Migori County 2020 SBTSS Training List of Trainers, Facilitators, and Education Technologists

Migori County 2020 SBTSS Training List of Trainers, Facilitators, and Education Technologists

Migori County 2020 SBTSS Training List of Trainers, Facilitators, and Education Technologists in the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project SEQIP and School-Based Teacher Training Support System SBTSS

These persons will facilitate or train teachers at the secondary level for mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics and English and at primary level for mathematics, science and English on behalf of the Teachers Service Commission TSC.

Migori County 2020 SBTSS Training List of Trainers, Facilitators, and Education Technologists

Selected Trainers / Facilitators/Education Technologists For SBTSS  Training

Migori County Inset Centres  2

  Name Tsc Number Subject School
1 Nyangondi Rioba 420840 Biology Nyankore
2 Kenneth Onyango 680098 Biology Masara
3 Dick David Ogutu 455199 Biology Kanyawanga
4 Selemia Gunga 562575 Biology Dede
5 Odak Fredrick 501397 Chemistry St. Michael Nyarongi
6 Maseno Otieno 504541 Chemistry Isibania High
7 Awuor Brutus 493564 Chemistry Sori
8 Linet Ogalo 465396 Chemistry Kanga High
9 Susan Mohera 556653 English Taranganya
10 Milly Anzemo Malunga 515026 English St. Josephs Rapogi
11 Jean Fred 501744 English St. Agnes Getongoroma
12 Gor Poycarp Owino 506495 English Anjego
13 Nancy Masitsa 412037 Maths Isibania High
14 Sylivester Otieno 552804 Maths Manyatta
15 Joseph Otieno 521882 Maths Moi Nyabohanse
16 Ouma Dennis 522642 Maths Magina Fam
17 Yogo Kenton 499507 Physics Wasio
18 Chacha Joseph 520612 Physics Kwibancha
19 Otura Evans 546488 Physics St. Augustine Arundo
20 William Magak 463254 Physics Nyarach

Brief Introduction on SEQIP and SBTSS

The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) is implementing part the component one of the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) on ‘improving the quality of teaching in targeted areas”. The project development objective (PDO) is to improve student learning in secondary education and transition from primary to secondary in targeted areas. The PDO will be measured through the following performance indicators both in aggregate and separately for boys and girls: (i) average test scores in Science and Mathematics subjects at form 2 in public schools in targeted sub-counties. These terms of reference refer to subcomponent 1.2 on enhancing teacher professional development.

More Articles Related to SEQIP and SBTSS Facilitation and Trainings

Roles of SEQIP and SBTS Trainers and Facilitators

Set Activities for SBTTSS Trainers and Facilitators

Challenges Addressed Under SEQIP Training

Duration of Service for the SBTSS Trainers/Facilitators

Terms of Service for SEQIP and SBTSS Trainers and Facilitators

How the SEQIP and SBTSS Trainers and Facilitators were Selected

Criteria Used For Selecting SEQIP and SBTSS Trainers and Facilitators

Primary School Level SBTTSS Trainers/Facilitators

Secondary School Level SBTTSS Trainers/Facilitators

Performance Standards for SBTSS Trainers and Facilitators

List of the 30 Targeted Counties for SEQIP and SBTSS Projects


MigoriMigori CountyMigori County SBTSS TrainingNarok SBTSS TrainingSBTSSSBTSS List of Trainers and FacilitatorsSBTTSSSchool Based Teacher Training Support System SBTSSSecondary Education Quality Improvement Project SEQIPSEQIPTeachers Service CommissionTSC