TSC Warns On Circulating List of School Administrators

TSC Warns On Circulating List of School Administrators

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has broken the silence about the circulating documents on social media titled ‘TSC list of school administrators’. The commission says the list is fake.

The circulating document contains the real names of teachers employed by TSC. It also has individual Teachers Service Commission Registration numbers, name of the school, County, and the Teacher’s job designation.

TSC disowned the document claiming that it did not originate from them.

Through their official twitter handle, the commission through a tweet posted on Wednesday 9:53 PM of June 23, 2020, said the document is fake.

“A lengthy document circulating on social media and which contains names purporting to be of school administrators is fake”, read the TSC tweet.

The teachers’ employer further noted, “It (document) has not originated from TSC. Please ignore it”.

TSC Tweet on Fake list of school administrators. (Image/Twitter)

Public Response to TSC’s Tweet On School Administrators List

Several teachers responded to the TSC’s tweet with hard questions. Below are some of the responses.

THE VOICE (@MoseOmuko)

Who is the originator and where does that person obtain very confidential information of school heads and other admins from. Check and clean your house @tsc_ke

Alykey@khms (@AliKhamisi10)

The public is watching. You (TSC) should clean your house. There is more than one list of the same information.

Aketch (@aketchdenis7)

Going through the document, almost everything is real, from schools,TSC numbers to job group placements. These documents are leaked by some bloggers who are 98% ever right on matters TSC. If not tamed, they will make commission lose grip of authenticity. They expose other data anyhow.

@NICKS (@GenAgoi2)

I disagree, remember Knut also had the same number of administrators details whom they claimed to have been removed. You will also see that many schools have more than 2 principals like Kisumu day.TSC cannot make such an error. Some schools don’t have heads so how is it genuine? Ignore

Aketch (@aketchdenis7)

This irresponsibility is carried out by some known bloggers who are close to TSC officials at HQs. They share the information with admins of some FB groups who then compile them and start sharing them with no regard to the importance of data Protection, sad.

Erick Odeki (@OdekiErick)

Tsc aki si nyinyi mko na mambo, kila kiitu tu huwa fake, and where do they originate? Why is it only teachers maters that gets exposed always and not other professionals like secretariat, Nurses, Doctors, etc, why teachers only? You have to answer this

Ewoi Moses (@EwoiMoses1)

These bloggers are fond of circulating fake information, they include, newspoa, opera and, newstamu, they should be held responsible. Tsc has its head of communication.

George Ratemo (@JojjyG)

Next time you should be updating about the fate of the one exposing our details in your office. Branding documents originating from your office as fake always is losing track

Fake NewsSchool AdministratorsTSCTSC List of School Administrators