Students to be Educated on Tax

Students to be Educated on Tax

Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) is set to work with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in a bit to add tax education to the syllabus of secondary school.

During the launch of a tax club at Kyeni Girls, the KRA Northern Rift Region coordinator Nicholas Kinoti said that besides Kagumo High School (located in Central Province) and AIC Chebisaas Boys (located in Rift Valley), tax education syllabus will be integrated into three more schools.

According to Nicholas Kinoti, the content that will be taught comprises a variety of tax administration matters such as the meaning of tax, uses of tax, the tax auditing process and the mandate of KRA.

“This partnership is intended to maintain and administer tax training in the Competency-Based Curriculum to equip learners with the appropriate tax education and nurture them to grow to become responsible taxpayers,” said Kinoti.

Kinoti also revealed that the reforms that are going on in the education sector have resulted in a better opportunity for KRA to introduce tax education in schools and help learners who will be responsible and patriotic citizens who will be responsible taxpayers.

“We expect students to be our ambassadors in training and creating awareness on taxation which will also go a long way in alleviating the ignorance in terms of tax for the commoner,” added Kinoti.

In Kinoti’s view, the project will bring a substantial change among taxpayers and create efficiency in the taxation process and voluntary compliance.

However, when pressed on why they have not brought in more schools on the initiative, Kinoti revealed that those schools are not yet tax compliant.

The Principal of Kyeni Girls hailed the move saying that the move will come a long way in making Kenyans understand and appreciate their obligation of paying tax.

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Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC)Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD)Kenya Revenue AuthorityTax education