Embu County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Embu County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Embu County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Embu County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Embu County List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Embu County List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Embu County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Embu Embu  east         Ugweri  day sec school   Joyce  Nzambi  Muli      0717314724       Day       273        Joycemuli50@gmail.com
  2. Embu Embu  west        Embu county mixed secondary school               Mrs  masaku flora           0724997416       Mixed day              415        floramasaku@gmail.com
  3. Embu EMBU EAST        ACK NDUMARI SEC SCHOOL        Albert Njeru    0727490126       Day       177        ackndumari @gmail. com
  4. Embu Embu East          Anthony Kivuria Day Sec School              Rosemary W. Mugo        0724808489       Day       127              wanjirurosem95@gmail.com
  5. Embu Embu East          Gatumbi Baptist Mixed Day Sec Lucy Wangui Kahuthu             0723939045       Day       246        gatumbi baptist sec @ gmail.com
  6. Embu Embu east          Muragari sec      Anne g mwo ngera              0723784350       Day       167        Agacheria 6@gmail
  7. Embu Embu East          DEB Kithunguthia sec     Albert munene Nyaga   0723619677       Day       158              debkithunguthia@yahoo.com
  8. Embu Embu East          NICA kanduri sec school Rose wawira nyaga              0723311112       Day       101              nyagawawirarose@gmail.com
  9. Embu Embu East          ACk Nyagari day mixed sec school              Ephantus kimani Njugi   0722997355       Day       60              njukimeph@gmail.com
  10. Embu EMBU EAST        ACK KAGAARI MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL              ELIZABETH WANGITHI NDWIGA 0722580005              Day       310        kagmixed@gmail.com
  11. Embu Embu East          St John Fishers Mbuinjeru           Mary Mutiso  0722251671       Day       350        mmtiso@gmail.com
  12. Embu Embu East          Macumo day secondary School  Stephen Kavuvu Makau  0722231426       Day       225              Macumosecondary@gmail.com
  13. Embu Embu east          EAPC kariru mixed day sec           Cecilia mbambu            0721230125       Day       85              eapckarirusec@gmail
  14. Embu Embu East          St Thomas Aquinas Nthagaiya Day second school   Charles Maina Kimani.   0720948939       Day       100              Box 155 Runyenjes.
  15. Embu Embu East          Mary’s Kigaa mixed day sec    Nicholas Murianki Laaru  0720900357       Mixed Boarding 320              stmaryskigaasec@gmail.com
  16. Embu Embu East          Ciamanda Mixed Day Sec             Josephine Kimathi 0720142540       Day       234              francisciamanda@gmail.com
  17. Embu Embu East          NICA MUGANJUKI Day sec           Junius kariuki mbogo   0715018252       Day       131              nicamuganjuki@gmail.com
  18. Embu EMBU EAST        ST FRANCIS KANJA SECONDARY SCHOOL              JOHN IRERI SAMUEL       0713268389       Mixed day and boarding            220        kanjasec@gmail.com
  19. Embu Embu East          St Marks Ena Secondary Njue Benson Njiru              0713129004       Day       325        stmarksena@gmail.com
  20. Embu Embu East          Ack kathanjuri secondary school              Njiru   0711862927       Day       184              njorogenjiru265@gmail.com
  21. Embu Embu East          Sa Gikuuri          Lucy m. Hezron              0728409850       Day       250              gikuurisecondary@gmail.com
  22. Embu Embu east          St Getrude Kinthithe      Nancy kathambi mugira  0720248451       Mixed day          354              Stgetrudekinthithe@gmail.com
  23. Embu Embu East          Gakwegori Day Secondary School              Teresia C. Ireri   0711217534       Day       108              muneneshila@gmail.com
  24. Embu Embu East          A. Nduuri sec Daniel Ngere               0721384211       Day       209        Nduurisec@gmail.com
  25. Embu Embu East          Kasafari secondary school           Alice Wangari Ngunyi Mwangi              703737477         Day       64              Kasafarimixeddaysecondary@yahoo.com
  26. Embu Embu East          SA Mukuria sec school   Kaiberia Ephraim Gitonga               0715861814       Day       95              samukuriasec@gmail.com
  27. Embu Embu North       Ack St Mary’s Secondary School – Mukangu              Chomba B. Karuri            0723 30 94 71   Day       62              stmarysmukangusec@gmail.com
  28. Embu EMBU NORTH   KIRIARI DAY SECONDARY  SCHOOL               PAUL N MUGO  0717061824p    Day       397              Paulmugo72@gmail.com
  29. Embu Embu North       St Benedict’s secondary school karau              Margaret Nyiha Gakobo +254725313783               Day              230        mgakobo@gmail.com
  30. Embu Embu North       Gituri sec school             Teresina Ithiga              0727776237       Day       148        giturisec@gmail.com
  31. Embu Embu North       C.K Kamviu Mixed Sec School  Gitu Peter Stanley Maina   0726232863       Day       284              gitupsmaina@yahoo.com
  32. Embu EMBU NORTH   Kithunguriri mixed day secondary              Gabriel Njiru Mbogoh    0725586283       Day       155              Kithunguririsec19@gmail.com
  33. Embu EMBU NORTH   KIANJOKOMA DAY SEC SCHOOL ISAAC NDERI   0724176495       Day       301        kinyuanderi66@gmail.com
  34. Embu Embu North       St Joseph the worker kathuniri   James Kirimi Arithi       0723016363       Day       172              arithijamesk@yahoo.com
  35. Embu Embu North       Alphonse secondary  Susan W. Njanja              0722669315       Day       299              st.alphonse.day@gmail.com
  36. Embu EMBU NORTH   A MANYATTA MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL              ALICE KABIRU MWIANDI              0722643285              MIXED DAY        215        sa.manyattamixedsec@gmail.com
  37. Embu Embu north       DEB Kavutiri day sec       Newton Nyaga Kinyua  0721798363       Day       337              kavutirimixedday@gmail.com
  38. Embu Embu North       DEB Kairuri         Rosemary K Aburi              0721784851       Day       174        Kairurisec@gmail.com
  39. Embu embu north       kagumori secondary school         NYAMU 0721461669       Day       198        arithibernard@gmail.com
  40. Embu EMBU NORTH   Divine mercy Rugumu sec sch     MARY MUTHONI NJUKI             0711322052       Day       166              rugumumixed@gmail.com
  41. Embu Embu North       All Saints  kigari  day sec sch.      Rosalind  Muthoni  kiura 724203426         Day       333              kigaridss@gmail.com
  42. Embu Embu North       Kirigi day sec      Margaret Wanja Njue               712978744         Day       258        kirigiday97@gmail.com
  43. Embu Embu North.      St Martha Day Secondary school.              Catherine Muthoni Nyaga.          715145431         Day              221        stmartha@gmail.com.
  44. Embu Embu north.      Muvandori day secondary school.               justus mbae miriti           702829717         Day       531              Muvandorisecondary@gmail.com
  45. Embu Embu West        St Michael Kevote sec school      Teresia Wachuka Kiraki 0757925072       Day       422              stmichaelkevotesecondary@gmail.com
  46. Embu Embu West        Embu Urban Integrated sec sch  Phinius M. Rinkanya            0740428379       Day       204              embuurbansecondary@gmail.com
  47. Embu Embu west         Rukira day secondary.   Joseph m kiriamburi          0728763334       Day       218              jommwaniki100@gmail.com
  48. Embu Embu west         Gatunduri mixed day secondary School              Muriungi G Mukiri          0724559423       Day       468              gatsecsch@gmail.com
  49. Embu EMBU WEST      ACK GATONDO SECONDARY SCHOOL              CHARITY  NYAMBURA MAINA     0723422993       Day              209        gatondoschool2020@gmail.com
  50. Embu Embu west         Christopher mixed day secondary school   James Kariuki Gathumbi 0722892711       Day       425              stchristopher@yahoo.com
  51. Embu Embu West        St benedict kithimu secondary school              Monica Munyi   0722643214       Day       420              stbenedictk@gmail.com
  52. Embu Embu west         St Francis Ngoire sec school        Rose Ann Karimi Kathuri   0720809319       Day       193        Stfrancisngoire @yahoo.com
  53. Embu Embu West        Peter’s Gatituri          Lenick Murithi Charles 0720610172       Day       140              lenickmurithi2018@gmail.com
  54. Embu Embu West        Nthambo mixed day sec Hesbon Njogu              0720019005       Day       173              nthambosecondary@yahoo.com
  55. Embu Embu west         Kimangaru mixed            Lewis Rwinu              0712132100       Day       343        Lewisrwinu@gmail.com
  56. Embu Embu west         Itabua secondary            Kamuti musili              0710655995       Day       400        Jekamuti@yahoo.com
  57. Embu Embu west         Kamiu day secondary     Njeru s njagi              0707437315       Day       180        Kamiusec@gmail.com
  58. Embu Embu west         St Luke’s day secondary school karurina               Kamwea Alabina Wanjiku            0110089914       Day              310        slkarurina@gmail.com
  59. Embu Embu West        Kithegi Mixed Day Secondary school              Antonina Gauku Mugambi          0720428621       Day              268        Kithegisecondary@gmai.com
  60. Embu Embu west         DEB Kangaru sec school               Beth Njoki kamande            o726689099      Day       163        Box 51_60100 Embu
  61. Embu Embu West        St Michael Municipality Francis G Mwaniki               0725784241       Day       160        stmichael012@gmail.com
  62. Embu Embu-north       Kenga day secondary school       Festo mbogo mugo     0723 603974     Day       127              kengasec@gmail.com
  63. Embu Mbeere North   Kivue secondary school Beatrice Ncekei Nkonge 0729459056       Mixed day          204              ncekeib@gmail.com
  64. Embu MBEERE NORTH              S A MUTHANTHARA SEC              BENSON NYAGA MUGO 0728730150       Day       112              bensonmg5@gmail.com
  65. Embu Mbeere North   Michegethiu sec sch       Joyce Magochi              0726532152       Day       70          16 siakago
  66. Embu Mbeere north   A itiira sec       Mbiti E.Njeru              0725771553       Day       230        Mbitinjeru 2@gmail.com
  67. Embu Mbeere North   St Joseph’s Gitiburi Secondary  School              Maina James Kabura      0725270978       Mixed day and Girls boarding   114        Gitiburischool@yahoo.com
  68. Embu Mbeere North   KUNE SEC SCH   MAGIRI D.M              0725234680       Mixed Boarding/Day      189              magiri765@gmail.com
  69. Embu Mbeere North   ACK Kamigua secondary School  Muriithi Danson Githinji 0724907054       Day       45              kamiguas@gmail.com
  70. Embu Mbeere North   Mbarwari sec. Sch.         Jeremiah maingi mugambi            0723871068       Day       95              Jmmugambi70@gmail.com
  71. Embu Mbeere North   St Johns Karigiri sec.       Munyi A. Njue              0722942847       Day       120        munyinjue65@gmail.com
  72. Embu Mbeere north   luke sec.school-kamwaa         Alexander muchiri kathuri 0722595003       Day/mixed/boarding      182              Alexandermuchiri71@gmail.com
  73. Embu Mbeere North   All Saints Karambari Sec. School Ayub Ndung’u Mutitu 0722455139       Day       177              karambarisecondary@gmail.com
  74. Embu Mbeere north   Ack Emmanuel cianthia sec school              Zarbanson Mwaniki        0721872242       Day       112              Cianthiasecondary@gmail.com
  75. Embu Mbeere North   Kirigo Secondary school Gitobu L.Mutwiri              0721826828       Day       188              lawrencegmutwiri@gmail.com
  76. Embu Mbeere North   Kathigagaceru sec           Charles ireri bundi              0721759909       Day       103        Cireribundi@gmail.com
  77. Embu Mbeere North   Cieria sec school             Idah I. Njagi              0721419498       Day       127              cieriasecschool@gmail.com
  78. Embu Mbeere North   Ndutori secondary school            Alex Karani Nyaga   0721411898       Day       44              ndutorisecondaryschool@gmail.com
  79. Embu Mbeere north   St Andrews kogari sec    Nicholas muriuki              0721290718       Mixed Boarding 85          Nicholas muriuki7@gmail
  80. Embu Mbeere North   Kiathambu secondary school      Albert N Mati      0721289937       Mixed day          46              amatirano@yahoo.com
  81. Embu Mbeere North   Anthony Siakago sec.schhol.  Judith M. Kamau  0721136217       Day       546        siakagoday@Gmail.com
  82. Embu Mbeere North   DEB KARUARI SECONDARY          ThiruaineT Silas      0720847976       Day       149              debkaruarisecondary@gmail.com
  83. Embu Mbeere north   Ack kamutu sec Mary ndiritu              0720810889       Mixed day and boarding              454              maryndiritu96@gmail.com
  84. Embu Mbeere North   A Gikuyari Secondary School   Mrs. Mbogo Rosemary           0717703819       Mixed Day/Boarding              238        gikuyarisecondary@gmail.com
  85. Embu Mbeere North   St john the baptist kirie sec         John Mugambi           0713941216       Mixed Boarding 385              Stjohnkirie@gmail.com
  86. Embu Mbeere North   St John XXIII Gwakaithi secondary school              Mung’athia Stanley         0712278380       Mixed day              331        mungathia5@gmail.com
  87. Embu Mbeere North   Ack st lukes Ciangera Day sec school              Beth Wanjiru Njuguna   0722432448       Day       166              STLUKESCIANGERASCHOOL@GMAIL.COM
  88. Embu MBEERE NORTH              E.B MUCHONOKE SECONDARY SCHOOL              TABITHA WANJIRU         0722357828       Day              167        tabyshi@yahoo.com
  89. Embu Mbeere North   Deb kabachi mixed day sec         Agatha Gichuku kinyua 0728286145       Day       179              gicukuagatha@gmail
  90. Embu Mbeere North   Mathew kathagutari sec school               Salesio Gitonga Abwima              727150700         Day              147        Kathagutarism@gmail.com
  91. Embu Mbeere north    St Andrew’s ngoce sec school     Julius Mwangi wanyoike           722347094         Mixed day          221              Nyoike094@gmail.com
  92. Embu Mbeere North   ACK St Barnabas Kavengero sec sch               Charles Mbuko 0721166979       Mixed Boarding 199              Box 82-60102 Ishiara
  93. Embu Mbeere North   St Timothy’s Kianjeru Secondary               Patricia Mwendwa          +254716726936               Mixed day and boarding     215        pmmwendwa71@gmail.com
  94. Embu MBEERE SOITH  KANYONGA SECONDARY              WILFRED NYAGA KAMURU             0714814040       Day       155              mwangelias@yahoo.com
  95. Embu Mbeere south   YODER KARWIGI SEC      ANTHONY AMBALE KEVOGO             +254721755353               Day       294              ambach68@gmail.com
  96. Embu Mbeere south   charles lwanga-mwanyani mixed sec              Kingesi john mutinda     0728882493       Day       262              mutindajohn00@gmail.com
  97. Embu MBEERE SOUTH WANGO AIC SEC SCHOOL            STEPHEN MURITU MURUGAMI     0728051468       Day       459              wangoaicsec2019@gmail.com
  98. Embu MBEERE SOUTH MUTUS MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL              NYAGA M. ROSE              0727674118       Mixed day & Boarding            307        mutussec@gmail.com
  99. Embu Mbeere South   Makima Mixed Secondary School              Francis Mutema Munyithya        0725395995       Mixed day              515        mutema@gmail
  100. Embu Mbeere South   C.K ST JOSEPH GIKIIRO SECONDARY      Simon Gachanja Muchiri              0724396690              Day/mixed boarding      91          gikiirosec@gmail.com
  101. Embu Mbeere south   Maviani mixed sec.school              Mweu m.julius  0724248973       Day       46              Mavianisec2011@yahoo.com
  102. Embu Mbeere South   St Paul Karura Sec School              Ann Karuru Ntaari           0723538245       Day       206              stpaulkarurasec@gmail.com
  103. Embu Mbeere South   Gacabari secondary school              Peter Ireri Duncan          0722910676       Day       139              ackgacabari@gmail.com
  104. Embu MBEERE SOUTH MBONZUKI SECONDARY              Paul kinuthia wanyoike  0722866059       Day       209              kiwanyoike@gmail.com
  105. Embu MBEERE SOUTH AIC NTHINGINI SECONDARY SCHOOL              JAMES KAMUNYA MATHENGE   0722557186              Mixed day          63          aicnthinginisecondary@gmail.com
  106. Embu Mbeere south   St Mary Nyangwa Girls   Rachel k Nderi    0722422114       Mixed Boarding 282        Nyangwa girls school@gmail ,com
  107. Embu Mbeere south   Kiambere mixed sec school              Anthony N Njogu            0722263761       Mixed Boarding              336        anthonynjogu5@gmail.com
  108. Embu Mbeere south   Mashamba sec  Samuel vengi              0722210947       Mixed Boarding 229              Mashambasecondary@yahoo.com
  109. Embu MBEERE SOUTH DEB KABURURI SEC SCH ROSEMARY G M’ETHIRU       0721886456       Day       193              kabururudaysecsch@yahoo.com
  110. Embu Mbeere South   Kerwa Sec Sch   Pauline Njeru              0721739575       Day       151        kerwasec@gmail.com
  111. Embu Mbeere south   St Mary’s Gataka Secondary              Njue Norman njeru         0721672483       Mixed day              138        stmarysgataka@gmail.com
  112. Embu Mbeere South   Joseph secondary-Kitololoni              Ndegwa Isaac Ndungu   721603414         Day       246              kitololonisecondary@gmail.com
  113. Embu Mbeere south   St Joseph’s mixed day sec sch Iriamurai            Patrick Mburugu Riungu              0720572435              Day       250        Stjosephsiriamurai@gmail.com
  114. Embu Mbeere South   St Thomas Aquinas Igumori secondary          Paul Ireri Mwaniki          0720405317       Mixed Boarding            545        igumorisecondary@gmail.com
  115. Embu MBEERE SOUTH NGIORI INTEGRATED      MANYARA JOSPHAT KOBIA 0716415595       Day       149              josphatkobia35@gmail.com
  116. Embu MBEERE SOUTH RUGOGWE MIXED DAY SEC              ALBERT M NJOKA            0714326428       Day       151              rugogwesecschool@gmail.com
  117. Embu Mbeere South   Mbita secondary school Michael Ngari     0714082249       Mixed Day/Boarding      119              mbitasecsch@gmail.com
  118. Embu MBEERE SOUTH AIC NDUNE MIXED SECONDARY              MERCY KATHONI MUTHURI        0712739090       Day       32              aicndunesecondary@gmail.com
  119. Embu MBEERE SOUTH KABUGURI MIXED SEC SCHOOL              IMANENE SILAS MWIRIGI            0711528100       Day              176        silasmwirigi01@gmail.com
  120. Embu Mbeere south   Munyori             Muchiri GA              0707867166       Mixed Boarding 89              Munyori@gmail.com
  121. Embu MBEERE SOUTH Machang’a secondary school              HENRY MACHATHA        0701265873       Boarding girls/mixed day 294        henrykahura@gmail.com
  122. Embu Mbeere south   ST BARNABAS SEC SCH GATIRARI               Rose P mutunga              0720424248       Day       114              gatirarisec@gmail.com
  123. Embu Mbeere South   Iria Itune Sec School       Esther Munyiri               0785812510       Day       168              iriaitune2006@gmail.com
  124. Embu MBEERE SOUTH               KIKUMINI MIXED SECONDARY      MERCY W. BARU             0722655483       Day              268        kikuminisecondary@gmail.com
  125. Embu MBEERE SOUTH               Kamunyange sec               MURIKINYI M’IKIGU        0726764049       Day       199              kamunyangesecondaŕyschool@yhoo.com
  126. Embu Mbeere South   Kamweli sec       Kirimi Mberia Muguongo         0722555910       Day       137              kamwelimix@gmail.com
  127. Embu Mbeere South   Kangungi mixed secondary school               Albert Ngari       0721722554       Day       83              kangungimixed@yahoo.com
  128. Embu Mbeere South   Mutuobare Secondary School              David Muriuki Ireri          0722855314       Day       240              mtbaresecshool@gmail.com
  129. Embu Mbeere south sub county           Ntharawe secondary school            Ngare.          0722273956       Day       60              Box 40,Kiritiri.
  130. Embu Mbeere south.  AcK Malikini secondary school.              Manderi Stephen murage.          722451382         Mixed day and boarding.   93          muragesm@gmail.com
  131. Embu Mbere North     Kambaru secondary       Jane p w Mwangi              0713976986       Day       207              Kambarusecondary@gmail.com
  132. Embu Mbere south      At Luke’s Kirima mixed sec school               Lynus M Murungi            795106010         Boarding and day              402        Kirimasec15@gmail.com
  133. Embu Runyenjes          st barnabus kathari        Rosalind mumbi thiaka    +254721266524               Day       224              bkathari@gmail.com

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Embu County, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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More List of Sub-County Schools in Kenya
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  28. Mombasa County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  29. Muranga County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  30. Nairobi County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  31. Nakuru County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  32. Nandi County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  33. Narok County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  34. Nyamira County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  35. Nyandarua County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  36. Nyeri County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  37. Samburu County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  38. Siaya County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  39. Taita Taveta County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  40. Tana River County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  41. Trans Nzoia County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  42. Tharaka Nithi County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  43. Turkana County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  44. Uasin Gishu County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  45. Vihiga County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  46. Wajir County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts
  47. West Pokot County  List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

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