Limos Development College Courses, Contacts, and Registration Details

Limos Development College Courses, Contacts, and Registration Details

Limos Development College was a private Technical and Vocational College (TVC) in Bomet County.

The institution was registered and licensed by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) on 14/04/2016, before being closed down in 2018 by its proprietors.

Currently, Limos Development College does not exist.

The registration license number of Limos Development College was TVETA/PRIVATE/TVC/0126/2016


Artisan CoursesBomet County CollegesColleges in KenyaDiploma CoursesKomirmir Vocational Training CenterLimos Development Collegenational industrial training authority (NITA)TVETTVET admissionsTVET CollegesTVETA