Tegat Vocational Training Center Courses, Contacts, and Registration Details

Tegat Vocational Training Center Courses, Contacts, and Registration Details

Tegat Vocational Training Center is a public Vocational Training Center (VTC) in Bomet County.

The institution is registered and licensed by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA).

Tegat Vocational Training Center Contacts, and Registration Details

  • Postal Address: P.O. Box 127 – 20402 Longisa

This TVET institution was registered by TVETA on 14/04/2016.

The registration license number of Tegat Vocational Training Center is TVETA/PUBLIC/VTC/0063/2016.

Diploma, Certificate, Craft, and Artisan Courses Offered at Tegat Vocational Training Center:

  1. Trade Test in Garment Making for 20 Trainees examined, and certified by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA),
  2. Trade Test in Motor Vehicle Mechanics for 15 Trainees examined, and certified by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA),
  3. Trade Test in Electrical Engineering for 20 Trainees examined, and certified by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA),
  4. Trade Test in Masonry for 20 Trainees examined, and certified by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA),
  5. Trade Test in Hair dressing for 20 Trainees examined, and certified by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)


Tegat Vocational Training Center