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Belio Kipsang Retains Education PS as President Ruto Reveals 51 PS List

Following the latest revelation regarding principal secretaries, a few principal secretaries from the previous regime managed to retain their positions.

Dr Belio Kipsang, former Principal Secretary for Education and Charles Hinga, former Principal Secretary for the Department of Housing and Urban Development were among those that managed to retain their PS positions and were granted the chance to serve in the current administration.

In February last year (2021), former President Uhuru Kenyatta dismissed Belio Kipsang from his post as the Principal Secretary for Education. However, Belio Kipsang has made a comeback to his position.

The appointment of Belio Kipsang as the accounting officer for Basic Education was revealed on Wednesday.

Kipsang managed to survive major changes that were done in the positions of principal secretaries after having served in the docket since the year 2013.

During the campaigns leading to the August 9 elections, Kipsang was among the principal secretaries in the previous administration who supported the then Deputy President and current President of Kenya Dr William Samoei Ruto. However, despite this, he was never sacked from his position.

Kipsang was moved from the Ministry of Education to that of East African Community and Regional Development in February of 2021 where he served as the PS in charge of Regional and Northern Corridor Development.

Kipsang’s appointment to the new position in February 2021 had been revealed by the previous head of public service Joseph Kinyua.

Following this, PS Julius Jwan replaced Kipsang after he had served as the PS for Vocational Training for eight years since the previous administration took office.

Previously, Julius Jwan had also served as the director of the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development.

According to sources, former Secretary of State for Education George Magoha had anticipated a crisis in schools regarding the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

Besides, there had been reports that there was a tense working relationship between CS Magoha and Kipsang over the administration of the ministry.

According to the reports, problems began when the Public Service Commission (PSC) deprived CS Magoha of powers to manage human resources. Following this, Kipsang took over after CS Magoha publicly ridiculed Uasin Gishu’s Education Director Gitonga Mbaka leading to a public outcry.

Kipsang was then moved to the Ministry of East African Community (EAC) as the PS in charge of Regional and Norther Corridor Development at the State Department of Regional Development.

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