Elgeyo Marakwet County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Elgeyo Marakwet County List of All Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Here are the names of all Sub County schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County with the respective Sub-County the school is located, the total student enrolment, the name of the school Principal, School phone number contact, and the school email address.

In summary, this page contains:

  • Elgeyo Marakwet County List of Sub-County Secondary School Principals
  • Elgeyo Marakwet List of Sub-County Secondary School Phone Contacts
  • Elgeyo Marakwet List of Sub-County Secondary School email addresses

Elgeyo Marakwet County List of  Sub-County Secondary Schools, Principals, and School Contacts

Name of County         Name of Sub County  Name of School              Name of principal       School phone number Type of School Total enrolment       School email address

  1. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo  North      Kapkoi secondary school              Samuel Cbebet  0722434028       Day       154              Kapkoisecondary @yahoo.com
  2. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo  South       Teber  St  benedict mixed day sec school   James  MBOYA Awino    0722450930       Day              169        awinomboya@gmail
  3. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Paul sec,sch.Kapkessum              Selina Kurui        07201087743     Mixed Boarding 200              Not active
  4. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Chebonet sec school              Enock chebii Kimutai      0724700635       Day       380              chebonetsecschool@gmail.com
  5. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Korkitony Mixed Day/Boarding Girls Secondary    Moses Kigen      0722648251              Day and Boarding           320              moseskiptookigen@gmail.com
  6. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Kapchelal Mixed secondary School  Gilbert Kisang    0724469223       Mixed Boarding 188              gilbertkisang@gmail.com
  7. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Chelingwa sec school              David Kandie Cheburet  0722490103       Day       213              Box 436 Iten
  8. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Siroch mixed sec school              Bramwel Serede              0722270174       Day       151              sirochmixeddaysecondaryschool@gmail.com
  9. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Holy Rosary Kapkong’a Secondary          Peter O Opere   0722250962       Day       256              peter962@gmail.com
  10. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       Kessup mixed day secondary school            Stanley K. C. Amdany     0722154559              Day       301        stanleykimasar@gmail.com
  11. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo north        Peter’s Iten day              Francis kimuge  0712227255       Day       562              franciskimuge35@gmail.com
  12. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       AIC Anin Day secondary school   Maurice Komen 0722216396       Day       50              mauricekomen@gmail.com
  13. Elgeyo marakwet KEIYO NORTH    ST PAUL’S MUNO MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL           FESTUS SANYA              0700231683       Boarding Girls    125              sanyafestus@gmail.com
  14. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       St Peter’s kibargoiyet secondary          Emily K Munandi             0722261328       Day       46              ekhakasa2000@yahoo.com
  15. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North       St Andrew Chegilet Secondary School            Stanley Kibowen             0722665097              Mixed Day and Boarding              409              standrewchegilet@gmail.com
  16. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo North Sub county Bugar Day Secondary School            Emily Tanui        0726436945       Day              618        bugarssecondaryschool@gmail.com
  17. Elgeyo marakwet KEIYO SOUTH    KOMBATICH MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL     ROSELYN ACHIENG         0723373928              Day       363        kombatichsecondaryschool@gmail.com
  18. Elgeyo marakwet KEIYO SOUTH    ST GREGORY KIPKABUS DOWNS SEC       WESLEY CHEMUTE CHEBON        0722698741              Day       110        Stgregorykipkabusschool@gmail.com
  19. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo south        Kaptilol secondary               Sylvester Rotich 0722442041       Day       274              Syrotich@gmail.com
  20. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo South       Tugumoi Mixed Day Secondary          Henry K Tumo   0722378880       Day       500              henrytumo1968@gmail.com
  21. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo South       THOMAS KAPCHORWA              YATICH KIPROTICH          0722161865       Day       447              N/A
  22. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo south        Kapleting mixed day              Tanui k. Francis 0721851675       Mixed Boarding 565              Kapleting mixeday@gmail.com
  23. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo south        Chepsamo mixed day secondary school            Joseph k sang    0712944387       Day              272        chepsamosecschool@gmail.com
  24. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo south        Muskut mixed day secondary          Henry Ngetich   0721159091       Day       198              muskutsec2013@gmail.com
  25. Elgeyo marakwet KEIYO SOUTH    CHANGACH BARAK SECONDARY SCHOOL     JOHN LIMO CHEBOI        0724875848              MIXED DAY        97          cheboijohn19@gmail.com
  26. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo south        Ketigoi mixed day secondary          Wycliffe Rotich  0722691169       Day       198              wyclifferotich@gmail.com
  27. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo South       Patrick’s Kabirirsus Mixed Day Secondary    Aggrey Shichet  0722358821       Day       85              Stpatrickssec@gmail.com
  28. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo South        Biwott mixed day secondary school 333     Willy korio          0720866613       Day              333        Biwottmixeddaysecondaryschool2007@gmail
  29. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo South        Lolgarini  Mixed Day Secondary school            Edwin Kiprop Kosgei       0722689878              Day       225        lolgarinischool@gmail.com
  30. Elgeyo marakwet Keiyo South        Turesia mixed day sec               Catherine Amwoso         0719715274       Day       221              Turesiasecondary@gmail.com
  31. Elgeyo marakwet KEIYO SOUTH     KAPCHEBELEL MIXED DAY SECONDARY SCHOOL     ELIAKIM MASABIRU        0715152957              Day       155        kapchebelelsecschool7284@gmail.com
  32. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet East  Queen of peace mixed day chesongoch.      Mary kipmosiom             0790539876       Mixed Boarding            300        qpsschesongoch@gmail.com
  33. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet East  Ismael chelanga secondary              William k. Kanda             0726688467       Day       162              Ismaelchelanga@gmail.com
  34. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet East  KAPTICH GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL     Grace Kipyekomen         0724744752              Boarding Girls    140        kaptichgirls@gmail.com
  35. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet East  St Mary’s kapkuto mixed day        Florence Jepkemboi Kipchumba               0722551082              Day       100        fjwkipchumba@gmail.com
  36. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet East  Mogil secondary              Sabinah komen 0720288435       Mixed Boarding 257              Mogilsecondary@gmail.
  37. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet East St Augustine Kapyego Sec               Sikinyi Caleb Lutsili         0724136511       Mixed Boarding 94              staugustinekapyego@gmail.com
  38. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet East Lukuget Hill Mixed Day/Boarding secondary             Venerandah kanali Enane               0720818616       Mixed Boarding 168              Venerandahk@gmail.com
  39. Elgeyo marakwet MARAKWET EAST            ST MARY’S MON BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL         MR KOMEN WILLIAM              0713885466       Boarding Boys   70              Komenwilliam66@gmail.com
  40. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet west Kapterit secondary school              Elius koech         0729955304       Day       120              Secschkapterit@gmail.com
  41. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet West Jemunada Secondary School  Moses Kandie    0729665355       Mixed Day/Boarding              143        O Box 8520 -30100 Eldoret
  42. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet west Kamoi secondary school              James sambasi  0726835071       Mixed day and boarding              430        Kamoisecschool@gmail.com
  43. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet west Kasubwa mixed day secondary          Simion kipkoech kipsamo            0722338720              Day       106        Kasubwa secondary school &gmail.com
  44. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet west Barsumbat Day sec school              Anthony Keino  0722330149       Day       407              barsumbat2019@gmail.com
  45. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet west St Benedicts Arror Girls sec              Lucy Anne okumu           0722249916       Boarding Girls              112        stbenedictarrorgirls@gmail.com
  46. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet West Francis Korongoi mixed day        Charles Kipsambu Yegon              0721480040       Day       36              charlesyegon1@gmail.com
  47. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet West St Stephen Koitugum secondary school            Mark Ndungu    0721452570       Day              160        ststephenkoitugum@gmail.com
  48. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet west Kaptabuk mixed day sec              George Korir      0720303486       Day       372              kaptabuksec2007@gmail.com
  49. Elgeyo marakwet Marakwet west Kondabilet mixed              Joseph Yator      0720071755       Mixed Boarding 410              Kondabiletsecschool@gmail .com.
  50. Elgeyo marakwet            Marakwet West               Aic Cheles mixed day               Toroitich Ishmael            0723647817       Day       195              aicchelesday@gmail.com

That is the list of all the Sub County Secondary Schools in Elgeyo MarakwetCounty, with the names of all the Sub- County Secondary Schools Principals and Contacts, as obtained in 2020.

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