TSC gives Teachers till 6th April 2021 to fill TPAD ratings

TSC gives Teachers till 6th April 2021 to fill TPAD ratings

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has set the deadline for teachers to fill and submit TPAD ratings by 6th of April 2021. This means that at the time of writing this article, teachers have three days left to fill their TPAD ratings.

This was communicated through in internal memo sent to all County Directors countrywide. The County Directors are to in turn inform school administrators that the Commission has directed filling and submission of term two TPAD shall close on 6th April and there will be no further extension.

This comes amid claims from teachers that the TPAD portal is unresponsive and does not even allow them to log in to their accounts to self-appraise or fill in other details.

“This morning the portal just loaded the first page but this took a while. After this an attempt to log in to my account did not succeed,” said one school principal from Homa Bay County.

This comes after TSC’s move to digital platforms. This includes services like teacher transfers and employment procedures.

According to the commission, by the beginning of this month, there was to be no paperwork.

The TPAD calendar of events is as shown below.

TPAD Activity
Action By
Time Frame
Planning meetings before school opening involving all staff to set school TPAD Activity calendar
Heads of Institutions, Senior Management Team, Teachers
By last week of the school holiday.
Submission of professional documents
Head of institution All Teachers
By the end of the first week of the term
Undertaking lesson observations and identifying and documenting teacher’s professional gaps
Appraisees and appraisers
  Between 2nd week ad 10th
Undertaking teacher professional development to address professional gaps
Appraises, appraisers, institutional administrators
Throughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
Internal Monitoring & Evaluation of the implementation of TPAD process.
Heads of institution, Deputy Head of Institution, Heads of Department
Continuous throughout the term
Monitoring the implementation of TPAD Process at county level; zonal, sub county & county
Curriculum Support Officers, Sub County Directors and County Directors
Throughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
TPAD rating meetings
Appraise (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD)
By the closing date of term
Uploading of TPAD data and evidence.
Appraise (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD)
Throughout the term

The TSC Circular regarding extension of TPAD deadline is shown below.


Following the communication made to all County Directors vide memo Ref: TSC/DQAS/DIR/49/VOL.11/32 and subsequent opening of the TPAD online system on II January 2021, there have been numerous inquiries on the term 2 and term 3 TPAD implementation.

The Commission would like to make the following clarifications:

  1. Performance Contract (PC): Performance Contract for heads of primary and secondary institutions is available on the TSC website.

The heads of institution are required to follow the PC calendar of activities which also provides that the PC should be downloaded and signed as required.

Once this has been done, the heads of institution are required to develop the Operational workplan which can be done on the TPAD online system.

2. Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD)

Due to the complexities cuased by the design of the TPAD online system, it has been decided that all data, for both term 2 and term 3 be done on the term that is now open i.e. term 2, 2021.

This means that teachers teaching grade 4, class 8 and form 4 can input the data on learners progress on the term 2 2021 portal and not on term 3 2021 as had ealier been communicated in the memo.

In this regard, all teachers are expected to fill term 2 2021.

3. It has come to the attention of the commission that some teachers have already appraised themselves and surprisingly have been appraised for term 2, 2021.

This is contrary to the TPAD Calendar of Activities which provides TPAD process.

The Head of institution were required to have customized the TPAD calendar provided in the TPAD online system and shared these requirement with the teachers when the schools were opened.

4. Lesson observation

The TPAD online system provides for lesson observation which should be done at least once a term.

However, it has been noted that some teachers have already uploaded data for last term (ter 2 2020) in the current term (term 2 2021).

This should be discouraged as it should be done for each term and as per the period of the term.

5. Missing schools

a list of schools missing from the TPAD system in your respective Counties should be submitted by 29th January 2021.

6. Mapping of schools

All teachers should be mapped in their respective schools, zones, sub-counties and counties respectively.

These rights have been assigned to the County Director and the County ICT officers.

7. A list of teachers yet to appear on the TPAD online system should be submitted by 29th January 2021 (kindly provide their TSC numbers and workstations).

Teachers should also create their TPAD accounts and this will remedy this situation.

8. Schools with no administrator

The County Director should assign rights to teachers to act as deputies and heads of institution so as to ensure that the appraisal process is completed at the school level.

9. Cancellation is done when there is inconsistency in the marks allocated and when there is suspicion of collusion between the appraiser and appraise and is only carried out by the countersigning officer.

10. Reversal

This option has been provided to TSC TPAD system administrators who can reverse a ‘not on duty’ procedure and also the appraisal especially when the teacher has chosen the wrong standards.

a. However, there have been many cases of not on duty which requires the teacher to indicate reasons why they are on duty such as leaves.

It should be emphasized that the not on-duty procedure is not a one-off button and therefore cannot be chosen by mistake.

Therefore, teachers should be asked to be keen as they fill in the appraisal.

b. Also recorded are the cases of teachers who have chosen the SNE standards.

Once the case is checked, it is noted that the teachers have already been appraised and even have a TPAD score.

Once an appraisal has been rated by the appraiser, it cannot be reversed.

Bring this information to the attention of the officers.



TSC has to solve the issue on TPAD and ensure that the TPAD portal is up and working fine as soon as possible.

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TPAD 2021TPAD calendar of activitiesTPAD deadline extendedTPAD portal