Mombasa County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Mombasa County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Mombasa County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Mombasa County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Mombasa County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Mombasa County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Mombasa County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Mombasa JOMVU JOMVU GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL              MARY KADII BANDIKA    0713 732638/0711496034              DAY & BOARDING GIRLS 465
  2. Mombasa Jomvu   KAJEMBE HIGH SCHOOL Josephine Ndivo    0720801853       Day       816    
  3. Mombasa Jomvu   Miritini Complex High school               Kangara  Gichuhi        +254722684746               Day              720        P. O. Box 93816-80102 Changamwe
  4. Mombasa Jomvu   Miritini Secondary School               Kevin Ochieng Omondi 0743836144       Day       648    
  5. Mombasa Kisauni Concordia Secondary School               Mwanaisha Mohamud   0722865125/ 0741716125               Mixed Day          562    
  6. Mombasa Kisauni Hassan Joho girls’ secondary school               Firdaus Abud Mohamed              0713 331600      Day              472        12016_ 80117
  7. Mombasa Kisauni Marimani secondary school              Petronila Segero Ingonga            07022346722     Mixed day              280
  8. Mombasa Kisauni Mtopanga secondary school              Kenyakanga David          0726453053       Day       604    
  9. Mombasa KISAUNI              KASHANI SECONDARY SCHOOL              SHUWALI RASHID SOOD 0723230292       MIXED DAY SCHOOL              316
  10. Mombasa Kisauni Khadija sec school          Florence N Monubi 0722221928       Mixed day school            329    
  11. Mombasa Kisauni Mwakirunge secondary school               Kioko Muthengi               0721352477       Day       400    
  12. Mombasa Likoni    Puma Secondary School Hassan Ditti       0722907599       Mixed Day          443    
  13. Mombasa Likoni    Mweza secondary school              Lena Omboga           0722245831       Day       313    
  14. Mombasa Likoni    Mrima mixed sec school              Michael Mwangi             0720709583       Mixed day              678
  15. Mombasa Likoni    Mwahima secondary school              Christine mukisu             0717584534       Day       541              mwahimasecondary@gmail
  16. Mombasa Likoni    Likoni Sec School             Mwaita Mwinyiusi Mwaita Raha 0702790187       Day       670    
  17. Mombasa Likoni    Mishi Mboko Girls secondary               Lena Omboga    722245831         Boarding Girls    149    
  18. Mombasa MOMBASA (MVITA)       MVITA BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL     NASSIR BAKARI MWAKIJANA               0711800197       BOYS SCHOOL    532    
  19. Mombasa MVITA  SHARIFF NASSIR GIRLS SECONDARY              CECILIA MWAKISHA MGANGA    0776160927 or 0726759867       Day       544
  20. Mombasa Mvita    Serani SECONDARY         Abbas juma ulaya         0743161856/ 0721589275           Day       431    
  21. Mombasa MVITA  KAA CHONJO SECONDARY SCHOOL              MOTONDI WILFRED       +245720352764               Day       25    
  22. Mombasa Mvita    Star of the sea girls high school               Agnes k Tumbo 0791428570       Day       919    
  23. Mombasa Mvita    Sheikh Abdalla Alfarsy girls sec school   Fatma Adam Athman     0726784143       Day       824    
  24. Mombasa MVITA  Tudor day sec school      PETER WATORO            0722862719       Day       788    
  25. Mombasa MVITA  MBARAKI GIRLS SEC SCHOOL              MAREMBO HACHUFU MUYE       0721292520       DAY GIRLS              552
  26. Mombasa Mvita    Sacred heart high school              Robert Thandi kamau    0710344765       Day       440    
  27. Mombasa Mvita    Khamis secondary School              Ramadhan Ali Mwakanga            0203590180       Day              539        Khaamishigh@yahoocom
  28. Mombasa Mvita    Makupa Boys SECONDARY school               Ali Athman Mohamed    0721591291       Day       430    
  29. Mombasa Mvita    Allidina visram high school               Juma mshimu    0718775700       Day       884    
  30. Mombasa Mvita    Tononoka Secondary school               Mohammed Khamis       0412490000       Day       465    
  31. Mombasa MVITA – SUB COUNTY    TUDOR DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL     PETER NDIRITU WATORO              0786537997       Day       788    
  32. Mombasa Mvita (mombasa)           Makande girls secondary school            Ms M Abeid       0707169492       Day              404
  33. Mombasa Nyali     Frere town sec school    Lawrence C Nzai   0799876813       Mixed day          456    
  34. Mombasa Nyali     Maweni mixed secondary              Zani Mwanasha Hassan 0714651629       Day       688    
  35. Mombasa Nyali     KONGOWEA SECONDARY SCHOOL              Neville N. O. Onyimbo   0101268013       Mixed Day              324
  36. Mombasa Nyali     Mohamed Ali Girls Sec   Zuhura Hussein Omar    0724810394       Day       128    

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Mombasa County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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