Vision and Mission of the Kenya National Drama Festivals

The vision of the Kenya Drama Festival is to be a leading forum for our learners to showcase their artistic potential and talent for self and national development.
Its mission is to identify, nurture and develop the artistic potential and talent among our Kenyan learners by providing opportunities for self-expression and actualization.
Objectives of the Kenya National Drama Festivals
While the aim of the Festival is to provide an avenue for holistic learning among Kenyan learners, the objectives are to:
1. Facilitate the development of artistic potential and talent among Kenyan learners for holistic growth into responsible citizens;
2. Promote a sense of nationalism and patriotism;
3. Give the Kenyan learners an opportunity to acquire and develop positive values, attitudes skills, and competencies;
4. Provide a forum for the Kenyan learners to share and enrich their artistic experiences as individual Kenyans and as members of the East African communities;
5. Promote and raise positive perceptions towards peoples of other nations around the globe
6. Appreciate, develop, preserve and promote Kenya’s positive and diverse cultures among learners;
7. Promote Kiswahili, English, Kenya Sign Language and indigenous languages of the people of Kenya;
8. Provide a forum for the Kenyan learner to interact and co-exist peacefully as members of one cohesive Kenyan family;
9. Develop the participants’ eloquence in expressing their ideas and Feelings so as to enable them to communicate effectively and convincingly in their daily lives;
10. Educate and create awareness on topical and emerging issues affecting the society;
11. Provide an opportunity for edutainment and quality utility of time;
12. Promote social equality and responsibility;
13. Offer a forum for career awareness and choices in the creative and other industries.
Core Values of the Kenya National Drama Festivals
1. Professionalism;
2. Patriotism;
3. Peaceful co-existence;
4. Team work;
5. Integrity;
6. Discipline;
7. Inclusivity;
8. Transparency and accountability;
9. Sustainability.