Tharaka Nithi County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Tharaka Nithi County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Tharaka Nithi County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Tharaka Nithi County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Tharaka Nithi County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Tharaka Nithi County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Tharaka Nithi County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Tharaka Nithi Igamba Ngombe              kithangani Day Secondary          David K Gitonga 0729791241       Day       63    
  2. Tharaka Nithi IGAMBANGOMBE           KAMUTIRIA SEONDARY SCHOOL        JULIUS GITONGA             0721792288              Day       109
  3. Tharaka Nithi IGAMBANG’OMBE          ACK MURIGI GIRLS SEC SCH              ANNIS MUTHONI NANUA            0720629794              Boarding Girls    177        O.BOX 08 -60406 KATHWANA
  4. Tharaka Nithi Igambang’ombe              Kairini sec              Humprey Gitonga  Mwirigi          0706254655       mixed day and boarding     189
  5. Tharaka Nithi Igambng’ombe PCEA NKIO DAY SEC.SCHOOL.     Riungu John       0717613188       Day       110    
  6. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Maguma day sec sch.     Wilfred  Riungu  0789625068       Day       218
  7. Tharaka Nithi MAARA GITUJA MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL              GEOFFREY MPUTHIA M’ARIMI    0726067273              Mixed Day          165
  8. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Mutindwa mixed day sec school               Pancras mugambi mitambo        0725264170       Mixed day sec school          275
  9. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Igakiramba Mixed Day   Mundi Patrick Mugo     0723101907       Day       129    
  10. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Karigini sec sch  Samuel m mativo              0722453354       Day       181
  11. Tharaka Nithi Maara  IRUMA MIXED DAY SCHOOL              KARIUKI T JAMES             0721657917       Day       444    
  12. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Ndumbini Day Sec School              Joanina Magiri   0721327772       Day       450    
  13. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Mukui day sec   Elias Ndiritu weru              0721317919       Day       279    
  14. Tharaka Nithi MAARA NICA KAMWANGU SECONDARY SCHOOL              PATRICK NDUNDA           0721153890       Mixed Boarding            148
  15. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Munga Mixed Day Secondary School  Veronica Wambua          0718712081       Mixed Day              124
  16. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Kalewa secondary school              Nkonge Z.N        0712286290       Day       124    
  17. Tharaka Nithi Maara  NDINTUNE DAY sec         James kimathi riungu   0710978919       Day       221        Ndintuneday
  18. Tharaka Nithi Maara  Kimuchia Sec School       Mary K. Njagi     0728646625       Mixed Boarding 295    
  19. Tharaka Nithi MaaraNko          Kalewa secondary              Nkonge ZN         0712286 290kalewasecondary school@mail.coml6;      Day       127        Box 83 chogoria
  20. Tharaka Nithi Meru Siuth         Kagumo mixed day sec sch              Mwangi Samuel 0723169404       Day       108    
  21. Tharaka Nithi Meru South       chief Petro mixed sec school   Geoffrey Kinyua Maingi 0725340022       Day       110    
  22. Tharaka Nithi MERU SOUTH    PCEA MUTUGUNI DAY              PAMELA GACHERI MARANGU     0724462465       Day              158
  23. Tharaka Nithi MERU SOUTH    KATHIGIRIRINI SECONDARY              MACHARIA EUTICAS       0720539902       Day       118    
  24. Tharaka Nithi Meru south        St Paul’s njaina sec sçhool              Ithima Margaret Mugure             0713742496       Day              151
  25. Tharaka Nithi Meru south        Kibumbu Mixed Day Sec school   David karuti       0712168535       Day       327    
  26. Tharaka Nithi Meru south        kanyuru day sec school              Augustino Gitonga          0726225915       Day       490    
  27. Tharaka Nithi Meru South        Kiangondu Secondary School   Mbiuki william Njeru      0716269557       Mixed day and boarding             201
  28. Tharaka Nithi Meru South        St Peter Kigogo day and boarding             Peninah Nkirote              0729209801       Day and boarding             347
  29. Tharaka Nithi Meru south        Ndagani sec school               Njoroge Ngugi   0726464225       Day       300              njorogengugi
  30. Tharaka Nithi Meru south        Magumoni day sec school               Mwove peter     0719841250       Day       692    
  31. Tharaka Nithi MERU SOUTH    NDAGONI MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL     JOHN N D KABANDA       0708577367              Day       134
  32. Tharaka Nithi Meru southj       Kamuguongo mixed day sec school          Jamlick mbae mugo              0728425413kamuguongosec      Day       127              Kamuguongosec@gmail
  33. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka North   IRIANI SEC SCHOOL              KIRAGU GEORGE             +254720446446               Mixed Day and Boarding     522
  34. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka North   Karii kamburi sec              Daniel M Nthiga              0720942778       Day       168              karii
  35. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka North   Kabuabua Girls Secondary               Judith Kamunda              0720113318       Boarding Girls              112
  36. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka North   Kirundi Mixed Day Secondary          Makau Maurice 0728120256       Day       175    
  37. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka North   Gatue mixed day secondary school            Minnie Wangari Muturi 0722474485              Day       64
  38. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka south   Mck Gakuuru day sec school   Nthigah Patrick kirema  0729230465       Day       128    
  39. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka south   Turima hills secondary school   Franklin mutegi mukobwa          0726274484       Day              298
  40. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka South   Miomponi Secondary School  James Murageh Kathenya           0722829964       Day              142
  41. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka South   Karocho Sec       Jackson Kirimi Kinyua     0722694167       Mixed Boarding 282    
  42. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka south   Turima Mixed Day and boarding            Patrick Gitonga 0721407776       Mixed Boarding              415        TURIMADAY@GMAIL.COM
  43. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka south   Mck Nkarini mixed day secondary school            Robert Njagi       0721272094       Day              139
  44. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka South   Prince Alex mixed Day-Igumo   Mwenge mbiira Benson 0720281888       Day       179    
  45. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka South   Kaarani Mixed Sec School              John Kaaria        0722210960       Mixed Boarding 200    
  46. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka South   Mugui mixed day and boarding sec school        Jonathan Nyaga Mucee 0720429007 / 0740354002       Mixed day and boarding              352    
  47. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka south   Matakiri mixed day sec school   Murithi Manyara             0724388424       Day       144              Matakiri day @gmail. com
  48. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka south   Kaanyaga secondary               Peter A. Makembo          0721419666       Day       127    
  49. Tharaka Nithi THARAKA SOUTH            MWIRU-MUTHITWA SECONDARY             MARY GATIRIA MBIRI               0720563904       Day       120
  50. Tharaka Nithi Tharaka south   Chiakariga day sec school               Purity Kawira murungi   0724236767       Mixed Boarding              126

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Tharaka Nithi County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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