumes.”

In earlier communication through a circular dated 14th April 2020, TSC had indicated that they have removed over 3,500 employees from the payroll. The said employees would miss both the March and April salaries.

However, through the same circular, the commission additional posted the conditions to be met to be reinstated back to the payroll.

One of the conditions included writing to the commission explaining why they did not abide by the government’s directive of online wealth declaration.

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers, KUPPET, was the first to react on the matter.

“It would be insensitive on the Commission’s part to be punishing teachers during this pandemic when other government departments are issuing temporary reprieves,” noted Kuppet.

Below is the copy of the disowned Circular about TSC stoping salaries of over 3,500 Teachers and staff.

TSC Stops Salary of Over 3,500 Teachers Due to Wealth Declaration Non-Compliance
Circular: TSC Stops Salary of Over 3,500 Teachers Due to Wealth Declaration Non-Compliance. [Image/TSC]
While issuing the previous circulars on wealth declaration the teachers commission had warned that those who fail to declare their wealth, or give false information, will be fined Kenya Shillings 1 million, or fase imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or face both.



Dr Nancy MachariaTSCtsc newsTSC Wealth Declaration