The Most Useful Free Software For Students 2020, Number 8 Will Surprise You!

The Most Useful Free Software For Students 2020, Number 8 Will Surprise You!

We are enduring one of the most devastating global pandemics so far in the name of COVID-19 but learning is still ongoing, virtually at least. Anything to do with online learning will always involve a student possessing a personal computer or a laptop and a smartphone for a start. Learning in many private secondary schools and universities is now online only due to the closure of schools in March due to the novel coronavirus.

The option of postponing learning may come at a huge cost especially considering the fact that even virtual graduations are still happening despite the closure of universities. Therefore, if you keep deferring your programs, you will only be wasting precious time as you are always aging. You do not want to be in class in the future with your younger siblings, do you?

In these hard times, it is therefore important as a student to buy a good laptop and smartphone and get good software for that nice looking device. Besides, if you have been using a computer or a smartphone for a while and you are still not sure about the software you currently have, do not stop reading down. Here is the list of software we believe as a student you will need to give first priority because you need the space on your hard drive and you do not need to spend a huge chunk of the limited funds you have since you do not need to pay a penny.

1.            Zoom

Are you missing the group discussions that gave you a lift on those hard topics? Keeping in touch with those classmates of yours and your teacher or lecturer is a wise thing to do. This is where Zoom comes in. it is important software to conduct meetings and even attend lessons online.

As long as you have a desktop Personal Computer (PC) that has a webcam, or a good mobile phone that has a reasonably good camera too, then Zoom will help you conduct meetings and video calls. Zoom is not just limited to conducting official meetings as you can also use it to keep in touch even with friends and family.

Zoom offers up to forty minutes length of meetings and can involve a maximum of one hundred participants. Surely, this must be brilliant indeed. Besides, there are other features that Zoom offers like blurring of backgrounds, screen sharing, and scheduling of tasks. All this makes it one of the most important applications to have on your computer this year.

2.            LibreOffice

LibreOffice suite is compatible with Microsoft systems. This application is also incredibly adaptable as it can be used by people at home, students, and business people. To make it even better, this app is free of charge. You do not need to spend a penny to get it.

Unlike with Microsoft, LibreOffice does not require a one-off, monthly, or annual payment. While LibreOffice is seen by many as a true rival to the Microsoft Suite, it is also compatible with its rival too. Besides, it does not come with adverts like WPS Office. It has a word processor, presentation application, spreadsheet, video graphics editor, formulae app, and a database too. However, it does not come with a ribbon at the top of your screen, much like the older Microsoft Office Suites.

3.            Paint.Net

This great photo editor comes at no cost. This renders requiring photography or design course, not a must to be able to edit an image. You can do logo making, screen grabbing, photo retouching and so much more with this software. For users that are so demanding, this Paint.Net will surprise many, as it is available at no cost but has many useful features that you might not expect to find on free software.

Paint.Net is compatible with Mac and PC as well. It might be a great app with a lot of potential for the addition of more features but it supports plugins. It also boasts an impressive growing selection that is already available.

4.            Google Drive

You may already be familiar with this one though but we can stop but celebrate this amazing software. Storing your files on the cloud makes it convenient to access them from any device regardless of where you are. However, you will need to be connected to the internet. By using automatic backing up of your files, you will have insured yourself against losing your valuable files.

If the provided cloud storage is not enough for your files, you can upgrade easily to a package that suits your needs reasonably even with large amounts of storage.

5.            Evernote

This is a cloud-based notebook that is most suitable for gathering your work in one place especially with your research. You can keep your notes safely on Evernote because they offer up to 60 MB of data per month. This offer means it suits individuals who use text are likely to benefit more due to the limited cloud storage offered.

Evernote comes with a great web interface making it possible to access your documents from many devices like a computer in your office or the cybercafé where the application is not be installed.

6.            BitDefender Antivirus Free Edition

In terms of protection, this application is the go-to. It is morale boosting to know your files are safe and you do not need to worry about any prying eyes. Besides, you need to stay clear of any ransomware that may even encrypt your important papers and render them useless. BitDefender Antivirus Free Edition is one of the best free antivirus software available and it is fast and has an excellent detection of malware. It does not contain add-ons that you might never find useful.  However, it has anti-phishing and anti-fraud capabilities that will keep your stuff safe as you bank or do shopping online.

7.            EaseUS Todo Back Free

For those who are doing projects to accomplish their academic milestones, they know that you have to keep your work safe from malicious attacks and detection. Sometimes even your hard drive can go about just before you approach the presentation day and you can lose your mind over it.

EaseUS Todo Backup Free protects your documents well and it backs them up quickly automatically when you sign up. It easier just restoring your backed-up files than losing then altogether.

8.            Whatsapp

Staying in touch with colleagues, friends, and family is important in our lives. Whatsapp more than provides a good communication channel in this aspect. You are able to use the application on your computer besides the mobile Whatsapp. One of the advantages of using Whatsapp is the end-to-end encryption, which keeps your messages safe from malicious interception. Video calls are also supported and group calls of up to a maximum of four people.

To use the app on your computer, you just download it from iTunes or Windows Store and then scan the QR code on your computer’s screen with a smartphone. You can then login and synchronize your messages.

BitdefenderBitDefender Antivirus Free EditionEasUs Todo Back FreeEvernoteFree SoftwareGoogle DriveLibreOfficePaint.NetWhatsappZoom