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Kericho High School KCSE Results, Location And Contacts

Kericho High School is a boys’ boarding school, located in Township location, Kericho County; in the South Rift region of Kenya.

Kericho High School KCSE 2019 Results

In the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams the school posted good results to rank among the best schools in the County. This is after recording a mean score of 6.78.

Kericho High School School Mission:

To nurture and mould the boy-child to be responsive to global dynamics through effective teaching and learning within value system of excellence, honesty, discipline and hard work.

Kericho High School  School Vision:

To make Kericho High School a centre of excellence in provision of holistic education for nurturing life-long dreams.

 Kericho High School contacts

P.O. Box 252 – 20200,KERICHO, KENYA.

Tel No: +254 020 803 1954;

Fax: +254 051 8000224;

website: www.kerichohigh.ac.ke;

Email: info@kerichohigh.ac.ke;


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