17 SDA Students Suspended from Kabianga High School for Missing Saturday Exam

17 SDA Students Suspended from Kabianga High School for Missing Saturday Exam

One of Kericho County’s old giant Schools, Kabianga High School, has suspended a total of 17 SDA students after they missed sitting for the Saturday examinations.

Kabianga high School principal Dr. Joash Oloo said he suspended the students after they skived the school exams and instead chose to go to church.

According to Mercy Auma who reported the incident, the school Principal had instructed the students to undertake their exams on Saturday from 5.30 in the morning to 7.30.

Dr. Oloo further said that the set times for the exams had not gone against the religious beliefs of the suspended students.

The parents of the students were notified of the action taken by the school to suspend their students; this is according to the Principal’s report.

Besides, the report indicated that the parents were given room to transfer their students to any other school they would be more comfortable with.

Dr. Oloo added that the suspended students were to come with their parents after the school took the strange measure, but no parent honored the request but opted for a legal battle through the courts of law.

Parents Give Kabianga High School 7 Days to Cancel the Suspension

According to Julius Mongare, the lawyer representing the parents of the suspended Kabianga High school students, they have given the Principal to reverse the suspension within seven days or else he is taken to court.

The parents say the constitution allows every Kenyan the freedom of worship. Therefore they want the school to abide by their children’s choice of religion and day of prayer.


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  • Denis

    This is absurd that a person of the caliber of a principal doesn’t respect other people’s religions and beliefs. Were it him, could he disrespect his day of worship. And even if he does, religious matters are matters of the heart. Kwani iyo siku moja ndio itawafanya waanguke exam? Shame on him.