13 Pupils Killed in a Staircase Stampede at Kakamega Primary School

13 pupils at Kakamega Primary School have been killed in a staircase stampede and 39 others injured as a result of a panic attack within the school.

As of writing this post, we are informed that the death toll is 13 and 6 pupils have been placed in intensive care unit ICU, as few others will be airlifted to Eldoret and Nairobi for special treatment.

The incident which occurred on Monday evening of January 3rd 2020, saw the 13 young lives lost as the were walked over by their colleagues who were also running away from the unknown.

The exact cause of panic in the school is yet to be established.

The pupils affected are thos of class four and five.

The panic occurred at the time the pupils were leaving for home after the days classes.

The injured pupils were rushed to Kakamega County Referral Hospital for examination and treatment.

13 Pupils Killed in a Staircase Stampede at Kakamega Primary School (Photo/Courtesy)

The sad incident was confirmed by David Kabena the Kakamega Central Police Commander.

When parents of Kakamega Primary School and the public learnt of the sad news, they flocked into the hospital causing confusion.

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KakamegaKakamega CountyKakamega Primary School