Nyamira County 2020 TSC Recruitment Interview Dates and Venues

Nyamira County 2020 TSC Recruitment Interview Dates and Venues

Following the Teachers Service Commission TSC advertisement on September 1st, 2020, for both new teaching, and replacement jobs for both primary and secondary school teachers, Nyamira County has issued revised 2020 TSC recruitment interview dates and venues.

The TSC recruitment schedule runs from the 1st of September when the vacancies are advertised, to the interview dates, until the 4th of January when successful applicants report to their schools.

Below is a copy of the revised Nyamira County TSC job application interview dates, and venues as updated on October 1st, 2020.


  1. Nyamira South Sub-County Date: 8/10/2020 Time: 8:30 A.M -1:00 P.M  Venue: Nyamira Boys
  2. Nyamira North Sub-County Date: 9/10/2020 Time: 8:30 A.M -1:00 P.M  Venue: Ikonge Girls
  3. Manga Sub-County Date: 12/10/2020 Time: 8:30 A.M -1:00 P.M  Venue: Mary’s Ekeubo
  4. Masaba North/Borabu Sub-County Date: 13/10/2020 Time: 8:30 A.M -1:00 P.M  Venue: Metamaywa Secondary
  5.  Primary Schools Date: 14/10/2020 Time: 8:30 A.M -1:00 P.M  Venue: Nyamira County Office

New Updated Dates for TSC Recruitment Interviews and Selection Process

Interview and selection dates for the 2020 TSC teaching job Applicants are set between the 8th of October to the 14th of October 2020, a change from the initial dates,16th of September to the 21st of September 2020.

Nyamira County Revised TSC interview dates and venues
Nyamira County Revised TSC interview dates and venues. (Photo/Courtesy)

The application deadline ended on the 14th of September,  and TSC started issuing the merit lists of shortlisted candidates.

Detailed General Calendar of Events for 2020 TSC Recruitment including Interview dates, Venues

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Here is a detailed summary of how TSC has scheduled the entire recruitment excise.

Advertisement for Teaching Vacancies – September 1st, 2020

The commission advertises the open teaching vacancies both in primary and secondary schools on September 1st, 2020. Advertisement is done through online sources and print media.

Sensitization of Regional TSC Directors – September 8th, 2020

All the Teachers Service Commission Regional Directors undergo a one day online/virtual sensitization process on Tuesday the 8th of September 2020. The directors are inducted on the details and management of the entire 2020 teacher recruitment exercise.

Online Applications of Open Vacancies by Qualified Teachers – 1st to 14th September 2020

From the 1st of September to the 14th of September 2020, the commission opens its online portal to allow submission of applications from qualified teachers.

Remember: the deadline for online applications to the open TSC teaching vacancies is the 14th of September 2020.

Collection of employment forms by County Directors – 11th September 2020

In preparation for the interview dates, the TSC County Directors collect the teacher’s employment forms for the vacant schools on the 11th of September 2020.

Generation of Applicant’s Merit lists and Sending to Counties –30th September 2020 (changed from 17th)

Just after the online application deadline, TSC starts to digital generating all the applicants’ merit lists by County.

The generated list of the applicants is then sent to the relevant TSC County Director on the same day.

The briefing, Vetting of Documents, Selection, and Interviewing Applicants – 8th  October to 14th October 2020 (changed from 28th September)

From around the 8th of October 2020, the school administrators, and School Principals will undergo a briefing. The briefing exercise will incorporate the TSC County Directors, TSC Sub-County Directors, Education Officers, and the School Principals.

Vetting of teacher Applicants’ documents, Interviews, and the selection exercise follows immediately after the briefing. This is expected to be from around the same time.

Each County will organize the manner, and the specific dates and venues for document vetting, interviewing, and selection of qualified applicants both for Primary and Secondary Schools.

Filling of TSC employment forms by successful candidates     – 14th October 2020

Successful job applicants will start filling in the TSC employment forms from the 2nd of October 2020.

Vetting and handling of complaints at County level  – 15th to 22nd October 2020 (Changed from 5th to 9th October 2020)

The Commission will give a 5-day window to allow for vetting and handling of any arising complaints during the selection/interview exercise. The process takes place at the TSC County Directors and will end on the 22nd of October 2020.

Read Also: How to Check Your 2020 TSC Recruitment Online Application Status

Receipt of documents at the TSC Headquarters –23rd to 26th  October (Changed from 12th to 13th  October)

Successful applicants’ copy of documents, interview sheet and selection data files, and Employment forms will be sent to the TSC headquarters for verification.

Verification of results at the TSC Headquarters –27th October to 18th November 2020 (Changed from 14th October to 13th November 2020)

TSC will verify the recruitment results for the entire exercise from the 27th of October 2020 to the 18th of November 2020.

Reporting Dates of teachers to schools – 4th January 2021

Successful applicants will report to their respective work stations from the 4th of January 2021. The teachers will be given 21 days open window within which to report to the school.

Sending reporting status to TSC Headquarters by County Directors – By January 31, 2021

The TSC County Directors have up to the 31st of January 2021, to send feedback to the TSC headquarters on the status of reporting for teachers in their respective schools.

County Interview Dates for 2020 TSC Job Applicants

All the 47 Counties are expected to align their dates for interviews and selection process according to the above-outlined schedule.

We will update the specific venues and events for each County as we get them. If you access any update, kindly WhatsApp/Telegram the contacts below this page.

List of Counties with Revised 2020 TSC Recruitment Interview Dates and Venues

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 Term 1 Holiday Assignments Class 4 – 8



Nyamira CountyRevised Interview DatesTSC interview questionstsc interview requirementsTSC Vacancies for Secondary Schools 2019
Comments (4)
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  • onyiego omuya ebebnezer

    I made my applications to Nyamira,kisii,Bungoma counties but non of them appears in the merit lists that have been published,kindly assist

    • Fred ArapToo

      We haven’t got some of the Merit Lists. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will update as soon as we get them.

  • onyiego omuya ebebnezer

    the sub counties to which i applied are not featuring.masaba north,nyaribari chache,bungoma central

    • Fred ArapToo

      Then kindly wait for the official interview invitation sms.