TSC Gives Conditions of Physical Visits, Advises Against It

TSC Gives Conditions of Physical Visits, Advises Against It

The Teachers Service Commission has implored anyone visiting their offices to opt for their online platforms to access their services. This comes amid the life-threatening global Coronavirus Pandemic that has rendered a cessation of movement for some time and strict social distancing conditions set by the Ministry of Health.

“You do not have to visit our offices to seek the services that we provide. We are encouraging everybody to use our online platforms,” said a memo sent to all teachers through Short Message Service (SMS).

There are many reasons why teachers or individuals who may want to make inquiries may visit TSC’s offices. These services include online registration on the T-Pay system issues and processing of TSC registration certificates. This forces individuals seeking these services to the offices of the commission physically. However, the commission would now prefer that you used their online platforms to access their services.

The ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic has caused a total shut down of almost every facet of the economy. Operations in public services have come to a standstill. For instance, the Ministry of ICT and Youth Affairs headquarters in Nairobi has been closed for ten days following the death of one of their employees.

The recruitment of teachers has also been affected by the novel Coronavirus. It remains to be seen how this will pan out but the reprieve for the government is that basic education institutions do not open until next year, as per the Ministry of Education.

Fortunately, for teachers, they will still be receiving their monthly salaries and will now get the fourth phase of salary increments under the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

There have been calls from members of the media for teachers to get a reduction of their salaries claiming that they are idle. However, the government escaped a timing bomb by continuing to give teachers their dues. Teachers’ unions have since come forth and said that teachers are still on duty if we can quote the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary-General Wilson Sossion.

“Children are at home and teachers still on duty. Teachers are ready to be recalled at any time and they are permanently on duty,” said KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion.

CBACollective Bargaining AgreementCovid-19TSC