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Mudavadi Warns: CBC Might Crash in 2023 with Cartels Invading Schools

Parents across the country are crying foul of school heads who have devised illegal ways of getting more money from parents.

The said school heads are allegedly forcing parents to buy school items from outlets that they have selected and instructing the parents to pay for the items through the schools.

It is believed some school heads are working in tandem with suppliers and charging up to twice the market price on items that the learners are required to possess during the ongoing Form One admission.

A number of leaders have volunteered to speak out against the situation that is going on in secondary schools terming it illegal and unethical. Besides, the leaders said that parents have every right to buy items from suppliers who offer competitive pricing.

The ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi has implored the Ministry of Education to do proper preparations ahead of the looming 2023/2024 double intake that is set to push academic infrastructure to the limit. Musalia is a 2022 presidential candidate and has revealed that the CBC will task parents more financially with some items required for Grade One costing up to Sh. 10,000.

Musalia was of the opinion that the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) coupled with COVID-19’s interruption on the academic calendar has affected the education system in a great way.

According to the ANC leader, the CBC might crash in 2023 with two sets of learners joining secondary schools at the same time.

Some Form One student names have also gone missing from schools where they were placed following the release of the 2020 KCPE examination results. Some learners were also placed in day-schools that are far from their homes with the ANC leader urging the Ministry of Education to give an explanation on the same.

The Ministry of Education has also instructed school Principals to admit learners who sat for the 2020 KCPE even though they might not be able to pay all the school fees.

Heads of schools who are yet to upload the registration details of their candidates have been directed to do so or be held liable for failing in their responsibilities.

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