School Heads Demand TSC to Absorb All Intern Teachers to Permanent Terms

School Heads Demand TSC to Absorb All Intern Teachers to Permanent Terms

School Principals and Headteachers have demanded that the Teachers Service Commission TSC absorbs the currently employed Internship teachers to permanent and pensionable terms.

Through their Associations, the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association KESSHA, and  Kenya Primary Schools Heads Association KEPSHA, the institutions heads appreciated TSC for recruiting a total of 6,000 teachers, both for Primary and Secondary Schools, but demanded immediate absorption of intern teachers.

“ We take this opportunity to thank the Commission for the recruitment of teachers for both secondary and primary (5000 posts and 1000 posts respectively)”, read the joint statement signed Associations Chairpersons INDIMULI KAHI and NICHOLAS GATHEMIA.

The heads applauded TSC’s good intention of recruiting interns but claimed that the intention may not be realized following the recruitment guidelines issued on 1st September 2020 (TSC/Adm/192A/VolIX/88 Circular No. 10/2020).

“Madam (TSC CEO) the intern teachers were recruited in the schools to address the needs in a particular school, they went through the recruitment process and qualified”, explained the statement.

The joint team however said, “While the guidelines allocate more marks for intern teachers, their subjects were not advertised in the schools they were recruited and this will make them seek recruitment in schools where their teaching subjects have been advertised and hence creating a gap in the first school again”.

In their proposal the heads want the interns absorbed directly in their current working stations.

“We propose that intern teachers be absorbed directly in their current stations since they had already gone through the recruitment process”, read the statement.

Additionally, the heads said that the absorption of intern teachers will act as a motivation for future intern recruitment.

The group further requested TSC to advertise for vacancies in schools that had the intern teachers. This they said will facilitate smooth absorption of the teachers into permanent and pensionable terms.

TSC Recruitment Interviews

On the 1st of September 2020, TSC advertised for recruitment vacancies that saw intern teachers left out. The interns were however told to apply and that they would have a 10 marks advantage over the rest of the teachers.

As per the current recruitment schedule, it was expected that interviews would run in through this week after the shortlisting of the applicants.

So far, TSC has not given any official update concerning the delays, or any information why the list of applicants has not reached the County Directors, 2 weeks after the application window ended.

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Intern teachersKEPSHAKESSHATSC internsTSC internshiptsc interview requirementsTSC Recruitment September 2020