Mandera County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Mandera County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Mandera County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Mandera County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Mandera County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Mandera County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Mandera County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Mandera Banisa  Banisa mixed Day secondary school              Abdikhalif Hassan Ibrahim          0720780578       Day              691
  2. Mandera BANISA               GUBA MIXED SECONDARY SCHOOL              YUSSUF IBRAHIM ALI      0723342691       MIXED boarding/day    30
  3. Mandera Banisa   Banisa Girls Sec               Abdinasir Adan     0721857076       Boarding Girls    253    
  4. Mandera Kiliwehiri            Chief Abdullahi Girls’ Secondary School            ALI HASSAN EDIN            0720379718              Boarding Girls    25
  5. Mandera Lafey     Lafey girls secondary school              Abdi diriye Mohamed    0721812890       Boarding Girls              102
  6. Mandera Mandera            Kamor Mixed secondary               Hassan Abdi Abdi            0721496087       Day       613    
  7. Mandera Mandera  East   Kamor Day Girls              Adan Hussein    0724 747197      Day       169    
  8. Mandera MANDERA CENTRAL       EL-HAGARSU MIXED DAY SECONDARY              ALIO EDA            0723472585              Day       245
  9. Mandera Mandera East    Shashafey Boys’ Day Secondary          Abdi A. Siyat      0720 541 561     Day       135              abdisiyat114@gmail
  10. Mandera Mandera East    Khadija Girls Day Secondary school            Ali Hassan Ali     0722148750       Day              634
  11. Mandera Mandera east    Duse boys          Ibrahim mohamed Abdiow          0720534165       Day       387    
  12. Mandera Mandera East    Mandera Dimtu Girls Day Secondary          Shamsa Mohamed Rashid           0700164983              Day       150
  13. Mandera Mandera East    Buruburu day boys secondary          Mohamed Billow             0726899444/0722150040              Day       720        Buruburuboys@gmail
  14. Mandera Mandera North Daua River Day Secondary school   Mohamednoor Ibrahim 0726560660       Day       103    
  15. Mandera mandera North olla Boys secondary school              Mohamed Abdikarim Hassan     0724875072       Boarding Boys      80
  16. Mandera MANDERA NORTH          ASHABITO BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL     AHMED YAHYA  0728363058       Boarding Boys      300        134 -70300
  17. Mandera Mandera North               Ashabito boys secondary          Ahmed Yahya    0728363058       Boarding Boys              250
  18. Mandera Mandera north Rhamu Day Secondary School   Adow Alim Salat              0720887558       Day       649    
  19. Mandera Mandera South Tawakal mixed Day Sec School  ADAN MOHAMED HASSAN          0723472168/0716456564              Day       156
  20. Mandera MANDERA SOUTH           SHIMBIR FATUMA SECONDARY SCHOOL     MOHAMED I. HILLOW    0723571888              Day       320
  21. Mandera Mandera West  Gather Mixed Day/Boarding Secondary School Mohamed Abdikadir Haji              0727955510       Mixed Boarding 162    
  22. Mandera Mandera west   Haji Yussuf Girls Day secondary school            Harun Maalim Ibrahim  0726948012              Day       65
  23. Mandera Mandera West  Darwed mixed secondary School  IBRAHIM SHUKRIA MOHAMED   0722541295       Day              167
  24. Mandera MANDERA WEST             TAKABA MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL           ABDIKADIR A. MOHAMED              0722386026       Day       442    
  25. Mandera MANDERA WEST             DANDU SECONDARY              MOHAMED M.ISMAIL    0720712743       Boarding Boys              233

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Mandera County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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Contacts for all County Secondary SchoolsCounty SchoolsHigh SchoolsList of all County SchoolsList of all County Secondary Schools Principalslist of all extra county schools in KenyaMandera CountySub County SchoolsSub-County
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