TSC Vacancies for 6,674 Intern Teachers December 2020; Application, Deadline, Requirements, Salary

TSC Vacancies for 6,674 Intern Teachers December 2020; Application, Deadline, Requirements, Salary

The Teachers Service Commission has announced allowance for applications from candidates who are qualified teachers to apply for 6,674 teacher internship posts. The invitation for applications corresponds with the Government’s Initiative to build a pool of young talents for the Kenya Labour Market.

According to the advertisement, 1,998 slots are for applicants of primary schools while 4,876 are for secondary schools.

The internship slots are part of the National Government’s post-COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Programme that His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta made public during the seventh Presidential Address on the Coronavirus pandemic back on May 23, 2020.

Internship Duration

The Teacher Internship Programme lasts for a duration of one (1) year. The purpose of the programme is to equip and sustain the competencies of persons who are entering the teaching service.

The programme is for unemployed but registered teachers whom TSC will assign to learning institutions where they will get more teaching experience that will get boosted via mentorship coaching and exposure to the real teaching experience.

Requirements for Internship

Candidates interested have to meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be a Kenyan Citizen
  2. Must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission
  3. Must be having a P1 Certificate for Primary school teachers and have a minimum of a Diploma in Education Certificate for Secondary School teachers
  4. Must have original academic and professional certificates.
  5. Should not have previous employment with TSC as a teacher on permanent terms.
  6. Must be ready to go to any public educational institution TSC assigns them in Kenya.
  7. Must have a Personal Accident Insurance cover for personal risks during the Internship period.
  8. Besides, TSC shall require Successful applicants to produce a copy of their National Identity Card (ID) or a copy of their passport, a copy of their Teacher Registration Certificate/print-out from the Teachers Service Commission online portal evidencing their registration as teachers.
  9. A copy of the National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPWD) card (where applicable)
  10. A valid certificate of good conduct.
  11. Two (2) colored passport size photographs.
  12. A copy of the National Health insurance Fund (NHIF) card
  13. A copy of the Kenya Revenue Authority Personal identification Personal Number (KRA PIN)

How to Apply

If you are an interested candidate, apply ONLINE through the TSC Website www.tsc.go.ke under Careers or via the web address www.teachersonline.go.ke by Monday, 14 December 2020.

If you need more information on how to apply, and the available slots per County and institution, visit the TSC website (www.tsc.go.ke)

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has warned that they will not consider manual applications. Persons with disabilities (PWDs) are encouraged to apply for the slots as TSC is an equal opportunity employer.

The Salary Increment

As the internship is not a remunerative engagement, teacher interns have deservedly gotten a lift in their monthly stipend. Interns in Primary Schools will take home Kshs. 15,000 while their secondary school counterparts will get Ksh. 20,000.

Note that this amount is subject to statutory deductions. The statutory deductions are likely to reduce the amount by a small amount.

Internship Certificate

Every Intern gets an Internship Certificate after completion of their internship.

Covid-19December Interns applicationinternship application deadlineinternship requirementsinternship salaryTSC interns
Comments (2)
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  • joseph kasomi

    Can I apply on more than one county and how do I do it?

  • Amos.Langat

    yes up-to three counties