The Do’s and Don’ts When Guiding and counseling Students

The Do’s and Don’ts When Guiding and counseling Students

So, what are some of the things that a guidance and counselling teacher should or shouldn’t do during the counselling session?

Before we dive into the topic, let’s start by understanding the basics of guidance and counselling.
Counseling is a process of being assisted and guided by a trained person on a professional basis, to resolve especially personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties.

Counselling is not giving advice or attempt to sort out the problems. It is a talking therapy to listening, helping and finding ways to deal with the emotional issues of an individual.

As like others, student counselling is also very essential to build up a strong and self-confidence society. It is helpful for the student to prepare and stick to their study plan and to find answers to various study related problems as well to engage in healthy student life.

Benefits Of Guidance And Counselling A Student

  • Students will be able to develop specific problem-solving skills which to an extent help them deal with particular issues surrounding their lives.
  • It helps to shape a student’s behavior.
  • Proper guidance helps the students to achieve their goals.
  • Students learn how to live friendly and peacefully with others in the school community and society.
  • It allows student to talk to teachers about the problems that disturbing him. He can openly share problems that they cannot share with their parents or with other relations.

Do’s When Guiding And Counselling

1. Develop a Relationship

This is very essential for guiding and counselling a student. A teacher can build a relationship by starting a conversation. It helps to know about the phycology of the student and what kind of problems or difficulties he is facing. This relationship can act as a bridge between a student and a teacher.

2. Draw on Past Experience with the student

Every new academic year brings new students with different personalities, background, and problems. Use techniques that worked last year for dealing with “bad students” but stay open to new approaches.

3. Work with patience

Guidance and counselling is not an overnight process it takes times. Put yourself in the right frame of mind and try to understand the students with emotional and behavioral problems. But avoid deeming them slackers or attention seekers and work on being as patient as possible.

Don’ts When Guiding and Counseling

a. Don’t Share Client’s Info with others

Don’t share the personal difficulties or problems of a specific student with others; this can leave an adverse impact on him. Others may make fun or criticize him for those problems. A student may lose his confidence and hesitate to share the issues with others. Confidentiality is of utmost value in guidance and counselling.

b. Avoid Scolding

When guiding and counselling a student who is being disruptive, take them aside to explain the problem rather than scolding them in front of their friends. Ensure that they know the problem is with the behavior – not them – and how you expect them to behave moving forward.

c. Don’t Put Pressure

Good counsellor always works with the student in a friendly way and help him to sort out from the problems he is facing and try to find out the solution. If the counselor put Pressure on the student, it can develop depression or other mental issues that can damage their self-esteem.


To maintain a high degree of professionalism, the guidance and councelling teachers should adhere to the ethics of the profession. They should therefore never forget the above do’s and don’ts. This will enhance trust between the councillors and the student clients.

Guidance and Counseling