TSC Reveals When Interviews for Promotion of 2419 Teachers will Happen

TSC Reveals When Interviews for Promotion of 2419 Teachers will Happen

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to begin interviewing teachers for the promotion of 2,419 teachers in both secondary and primary schools.

A TSC brief has revealed that the Commission is set to interview teachers at regional and county levels starting from the 1st to the 12th of November 2021.

The vacancies teachers will be interviewed over were advertised recently and comprise positions of chief principals, principals, deputy principals, headteachers, deputy headteachers and senior teachers.

Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) and regions that are hard to staff are also set to receive promotions of 1,376 teachers. Besides, the Commission is going to carry out the promotion of teachers on affirmative action that will lead to progressive growth.

The promotions will be done according to the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) which have been in place since the year 2018.

The promotion interviews will be conducted the same week interviews for the advertised internship vacancies will be done.

The Commission is set to recruit 1,038 primary school interns while 957 interns will be posted to secondary schools.

The promotions are part of the signed 2021 -2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) which the Commission signed with the main teachers’ unions.

TSC has addressed the ASAL and hard to staff areas that have been suffering due to an acute shortage of teachers who look for transfers and flee the areas due to insecurity, inaccessibility, harsh climatic conditions among other reasons that make it difficult for the Commission to staff those areas.

The latest promotions should now help those areas with new teachers to fill those positions left unaddressed for a long time.

In the last year, the Commission has recruited more than one hundred thousand teachers, in following with the former 2017-21 CBA which ended on 30th June 2021.

For instance, out of the 100,000 teachers, more than 15,000 teachers were interviewed between December 2020 and February 2021. The rest (99,078) were promoted based on the commonly established cadre. Besides, 712 teachers and heads of institutions in ten ASAL areas were promoted and progressive grown based on affirmative action.

Once teachers interns have been interviewed, successful applicants are expected to report to their new stations in January next year.

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Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)Teachers Service Commission (TSC)TSC interview datesTSC interview questionsTSC interviews