High Schools Mbagathi Road Secondary School Contacts, and Physical Location Mbagathi Road Secondary School is a Day categorised as Sub County has updated school phone contacts, and email…
High Schools Shadrack Kimalel Secondary School Contacts, and Physical Location Shadrack Kimalel Secondary School is a Day categorised as Sub County has updated school phone contacts, and email…
High Schools Raila Educational Centre Contacts, and Physical Location Raila Educational Centre is a Mixed Day categorised as Sub County has updated school phone contacts, and email…
High Schools Olympic High School Contacts Olympic High School is a Mixed Day categorised as County has updated school phone contacts, and email address. Read…
High Schools Upper Hill High School Contacts Upper Hill High School is a Boarding Boys categorised as an Extra County has updated school phone contacts, and…
High Schools Moi Girls School Nairobi Contacts Moi Girls School Nairobi is a Girls Boarding/Integrated categorised as an Extra County has updated school phone…
Education News Dagoretti High school Candidates Walk out of school Learners of Dagoretti High School have walked out of the upmarket Dagoretti High School in Nairobi citing bad!-->…