Tana River County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Tana River County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Tana River County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Tana River County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Tana River County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Tana River County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Tana River County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Tana River Tana Delta          Mapunga High   John L Karanja 0729355852       Day       218        karanjajohn50@gmail.com
  2. Tana River Tana Delta          Kitere Secondary School              Moses Chai Mrima          0727366101       Day       140              mcmrima2003@yahoo.com
  3. Tana River Tana Delta          Marifano secondary              Charles Maina Muriria   0725556452       Day       264              matifanosecoaryschool@mail.com
  4. Tana River TANA DELTA      HURARA SECONDARY SCHOOL              K’OPONDO JOSEPH OTIENO        0723106869              MIXED DAY        205        kopondo@gmail.com
  5. Tana River Tana Delta          Oda secondary school              Peter M. Kiema 0721448341       Day       478              mksospeter@gmail.com
  6. Tana River Tana Delta          GARSEN HIGH SCHOOL              Mruche Mgala   0711444533       Day       624              theschoolgarsen@gmail.com
  7. Tana River Tana Delta          Minhaj Secondary School              Bakari Watto     0710713777       Mixed Day          204              Minhajsecondaryschool@gmail.com
  8. Tana River Tana north         Mororo mixed day secondary          Patanisha Maewa           0729369108       Day              497        Mororosecondary@gmail.com
  9. Tana River Tana North         Kora secondary Mwania Victor Muli         0721214910       Mixed Boarding 138              koraschool16@gmail.com
  10. Tana River TANA NORTH     NANIGHI TANA SECONDARY SCHOOL     MOHAMED JILLO MARO              0712616404       Mixed Boarding 120              nanighitanaschool@gmail
  11. Tana River TANA RIVER       NDURA MIXED SECONDARY SCHOOL     NICHOLAS MUTISYA0722             0740 713147 Mixed Day &  Boarding  735              ndurasecondary@gmail.com
  12. Tana River Tana River          Waldena Secondary.               George Obuong 0725780275       Day       90              obuonggeorge@gmail.com
  13. Tana River TANA RIVER       WACHAKONE SECONDARY SCHOOL              AYUB MAKISO BONAYA 0713791536       Day       64              wachakonesecondaryschool2020@gmail.com
  14. Tana River Tana River          Daku mixed day secondary              Amos Ipu Bonaya            0710543104       Mixed day              282        dakumixedsec@gmail.com
  15. Tana River Tana River          Majengo secondary school              Hashora Mwanajuma Athman    0710117909       Day mixed              171        majengosecondaryschool2014@gmail.com
  16. Tana River TANADELTA       KIPAO SEC SCHOOL              JOHN LEWIS ARINA         0705596207       Day       130              johnarina1966@gmail.com
  17. Tana River Tanariver            Chanani mixed day sec. School   Joseph Wambua              0721561951       Day       110              chananimixeddaysec@gmail.com

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Tana River County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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