Kirinyaga County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Kirinyaga County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Kirinyaga County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Kirinyaga County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Kirinyaga County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Kirinyaga County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Kirinyaga County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Kirinyaga Central Kiamaina            Gladys Karoki ngutiku               0721659701       Day       152    
  2. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga            Gacatha sec.      Wabuiya p w           0724733682       Day       502    
  3. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga  central            KIANDERI  sec school   Bridget njiru mugambi   0727996616       Day       451    
  4. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga Central             Kiaga secondary school   Jerushah Murugi Kiara   0723 397 888     Day       453    
  5. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Gatuto mixed secondary school            Paul Njogu Nduati           0721662526pa              Day       312        Paul Njogu
  6. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Mutitu secondary School  David K.Muigai  +254748031195               Mixed day              374
  7. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Canon Numbi Mutira day seconfary     Waigi Rose wamuyu       0726274827              Day       145        waigirose@gmail. Com.
  8. Kirinyaga KIRINYAGA CENTRAL      GITWE MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL     ROSE WANGARI MATHARA              0725358252       Day       137    
  9. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga Central             Kirigo Secondary              Stanley Ndirangu            0723713783       Day       207    
  10. Kirinyaga KIRINYAGA CENTRAL      GATHUTHUMA SEC SCHOOL              BILHA MUTHONI KIBIRU 0722894259       Day              107
  11. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Mukinduri secondary school            Kagunda James Kamau  0722849195              Day       187
  12. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             St joseph kerugoya secondary          Anne Ndirangu  0722328462       Day       125    
  13. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Gatwe mixed secondary school            Mr Gikonyo        0721288540       Day              270
  14. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga Central             St John’s Thaita sec school   Ireri V M             0720312002       Day       310    
  15. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga Central             Kirimunge mixed day secondary   Seleno Muriuki  0702404181       Day       225    
  16. Kirinyaga kirinyaga central             kiabarikiri sec              Caroline Maganjo           0202019185       Day       130              N/A
  17. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Kiamutuira sec school   Nicholas K Rwimbo         0725789079       Day       288    
  18. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Kiarugu mixed sec               Gachari Antony 0722560423       Day       110        thaigachari @gmail. Com
  19. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga Central             Mutuma Trinity Secondary          Mugweru M Michael      0720858289       Day              200
  20. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             Kiamuruga sec school   Kariuki Bosco chege        O722263305      Day       341    
  21. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga central             St james kiaritha              Mwau s Munyasya          0726830233       Day       749              Box 1326,Kerugoya
  22. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga Central             Mugwandi mixed Secondary          Macharia Winfred Ndunguri       0720825285              Day       59
  23. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Kianyambo Mixed Day Secondary School            Ann Kagwiria Mwebia    0720564520              Day       143
  24. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Rukenya Mixed day sec              Wanjau            0757223709       Day       696    
  25. Kirinyaga KIRINYAGA EAST              KIAMICIRI SEC SCHOOL              BANCY WAWIRA MUTUAH          0727130460              Mixed Boarding 405        0727130460
  26. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Kiaumbui mixed sec school by          Ndungu  Patrick 0725917919       Day       140    
  27. Kirinyaga KIRINYAGA EAST                MARY MAGDALENE GITHAGE SECONDARY SCHOOL       AGNES WANJIRU              0725176150       Day       118
  28. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Gaciongo Sec school              Geoffrey Gichuru            0725016153       Day       114    
  29. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Kavote Day Sec  Ikiara J.K.              0723544603       Day       420
  30. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Githure sec school              Timothy Gituthi Kamau 0722664388       Day       95    
  31. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Kimunye Secondary              Samuel Gitahi    0722473171       Day       130    
  32. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Mucagara           Stephen Gathitu Ndirangu            0722316610       Mixed Boarding 280    
  33. Kirinyaga KIRINYAGA EAST              Ngariama secondary School            Joel mwangi      0714895253       Day              230        Ngariamasecondaryschool@ Gmail .com
  34. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga east    KiandaiSec school              TumboEdward GACIABU              O722420827      Day mixed              100
  35. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Kiamwathi secondary school   Agnes k. Mutungi            725638829         Day       471    
  36. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    St Louis Nyagithuci Sec               David Lairang’i K.K          0725238427       Day       93    
  37. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East    Mwanianjau Sec Sch               Mary  Njenga             0723332058       Day       102    
  38. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga west   Kathaka mixed  Chege D M              0741608923       Day       284        Kathakasecondaryschool@
  39. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga West  GAKINDU Sec School              Kinyua G Waiyaki            0729280505       Day       162    
  40. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga west   Kiangai sec         Jerusha wawira wachira 0727848663       Day       349    
  41. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga West  Mathia sec sch  Patrick Gatonye             0722566425       Day       147    
  42. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga west   Getuya sec         Jane n. Wachira              0722352157       Day       137    
  43. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga West  Karimaini            Ruth wanjiru Edward 0722268480       Mixed Boarding 200    
  44. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga west   Kianjege west mixed day sec school          A.Gichimu Kamshere           0722254160              Mixed Boarding 498
  45. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga West  St John secondary School-kinyakiiru           Charles Ngotho Githinji  0721579930       Day              245
  46. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga west   Kiine mixed        Keziah mwangi 0721251226       Day       185
  47. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga west   johns kiburu  Jane Ndirangu            0720218549       Day       159    
  48. Kirinyaga Kirinyaga West St Peter’s Gatuthiini               Jane m Gahoki   724591378         Day       263    
  49. Kirinyaga KIRINYAGA WEST            THUMAITA WEST SEC        JANE KITHIRA KIMATHI 0721899707       Day       343    
  50. Kirinyaga Mwea   Nguka   Meaura 072042116              Day       230        N/a
  51. Kirinyaga Mwea East         Mugamba ciura mixed day sec school          Margaret Wangeci Kaharu          0780553663              Day       145
  52. Kirinyaga Mwea East         Gathigiriri secondary              Gitau Mathu      0725687589       Day       591    
  53. Kirinyaga mwea east         Kiarukungu mixed day sec school   Thuo G. Iregi      0723662393       Day       183        276-10304 Kutus
  54. Kirinyaga Mwea East         Tebere secondary school              Mwangi J Irungu             0722938538       Mixed Boarding              371
  55. Kirinyaga Mwea East         St Marys Kiumbu sec              James Njiiri        0722588897       Day       152    
  56. Kirinyaga Mwea East         Mumbuini secondary              Kiguru N. Stephen           0722555620       Day       220    
  57. Kirinyaga Mwea east         Kiorugari mixed sec school              Lydia w. Maina  0721364442       Day       219    
  58. Kirinyaga Mwea East         Murinduko secondary              Virginia .w. kariuki          0701251117       Boys day/boarding              343
  59. Kirinyaga Mwea East         ST PETERS DIFATHAS SECONDARY SCHOOL     JOYCE WARURU              0722444105              Day       210
  60. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Thiba mixed secondary              Sammy Kariuki  742940698         Mixed day          496    
  61. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Kangai secondary              Edward Mbogo 0724405678       Day       548    
  62. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Ngothi Day mixed secondary school            Gakinya Wangui T.          0722665770              Day       132
  63. Kirinyaga mwea west        Nyaga secondary               Karanja M A       0722636780       Day       263    
  64. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Kombuini sec     John wamweya          0722248689       Mixed Boarding 241    
  65. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Nyaikungu day mixed secondary          Maina Gitonga  0722242927       Day       171    
  66. Kirinyaga Mwea West       Kiragu Stephen sec school   Benard I Mwangi             0721375660       Day       218    
  67. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Kiandegwa secondary               Jane wachira     0720674023       Day       114    
  68. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Kangure sec sch Rose karimi  laichena 0720074136       Day       236    
  69. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Nganga sec        Jackson Wamweya haron            0710641757       Day       238    
  70. Kirinyaga MWEA WEST     KIRWARA SECONDARY SCHOOL              OLIVE NYAWIRA MURIUKI           0726166896              Day       147
  71. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Rurii secondary school               Gichangi Ndege               0722352742       Day       276              Rurii2019 @
  72. Kirinyaga Mwea west        Good Samaritan               Charles Macharia Wanderi          721345471         Mixed Day              561
  73. Kirinyaga Mwea West       Gitoo-ini sec      Gilbert n kamwaria           713157230         Day       215    

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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