TSC to Principals: Uphold integrity in National Examinations

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has urged teachers to be professional and ensure cheating does not occur in this year’s national examinations.

Up to five national examinations are set to be done in all institutions of basic education this year, marking a historical record in the process.

TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Macharia implored principals to ensure that Grade 6, Class 8 and Form 4 candidates are prepared well to sit for their national examinations that are set to be done in 2020. This was revealed via a statement that was issued with the national examinations slated for this month.

“The positions of centre managers, supervisors and invigilators have, at times, been found involved in examination malpractice,” said Dr Nancy Macharia.

“While you are preparing to begin the third term of the 2021 academic year, I wish to remind all teachers to prepare candidates well and desist from trying to involve themselves in any malpractice during the examinations,” she said earlier.

The 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary education (KCPE) and the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations are scheduled to be done in the months of March and April.

On the other hand, 2022 Grade 6, KCPE and KCSE are all going to sit for their national examinations in November and December 2022.

“I am imploring you to familiarize yourselves with the CBC because the pioneer class of the CBC will join junior secondary school next year (2023),” she said.

According to the TSC CEO, a teacher’s role has drastically changed due to the changes in the curriculum. This means that teachers have to use different methods of instruction and assessment to ensure that students benefit individually and progress in a more meaningful manner.

“Teachers should be techno-savvy not just in accessing online educational resources and diversifying their modes of curriculum delivery but also accessing a whole range of automated services that the Commission offers,” said Macharia.

According to her the integration of ICT in learning will help teachers to improve their delivery of content and engagement in the classroom.

Dr Macharia implored teachers to adopt remote learning methodologies as a way of ensuring that learning goes as on even during global pandemics like the current COVID -19 pandemic.


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