Lamu County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Lamu County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Lamu County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Lamu County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Lamu County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Lamu County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Lamu County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Lamu Lamu central     Matondoni secondary school              Kazungu Kapombe Chara             0724007229       Mixed day              133
  2. Lamu Lamu central     Bright Girls Shella Secondary School  Rukia Ali Anwar 0722123703       Day       262    
  3. Lamu LAMU CENTRAL HINDI SEC. SCHOOL        MSHOTE NARCIS 0713559265       Day       322
  4. Lamu Lamu central     Mokowe Mixed day/boardimg              Thaddeus Morara Mogute          0712099710       Mokowe Mixed day/boarsing       410
  5. Lamu LAMU CENTRAL WIYONI SECONDARY SCHOOL              RITA KOFA BALAGHA      0728654295       Day       349    
  6. Lamu LAMU EAST        SIYU SECONDARY            PETER GUCHU 0722816539       Day       144
  7. Lamu Lamu East          Kiunga secondary school             Ali Mohamed Ahmed          0720103225       Day       180    
  8. Lamu LAMU EAST        Kizingitini Secondary school              MR HENRY THOYA          0714703035       Day       280    
  9. Lamu Lamu East          Patte Girls Secondary School              Alice Mlale Mwakazi      0713459509       Day       55    
  10. Lamu Lamu west         Witu secondary school  Kakunde Tembo  0728722666       Mixed day and boarding              305    
  11. Lamu Lamu west         Uziwa secondary             Kanyo isaac     0728413039       Mixed/day         245        Uziwa secondary
  12. Lamu Lamu west         Witu mjini sec. School    Josphat wainaina Nene  0727458446       Day       660    
  13. Lamu Lamu west         MKUNUMBI SECONDARY SCHOOL              MARTHA KIMINZA          0723590014       Mixed day and boarding( girls). 102        mkunumbisecondary2008@gmail@gmail .com
  14. Lamu Lamu west         Manda Airport secondary School              James Muhia Kimemia   0723174703       Day       44    
  15. Lamu lamu west          Kiongwe mixed day sec  waihumbu gitau     0721770142       Day       315    
  16. Lamu Lamu West         MAJEMBENI SEC. SCHOOL              Kiarie J. Mugo    0720732788       Day       350    
  17. Lamu Lamu West         Moa secondary Erasmus Wanjohi Kamau  0713542750       Mixed Boarding 74    
  18. Lamu LAMU WEST      BAHARI SECONDARY SCHOOL              JOSEPH MUCHEMI          0705506831       Day       292    
  19. Lamu Lamu west         Mpeketoni girls high school               Lucy  Mbugua    0720580429       Day       84    

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Lamu County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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