Samburu County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Samburu County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Samburu County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Samburu County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Samburu County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Samburu County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Samburu County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Samburu Samburu            Waso muslim     Jimale Golicha 0727153514       Mixed Boarding 565    
  2. Samburu Samburu Central             Loosuk mixed day secondary          James L. Leparsanti        +254720321540              Day       416
  3. Samburu Samburu central             Kirimon mixed day              Lenemiria Ricky 0727475147       Mixed Boarding 122    
  4. Samburu Samburu central             Lolmolok mixed sec school          Lengaina Francis             0725389868       Day              125
  5. Samburu Samburu central             Lpartuk Mixed Day Secondary School            Elijah Letakai     0725156232       Day              119        311
  6. Samburu Samburu Central             Sirata Oirobi Mixed Day Secondary. Salim Leleur       0725025718       Day       157    
  7. Samburu SAMBURU CENTRAL       Lodokejek mixed day secondary   STEPHEN T MUGO          0724914344       Mixed day              110
  8. Samburu Samburu central             Morijo Mixed Secondary School            Irene Kamanda 0722369234       Mixed Boarding            210
  9. Samburu Samburu central             Barsaloi mixed day secondary          Wilson ndumia gichuhi  0721292560       Day       58    
  10. Samburu Samburu central             Ledero mixed day school   Rosemary wachira          0720910933       Day       177    
  11. Samburu SAMBURU CENTRAL       KISIMA MIXED DAY              LEMOOSA SYLVESTER    0716788917       Day       515    
  12. Samburu Samburu Central             Mwangaza Muslim Mixed Day Secondary School      Abdikadir Ismail               0720603724       Day       315
  13. Samburu Samburu central              Lorrok Mixed Day Secondary School            Parari Lemooge               0720818234              Day       209
  14. Samburu Samburu central              Maralal day mixed sec school          Geoffrey oduma              0720287969       Day              688
  15. Samburu SAMBURU EAST TIPITO GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL              MAGAMBO K PAULINE   0728661893       Boarding Girls      165
  16. Samburu SAMBURU EAST SUKUROI PRIMARY              SAMSON LENAITURIAE  0726865145       Day       70    
  17. Samburu Samburu East    Engilae mixed secondary school   Letuke Ambrose Lbanisa              0725940086       Day       64    
  18. Samburu Samburu East    Narasha Boys Secondary              Julius Leleruk     0725301416       Boarding Boys   40    
  19. Samburu Samburu East    Lkisin primary   Bonaya urthe    0724769417       Day       130
  20. Samburu Samburu east    UASO GIRLS Secondary school   Julia lesuper      0723042089       Boarding Girls    138              Uasogirlssecondary@gmail .com or
  21. Samburu Samburu East    Lauragi primary school              Njenga Mwatha        0721774593       Mixed primary School  40
  22. Samburu Samburu East    Girgir    Samuel lokato              0720876232       Mixed Boarding 900        82 isiolo
  23. Samburu Samburu East    Matakwani Primary              Lenaingiswa Pius Alion   0716878604       Day       25    
  24. Samburu Samburu East    Sereolipi Mixed Day Secondary School            Absolom Kibe    0710511399       Day              168
  25. Samburu Samburu East    Wamba Mixed Day Sec School  Michael Omondi Onyango           0727542955       Day              441
  26. Samburu Samburu east    Lolokwe mixed day secondary school            Leparkiras Pat Simon      +254720788332              Day       150
  27. Samburu Samburu east    Swari pry            Longonyek julius     0728516457       Mixed Boarding 316    
  28. Samburu Samburu east    Lpusi loompasion pry               Mike Learin Lekiyai HT   726593390         Mixed day              150
  29. Samburu Samburu East    Girgir mixed day secondary school   Jackson kajei Lenaituriae             0723924129       Day              320
  30. Samburu Samburu north Ndoto boys secondary   Mr Leitoro Joshua  0729588922       Boarding Boys   187    
  31. Samburu Samburu North Nyiro girls secondary school   Roseline Lekalantula      0723703519       Boarding Girls              147
  32. Samburu Samburu north NYIRO MIXED Day secondary school            LERANTILENI  DANIEL LOIJIPU              0721669518       Day       191    
  33. Samburu Samburu north Nalingangor mixed day secondary school            Jackson nageron              0721657375              Day       78          Box 21-20601 baragoi

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Samburu County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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