TSC Gives Teachers Timely Gifts Ahead of Full Reopening

TSC Gives Teachers Timely Gifts Ahead of Full Reopening

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has given teachers looking for employment and promotions reasons to celebrate during this festive season.

Employment Letters (For Successful Applicants)

TSC is in the process of issuing Employment letters to teachers who applied for employment with the commission in October 2020.

TSC had advertised for 11,574 available teaching vacancies in September.

The teachers shall report to their TSC County Directors as of January 4, 2020, when schools fully reopen as directed by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta during the Jamhuri Day Celebrations. The teachers shall then be posted to their new stations.

The primary teachers will begin at Primary Teacher II (job grade B5) at a salary scale of Kshs. 21,756 up to a maximum of Kshs. 27,195 per month.

Deployment of P1 Teachers

TSC will continue issuing deployment letters to teachers who are qualified for promotion in October this year as well as those who were not posted but had applied last year.

TSC had advertised 1,000 promotional posts in 2019 and did the same thing this year.

Deployment Letter for Successful Applicants

The 1,000 posts were deserved for practicing P1 teachers with a degree and a C+ at KCSE and a C+ in two teaching subjects to teach in high school.

“I am pleased to inform you that your application for appointment as a secondary school teacher II(T-Scale 7) was a success. You are deployed to (name of school) to teach Mathematics/Chemistry,” read a deployment letter to a teacher in Nyamira County.

The deployed teacher shall be at job Grade C2 where they will earn a basic salary starting from Kshs. 34,955 up to a maximum of Kshs. 43,694.

After completing three years, the teacher will move to job grade C3, under the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG).

The Commission is issuing posting letters to teachers with science subject combination after they failed to do so last year when only art subject teachers were issued appointment letters.

All qualified P1 teachers shall be posted to secondary schools in time to reduce the shortage brought about by the 100% transition and bring staffing balance following the introduction of the new curriculum.

The TSC database indicates that at least 6,347 primary school teachers have a degree with a C+ in KCSE and a C+ in two teaching subjects and they qualify to teach in secondary schools.

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia revealed that the commission will promote 3,900 teachers this year.

Dr. Nancy Macharia also said that 55,000 teachers have been promoted in 2020 and 460 teachers interviewed. The 460 teachers will get promotion letters soon.

TSC extended the contract for the current serving interns for one more year. TSC barred current intern teachers who are still serving from applying for the 6,674 advertised internship posts in December. However, this raised concerns on the status of their ongoing contract that was to end this month.

Consequently, TSC renewed the contracts of the interns for one more year beginning January 4 next year.

The commission also increased the pay of interns under the new agreement. Interns in primary schools shall earn KES. 15,000 while their secondary school counterparts will receive KES. 20,000. This is sh. 5000 more for both categories of interns as compared to the KES. 10,000 and KES 15,000 that primary school and secondary school interns used to earn respectively.

TSC advertised a further 6,674 internship posts this month. Of this, 4,676 posts are for secondary schools while 1,998 posts are for primary schools.

The Teachers Service Commission said that this is part of the National Government post-COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Programme, announced on the seventh Presidential Address on the Coronavirus pandemic on May 23, 2020.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, TSC insists that applications shall be done online through the links www.tsc.go.ke or www.teachersonline.go.ke

The applications are to be received no later than Monday 14 December 2020.

TSC has already instructed the current intern teachers to report to their schools (stations) on January 4th and the new interns shall report 7 days later on January 11th of January next year.

Eligibility for Internship

In order to qualify to apply for the internship, the following are the requirements for applicants who seek to apply for the internship posts.

  • Be a Kenyan Citizen
  • Must be a registered teacher with the Teachers Service Commission
  • Be a holder of a P1 Certificate for primary schools and a minimum of a Diploma in Education Certificate for Secondary Schools;
  • Hold original academic and professional certificates;
  • Should not have been in previous employment with TSC as a teacher on permanent terms;
  • Must not have served as a teacher intern under the TSC teacher internship programme;
  • Be ready to be posted to any public educational institution in Kenya;
  • Must have a Personal Accident Insurance to cover for Personal risks during the Internship Period

Successful applicants shall be required to produce;

  1. A copy of the National Identity Card (ID) or Passport Certificate.
  2. A copy of Teacher Registration Certificate/print-out from TSC portal evidencing registration as a teacher;
  3. A copy of NCPWD Card (where applicable);
  4. A valid Certificate of Good Conduct;
  5. Two (2) colored passport size photographs.
  6. A copy of the NHIF card.
  7. A copy of KRA PIN.
P1 Teachers deploymentTSCTSC Employement lettersTSC Gifts to teachersTSC internshipTSC Promotions