KCSE 2019 Results: Nyamira County Top Schools

Nyambaria High School becomes the top School in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education KCSE 2019 examinations results in Nyamira County with a mean score of 8.01.

KCSE 2019 Results: Nyamira County Top Schools, Nyambaria High School is the top best school.

Nyambaria High School was closely followed by St. Peter’s Nyakemincha High School with a mean of 7.806.

KCSE 2019 Results: Nyamira County Top Schools, Kebirigo Boys the 3rd Best School.

Kebirigo Boys High School came third with a good school performance of 7.3.

The fourth top school in KCSE 2019 in Nyamira County is Sironga Girls High School with 7.0 mean score.

Nyamira Boys High school closed the list of the top 5 best schools in Nyamira County after scoring a mean score of 6.9.

The following is a list of KCSE 2019 performance results of top Secondary Schools in Nyamira County.

Nyamira County Top Schools in KCSE 2019 Examinations Results with Official School Mean Scores

  1. Nyambaria High School – 8.01
  2. St. Peter’s Nyakemincha High School – 7.806
  3. Kebirigo Boys High School – 7.3
  4. Sironga Girls High School – 7
  5. Nyamira Boys High School – 6.9

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KCSE 2019KCSE 2019 Exams Results