Dr. Jamleck Muturi TSC Chairperson: Education, Biography, Work Experience

Dr. Jamleck Muturi TSC Chairperson: Education, Biography, Work Experience

In this post, we present Dr. Jamleck Muturi John’s personal details not known to the public, his full education background, previous jobs held, and academic work profile. So, let’s get started.

Dr. Jamleck Muturi John has been appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to serve as the Chairperson for the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.

Not a lot of information can be found concerning the new TSC Chairperson Dr. Mururi. However, Teacher.co.ke has researched more on him, and thereby presents the following full biography.

TSC Chairperson Dr. Jamleck Muturi’s Personal Details

  • Name:          Jamleck Muturi John
  • Marital Status:       Married
  • Present Post:          Chairperson, Teachers Service Commission TSC
  • Address:      P.O. Box 793-60100 Embu, Kenya
  • Tel (Mobile) +254-0733-287234; +254-0720-369707
  • Email:          jjamkenya@yahoo.com
  • He is fluent in Kiswahili and English, and can also communicate in three other local languages.

Dr. Jamleck Muturi Personal Profile Statement

Dr. Muturi is God-fearing, someone of high integrity, proactive, conscientious, team player. In addition, he’s a committed individual with excellent interpersonal skills, resilient, high-level negotiating skills and works with minimum supervision.

Dr. Jamleck Muturi John Education Background (Biography)

Dr. Jamleck Muturi John started his Primary Level education at Karau Primary School in Manyatta Division, Kathangariri Zone of Embu North Sub County in Embu County from 1975 to 1981. He left the school in 1981 with his C.P.E Certificate.

He then joined Kamama Boys Secondary School in Embu County in 1982 before sitting for his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education KCSE in 1985.

In 1986 he was admitted to Chogoria Boys High School, where he obtained his K.A.C.E. (Advanced level) certificate 1987.

Jamleck later joined Kenyatta University, Nairobi, in 1989 to pursue a science education course. 1n 1991 he graduated with B.Ed. Science in Botany and Zoology

He later on enrolled to study a Masters in Science in Agricultural Entomology postgraduate program within the same university between the years 2001 and 2004.

In 2004, Muturi enrolled at the Institute of Personnel Management (IPM (K)) and earned a Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management (HDHRM) in 2005.

From 2006 to 2011, Muturi successfully pursued and earned his Ph.D. in Agricultural Entomology, still at Kenyatta University.

Jamleck Muturi Professional And Work Experience

  • From February -March 2016: Muturi Participated in the Linnaeus-Palme teacher exchange program at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala Sweden.
  • 2015 August: Education Science and Technology and ICT- Embu County Government
  • 2015 January to August 2015 CEC: Lands, Water, Environment and Natural Resources, Embu County Government.
  • 2014 to date: Coordinator in Linnaeus–Palme exchange program for Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden and Embu University College (EUC), Kenya
  • 2013 – date: Lecturer Embu University College
  • 2013 to date: Chairman Formal committee on Education (ACK Diocese of Embu)
  • 2012–2013: Lecturer Kenyatta University
  • 2011: April to date University of Nairobi (Part-time)
  • 2011: Meru University College of Science and Technology (Part-time)
  • 2011 to date: Kenya Coordinator infield course for Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) students on “Global Development, Natural Resources, and Livelihoods” in Kenya
  • 2010 to 2012: Vice–Secretary Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (Eastern, Branch)
  • 2009 to 2012: Chairman Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (Embu East, Branch)
  • 2008 to 2012: Principal Moi high school, Mbiruri High School(Embu)
  • 2008 to 2012: Chairman ACK Secondary Heads Schools (ACK Diocese of Embu
  • 2008 to date: Member of Standing Committee of Synod (ACK
  • 2005 to 2008: Principal Kavutiri High Boys School (Embu)
  • 2003 to 2005: Head of Department Huruma Girls (Nairobi)
  • 1999 to 2001: Principal St.Josephs M’tetu Secondary School (Embu)
  • 1996 to 1999: Deputy Principal Nguviu Boys High Secondary School (Embu)
  • 1991 to 1996: Assistant Teacher St. Peters Kathakwa Secondary School (Embu)

Additional training/workshops/conferences Attended by Dr. Jamleck Muturi John

The following are some of the additional pieces of training, Workshops, and Conferences that have been attended by Dr. Jamleck Muturi. The details include the period and their achievements.

  1. 2015 September:    Planning for teacher exchange in Linnaeus–Palme exchange programme for Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Embu University College (EUC
  2. 2014 Aug–Sept:     Scholarly Capacity Building Exchange in Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Uppsala, Sweden
  3. 2010 (August):      Trained on Bee Biology and Pollination Ecology at the National Museums of Kenya
  4. 2010 (March):       Attended the 11th Student Conference on Conservation ScienceCambridge University, Cambridge, U.K
  5. 2009 (August) :      Attended12th Ph.D. Student Nordic Conference in Estonia
  6. 2008 (March):        Trained onCollembola Taxonomy Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  7. 2004 (November): Participated in the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Biannual Conference
  8. 2004 (December): Kenyatta University Postgraduate Seminar held between 6thand 10th December.
  9. 2003 (June): Participated in the African Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS) Conference: ICIPE, Kenya
  10. 2002: Trainedon data analysis and interpretation, SAS: ICIPE, Kenya

Awards Received by Dr. Jamleck Muturi John

In 1998, Dr. Muturi received an International award on Volunteerism by the Canadian Government.

Dr. Jamleck Muturi John’s Extracurricular Record of Activities

Currently, Dr. Muturi is an active member of the Entomology Society of Kenya (ESK), and he’s also a member of the Africa Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS). His membership dates back from the year 2013.

Other Professional Training and Skills Undertaken by Dr. Jamleck Muturi

  • 2009  School Administration:     KESI Nairobi
  • 2002 SPSS: Emmanex College Nairobi
  • 2001 Computer literacy, Ms-word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Power Point: Kenyatta University
  • 1997 Introduction to Computers: St. Cathrines College Canada

Dr. Jamleck Muturi’s Personal Interests

Reading motivational and Christian books, listening to Christian music, engaging in conservation activities, traveling and Nature walks.



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Alfred OnyuchoDr. Jamleck MuturiDr. Lydia NzomoPresident Uhuru KenyattaTSC ChairpersonTSC Commissioners